
A “New” Money System (always known about but never put in practice)

Posted in Money, Political History, Uncategorized by Earthling on March 3, 2017

I have blogged about the two major control factors which run this world – Money (the reality of it) and Law (the “legal personality”) for many years now.

Unfortunately, there is scant interest from the vast majority of the “unwashed masses” who forever wonder why things never get any better while they vote “left” out and “Right” in and vice versa for decades and centuries. They complain, they bitch and moan and EVERYTIME the controllers offer up a “New Messiah” speaking words that resonate with them (that is what they do and always have), those “great unwashed” swallow it all, gobble it up and, for a while, get all excited at the prospect – and forlorn hope (hope is ALL you ever get) – of change.

However, there never will be any. Why? Because as you have just shown once more, you’re so easily led into believing AGAIN that the new guy in the Oval Office really is “change”. I could go into why he’s not but that is not the point of this blog.

The point of this blog is to bring it to your attention, once more, that there are people in this world – even today – who know there is no need for the existing money system and that it is, in fact, a con and the scourge of humanity. It is the reason for all our ills, our depressions, our desperation, our murders, hate, anger and wars. Not ALL but most. Some will say “No, it’s religion” but what is organised religion? It is all to do with spiritual and temporal power over masses and that power is gained by riches (money). Remember, money is just a means, it is not the end goal.

This post is called “A ‘New’ Money system” but, in fact, it is not new at all. It has always been known of, just never put into practice because, if it were, those who have ruled would rule no more. The “legal personality” is the mechanism, in law, by which those who own and control the money system today, have been able to “engineer” it.

Yes, there are “bloodlines” and these bloodlines must maintain and further their power to the point that “The meek shall inherit the earth”. The “meek” is not you and I. The “meek” (in THEIR bible) is them.

So, onto the articles worth reading:

Well, first, let me re-post one of the most significant and telling responses from the US Federal Reserve Chairman ever put on record:

He doesn’t say HOW, of course, but he DOES say “Yes” it is possible for a nation to have a currency without a national debt. And it is NOT just because private banks could issue it. Private Banks are “legal persons”. YOU are a “legal person” (ignore, for the moment, that the legal person itself is a con). The point right now is that a LEGAL PERSON (of any nature) CAN ISSUE MONEY – so YOU can! This is not a theory, it is a FACT!

Now, to President Roosevelt:

Bighamton Press, Sept 14th 1934.

bighampton-press-sept-14-1934-1 bighampton-press-sept-14-1934-2

Just as a Corporation is given “Legal Personality” by the law/Government, Trade Unions also are afforded “legal personality”. You would think the, therefore, that ALL persons are equal before the law right? WRONG! Why? Well those who are the majority Stakeholders in Corporations also have majority stakes in Banks and the Federal Reserve Private Banks. So who do you think has the say toward government and the power of money behind them? You have to understand that Roosevelt knew this. He was not a stupid man! So while he talked a good talk…..

Now to Woodrow Wilson: An article from not long before he became President and ushered in the Federal Reserve Act.

From “The Sun” September 25th 1910 (not the British rag):







“Guilt is always PERSONal” but the Corporation IS a “person” in law, therefore, those who truly own and control the Banks (also “persons) and Corporations are as if they are protected by the greatest of force fields. They can direct policies of any nature which is anti – public or individual or environmental and it is PEOPLE who drive these policies. Yet, it is the Corporation itself (a fictitious “person” existing by means of its own “birth certificate”, the Articles of Incorporation agreed to by the State) which is sued – if at all. A Corporation cannot be committed to jail for fraud or any other crime but the actual flesh and blood persons could IF this “force field” was removed.

Did Woodrow Wilson remove it while President? Not at all. In fact, he strengthened it plus he oversaw the introduction of the Federal Reserve and the IRS!

So now, let’s turn to E.C.Riegel – a name that many will not have heard of (but you MAY have heard of a man by the name of Mike Montagne who has claimed the originator of the MPE – Mathematically Perfected Economy – idea). No doubt Mr Montagne has worked on the idea for many years in great detail but the reality of money was known to many others – well known and not so well known – many years/decades, perhaps even centuries beforehand. The above indicate why such a money system has never been allowed to be put in place. The following describes what that money system, essentially, is.



  1. For a Person to exert Money Power is natural and wholesome (for “person” assume individual and that no such “Corporate Persons” exist).
  2. For the state to exert Money Power is unnatural and perverse.
  3. Until the state acquired Money Power, the state was, at worst, a parasite upon the economy; with the Money Power, it became a perverter of the economy. Men no longer merely tolerated it, they sought the exercise of the money power in their favour.
  4. Thus, man’s attitude toward the state and the state’s power over man were completely altered.
  5. Out of man’s motive of winning benefits from the state grew various political “ideologies” designed to screen the acquisitive purposes of their proponents.
  6. Thus the acquisition of the money power by the state marked a politico-economic revolution as it gave to the state the power, through fiscal policy, to control the economy and turned men’s minds from private enterprise to methods of its political control and perversion.
  7. Our present type of state should be identified as the monetary state and distinguished from the pre-monetary state.
  8. Money power exerted by the state is inescapably perverse; the monetary state is a frustrator of all aims of economic and political liberty.
  9. In the exercise of the money power, the state is driven inevitably from the libertarian forms of democracy and republicanism to the autarchic forms of fascism, socialism and communism.
  10. These are distinguished only by the manner in which the state’s money power is exercised but derived from one theory – that the exertion of money power is a function of the state.
  11. The grand issue is between the monetary state of today and the de-monetized state of tomorrow, wherein man will assert exclusive money power under the principle that only producers may create money.
  12. Thereafter the politico-economic issues that now exist will be no more, for the state will have lost its power to inflect the economy either to the left or to the right.
  13. The aim is not to pose a political revolution but to induce a revolution in thinking of money and an evolutionary movement through local, non political, action to establish a private enterprise money system independent of the existing political money system.


A Non-Political Money System

by E. C. Riegel

Copyright 1944

In the preface to the book, the author says this:

The life of modern man depends upon his mastery of money.

Our political money system is breaking down and must be displaced by one that serves the needs of modern exchange. Otherwise our civilization will perish.

As technological improvements tend to specialize and confine each man’s production, the need for the exchange of products increases, and, therefore, man’s dependence upon money makes the mastery of this vital agency more and more imperative.

Production grows more mechanical, while consumption, on the other hand, has no machine technique; it still operates by our hands and bodies. Therefore there can never be mass consumption to coordinate with mass production. Consumption remains private and individual. Production grows more interdependent——requiring the coordination of many machines and many hands——while the function of consumption cannot be shared or mechanized; it is human, individual, self-dependent.

To fulfill the function of consumption (without which production is purposeless) the individual must be, as buyer, a self-starter and self-stimulator, and therefore, money power, sufficient to buy his production, must be at the command of every man. Otherwise the people cannot coordinate their consumption with their production and this deficiency causes the production machine to clog and recoil with vicious consequences. Not only are these economic results painful in themselves, but they cause the people to turn to political intervention as a remedy, and this complicates the problem and increases the peril.


Our mass production power must be balanced by our individual buying power and our buying power is dependent upon our individual money-creating power. Money cannot meet modern needs by descending to the people; it must rise from them. Until this is comprehended mass production must continue to miscarry. We, as consumers, must literally make money or be stymied. Government cannot assume this responsibility for us. Every individual producer must exert the right and assume the duty of creating money, if there be need therefore, to buy the value of his own production. There cannot be full distribution of wealth without full distribution of money power. He who would make must also take——in ratio. Each of us must have the ability to create fountain pen money with our own hands. Machine production must be coordinated with handmade money.

Recurrent business slumps, mal-distribution, over-production, unemployment, panics and depressions are but the gentler reminders that our industrial life is in danger. In the end war presses a gun against our head with the demand——money or your life. Must our economic and political maladies be compounded into periodic cataclysms and our civilization be destroyed before we master money?

Typical of the stress laid by economists upon the need for sustained purchasing power is the following quotation from “The Dilemma of Thrift” written in 1926 by William Trufant Foster and Waddill Catchings:

“In fact, adequate, sustained consumer-demand would do more than any other means now within human control toward increasing wealth, abolishing poverty, maintaining employment, solving labor problems, increasing good will among men generally, and maintaining the peace of the world. No means of preventing war holds out such large immediate possibilities as this… It is, therefore, difficult to exaggerate the importance of finding a means of sustaining purchasing power. The next world war, if it does come, may well be the last war——at least the last war in which the present nations will have any interest, for it may well destroy civilization itself.”

Well, “the next world war” has come and is upon us, and whether or not it is leading to the destruction of civilization will not be determined by the outcome of the military phase of the war. The issue cannot be determined by military victory. Its cleavage is not the battle front. Both Axis and Allied Nations are committed to the system of government-created purchasing power, whether they be classed as fascist, communist or democratic. The broad question that will determine the fate of humanity is whether the evil practice of synthetic buying power by governments shall continue to the inevitable collapse of the social order or whether the producer of wealth will exert his natural buying power and thus avert disaster.

Without reservation I assert that the whole fate of society hinges upon the one question of whether it can at this critical juncture gain mastery through the mastery of money and thus coordinate purchasing power with producing power. The issue is——money or your life.

——E. C. Riegel

In the introduction, his first words are:

Man has two major problems. His first problem is: HOW TO PROSPER. His second problem is:


The solution of one is the solution of the other. It lies in the understanding and exercising of his inherent money power through a non-political money system.

Because man has not mastered the problem of achieving prosperity, he has turned to government for its solution. Thus he has complicated his problem, for government offers no solution to the problem of prosperity, while its intervention in this primary problem brings the additional problem of how to govern government. When government undertakes to solve man’s problem for him it undertakes the mastery of society and it cannot be both master and servant. Thus it has failed in both spheres. By intertwining the prosperity problem with the political problem man has snarled the threads and no solution of either is possible without separation.


The present money system has three basic evils:

It permits money to be issued privately, only by a limited number of persons and

corporations who have bank credit, and makes such credit subject to fee. Thus it establishes credit as a privilege rather than a right, and makes it an object of profit rather than a utility to further the production and distribution of wealth. It denies to producers generally the right to issue money, thus making it impossible to expand buying power to potential producing power. This results in defeating the mass production system.

It permits the government to issue unbacked money. The only way the government could

back its money issues would be to go into the production of goods and services; and this would compete with private business. Thus the problem offers the two horns of a dilemma, both of which lead to socialization. If it backs its money issues with goods and services (and there is no other way it can be backed), it executes a frontal attack on private enterprise. If it issues money without backing it (as it is doing), it executes a flank attack on private business through inflation——since to issue money without creating equivalent values is to inflate.

It permits ambitious or designing or fanatical men who are in control of government to

light the fires of war, threatening the lives and fortunes of untold millions. This terrible power lies solely in the political money system since armaments spring from money and money springs from government fiat, whereas it should spring only from the fiat of the people who would thus hold the veto power.

It is a fantastic book which leads the reader to a far better understanding of what freedom actually means (Americans belief in their “Land of the free” is just so naive as they keep swinging between their Democrats and Republicans, just as we do here in the UK with Labour and Conservative and just about every other nation does. Even in the autocratic countries, the money power is still exerted by the state and controlled by the global banking fraternity.

Until we break this, you can vote to your heart’s delight and, as you, your parents and your parents’ parents have seen, nothing changes. Well. it does, but never positively. It takes two parents to work to keep a family afloat today while the feminists THINK they have done themselves and the world population a favour. They actually have no idea what they have done and how they were manipulated into doing it.

Schenectady Gazette, 26th December 1933:


Brooklyn Daily Eagle, December 29th 1913


Now, I’ve blogged long and hard over years about this subject – Money and law. I’ve introduced you to MPE (Mathematically Perfected Economy) and have strived to explain, again and again, what money actually is AND what “the law” and “legal person” actually are.

People say to me “Well, if you’re so smart DO something!” However, NOTHING can be done without this knowledge being imparted to everyone and and a vast number of people “feeling” it so much that they are determined to act, together. However, the vast number of people just want an easy life. The irony is they complain that their lives aren’t easy and guess what? THIS is why!

Oy veh! Just keep paying your dues!

NB: The quotes of Thomas Jefferson are oftentimes used wrt money and banking – such as follows:

“I sincerely believe… that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.” ~Letter to John Taylor, 1816

But even Jefferson (and many today who keep talking about Gold and Silver and that money should be issued by the state tax free) either have gotten it wrong OR they have an agenda. Jefferson wanted the State to be in control rather than private bankers, however, as is clear and obvious from the foregoing, neither the state nor the banks – neither of whom are producers of any kind – should have the power of issue of money. We, the producers, have the only true right to do so.


Alex Jones, David Icke, Gold and the MPE challenge

Posted in Money by Earthling on February 1, 2014

But will they take it?

They never have until now. They will not even touch the subject. When it comes to the monetary system, they all talk about gold, the FED, Bitcoin, Fiat currency. They make it all sound good too making almost the entire alternative movement, including the tea party, the Ron Paul crowd, the Von Mises institute believers et al, believe that Banks “create money out of thin air”. And it is that very phrase which is the con. As long as you all keep believing that, the banks and those who control money have you just where they want you. PositiveMoney the same thing. ALL of them state:



While we have this guy ( a guy I actually quite respect for his balanced, calm presentation and consideration of issues), David Knight, laughs at something which, in fact, need not be laughed at in reality – not that the girl presenter who Knight laughs at would know that she was, in fact, on to something.

Icke, Jones, Max Keiser, Bill Still and his “The Money Masters” and the cartoon of the Goldsmiths lending out IOUs then the FED being founded and that they just “print money” – ALL of it giving you 99% fact but ALL of it missing the 1% which truly kills the bankers and their entire infrastructure. Why do Jones and Icke etc etc etc ignore,


I’ll tell you why. Because MATHEMATICALLY PERFECTED ECONOMY DOES THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN JOB THAT NO OTHER VERSION OF A SOLUTION THEY MAY ALL SPEAK OF DOES. The entire list of physical manifestations of money which are proffered as solutions (AND problems in fact) are RED HERRINGS whether the pushers of such solutions understand it or not. It is SO very very important that people grasp this otherwise there is no progress to be made in relation to the theft of the world’s population’s wealth. Even those who promote a “Resource based” economy are in error.

I know how many people there are out there who believe gold is money (“because it’s scarce and because, in the US Constitution it says so”) and, when it comes down to it, it is that scarcity of the metal which gives gold its “premier place” as a commodity which people want to possess. But, what if, for example, astronauts had found an even scarcer metal when on the moon? Just work with me here please? Let’s say it had properties which were even more useful than gold while it shone even more brightly. Would people (and our governments) then wish to have the moon mined so as to bring as much of the stuff down here and then adopt it as “money”? Think about it. Any commodity whatsoever is a commodity which is valued, by some, highly and by others, perhaps, not even valuable at all. If there was a nuclear holocaust and we were left with pockets of humanity trying to survive, would those people be trawling the earth to find gold or would they be looking for simple shelter and food and, perhaps, medical supplies? What would be the value of gold to them? Bricks and wood in good condition would far outstrip the value of gold. What could they DO with gold?

A pile of nice shiny gold bars

And it’s no use saying “Ah but that is just a fictional, imaginary scenario” because, when assessing all of this, one must consider such possibilities to enable one to recognise the fundamentals. The fundamental here is that gold, or bit coin, or silver, moon rocks, paper and yes, even the digits on a computer are commodities – yes digits on a computer are when they represent currencies because currencies can be and are invested in. It is exactly what George Soros is renowned for – and commodities such as these, with the exception of digits and bit coin, have their own intrinsic value as a physical “thing” which shall have uses in various production just like oil, food, water and all other metals, minerals etc. We could adopt anything as “money” – and when I say “money”, I mean the PHYSICAL representation of it.

So, back to the girl reporter for a moment. She asks “What backs gold”? That question is not, in fact, is NOT as stupid as Knight makes out. The answer lies in history and people’s demand for the commodity. They demand it because it was, and is, “projected” to them that “If you own gold, you are rich” but you are only so because, somewhere down the historical line, people (Kings, Queens, Governments) surrounded themselves by it and proclaimed it to be valuable. They hoarded it and gave it out as they wished as a valuable asset to those who received it. Gold was and is as “fiat” as the paper we now use. The point is that it doesn’t matter what we choose to adopt as our physical representation of money (even if it is, ultimately, not physically represented but simply in the form of digits in a computer which are allocated to a given name. What matters is that we all understand exactly what the manifestation of that “money” represents no matter how it is manifested.


As long as we keep missing this fundamental point and do not allow ourselves to understand what money truly is and how it derives its value, then the bankers will continue to “rape” this world of its energy and vitality and become the owners of every last commodity and resource on planet earth (and off it). They are, after all, owning the air (CO2), the sun (regulating who and where is allowed to harvest that energy) and the rain. They own the oil, the crops (Monsanto); they decide what medicines we may use. They own it all. It is ownership (through the con of the legal fiction enabled by legislation which they pay/bribe for) which they ultimately want, not a physical manifestation of money. Money is the vehicle by which they acquire the power they want. That power is given to them through legislation which makes them LEGAL owners of everything. The corporations are owned by the bankers because the corporations take on debt and that debt/money is in the bankers’ ownership – no-one else’s. The banks decide which companies live and which die from the smallest to the largest multinational. However, the bankers (not the banks) decide even which banks live and which die. The money these people have is simply a representation of their wealth which, in turn, is a representation of power and control and it is, ultimately, power and control they desire and are getting.

Let’s take two words:

1. Issue

2. Create.

There is a vast difference between the two. In the context of what we are discussing here, “To issue” means to distribute or circulate or publish. This, in fact, is precisely what banks do. Banks actually own nothing. Nothing at all. The money they have on either side of their ledger, does not belong to them. They did not generate the value which backs it. They cannot because a bank is a Corporation. It is a dead “person” (legal person) which only exists on paper and is given powers (to ISSUE money) by legislation. It cannot do work to create money.

“To create” means to cause something to happen out of one’s actions. A bank is dead, it cannot create anything. “To bring something into existence”, “to generate or produce, design, fabricate, build, construct, erect, do”. A bank does not DO anything. It cannot CREATE anything. It cannot CREATE money. It can only be given the legal power to ISSUE money.

You have heard of “a run on the bank”. Why is a bank so scared of this? Because it would be left with not a cent in its vaults. Why? Because every last cent belongs to someone else. A human! Those cents REPRESENT value and the only value which exists is that which WE create.


And this is precisely what MATHEMATICALLY PERFECTED ECONOMY explains to you while it also, then, goes on to explain how the banks and the legislators (governments) have worked hand in hand to obfuscate (obscure) the reality of this. Why? Because the bankers want their ultimate goal (power) and they syphon off a small portion of the money, which is pumped through to them, to the legislators so as to ensure the legislators keep legislating in their favour. The legislators (governments) are also in debt to the bankers so they are powerless to stop them and, while the legislators get (relatively to you and I) far richer by bowing to these bankers, they continue with the entire con.

MATHEMATICALLY PERFECTED ECONOMY describes how we arrive at what is a true and incorruptible representation of our value. It describes how, by way of ridding ourselves of banks entirely (they are simply a middleman thieving our personal wealth) and eradicating interest, while extinguishing such a thing as “loans” which are simply the banks representations of our own value which we create, we can arrive at a point (very easily then) where money is what it actually is and always should have been: a true representation of our value and our creations while acting as a means of exchange. It is not corrupted by currency markets and charging of interest which creates inflation and deflation. Any one of the physical commodities mentioned, if considered by themselves as money rather than purely representations of value, will be and is corruptible by becoming an investment in itself rather than purely a representation of all our investments and value exchanges and, as such, will be prone to inflationary and deflationary forces.

For a more specific summary of what MPE (Mathematically Perfected Economy) is, please see this blog:

And please do not let the name, Mathematically Perfected Economy, put you off. It is, in its essentials, no more complex than 1+1= 2. The problem for many people seems to be that their difficulty to grasp it is actually in its simplicity and reality. It’s as if they say “There is no way we could have been hoodwinked for so long by something so simple. It MUST be more complex than this.”

It’s not. And it never has been.

If you’re a university student, you probably know all about this:


Then, as a university student, we have to assume (no matter what your subject) you have the intelligence of grasping what Mathematically Perfected Economy is telling you. Not only would you eradicate that interest laden debt which makes you a slave the rest of your life (including the other massive debts you will encounter such as a mortgage and many more), but you would eradicate the debt itself because there would be no need for such a thing as a loan. There are over 2 million university and college students in this country (the UK) alone. Why do you not all take the time to study something in your spare time which would allow you all to drop that debt and learn the subjects and find careers which you truly wish to? The opportunity is being handed on a plate to you and with 2 million of you sharing this information and learning it, your future lives would be transformed (as it would for us all).


David Icke: Accepts donations from “cancer causing” company

Posted in Media by Earthling on January 11, 2014

“We shall NEVER accept sponsorship or advertising from companies we are likely to investigate or which are negative towards the health and well-being of people” – David Icke

This is a fact which ALL at TPV know. We were ALL told that and the man was very firm (rightly) on the point.

He also states it on his videos when asking for donations and sponsorship/advertising.

I wrote about this in my first blog on the subject: “David Icke: The turd in the punchbowl”.

I have also given absolute factual evidence (OFCOM, Handicapped kids, Poll tax issue) that David Icke does not walk his talk and he never will when it does not suit him.

Now, I wish to bring your attention to the following – the list of sponsors who contributed £1000 to the original £300K donation drive:

TPV £1K sponsors

No cancer there right? Yup, that’s absolutely right. Nothing in that list which, as I’m aware anyhow, could lead to cancer.

David Icke and TPV would not wish to list a donator/sponsor which was highly questionable would he? Of COURSE not! But would he still accept money from them but just quietly, without listing them and thanking them?

Yes, he would and while one cannot determine for sure that this company following, has donated that sum of money or not, I ask you to consider that, with the sum being undisclosed, yes it could be an undisclosed sum of £1 but please, don’t make a fool of yourself and really believe that. Undisclosed sums are, most frequently, undisclosed because they are large. Sure, it could still be only £500 or even £250 or £100 – I do not dispute that could be the case – but you and I and “the people” will never know shall we? A private limited company being funded by another private limited company gives you no right to that information (and that is the way our “law” is and every single one of you – Icke believer, skeptic or whatever – despise that very fact because you know as well as I do that the legal ideology of the “Corporate person” is a huge part of what is oppressing us AND it allows for as much “occult” dealings as Freemasonry or any other secret society. These are facts and ALL of you – no matter what side of the fence you’re sitting on – know it.

So here we have (Electronic cigarettes) funding “The People’s Voice” and Mr Icke, desperate on funds remember – has been accepting donations from them. Not just once but FIVE (correction: THREE) times. He cannot then say that this donator has not come to his attention. IF he does, by saying “Oh FFS I don’t look at all donators and check them out!” then his entire statement above is bullshit because, in the short time I was there (you can read it), we had to be VERY sure (i.e. due diligence and consideration) of who we approached asking for donations/sponsorship from. IF he even thinks of turning round and saying he doesn’t look at the list and no-one in his team does, then it may as well be Pepsi or Coke donating. That said, do you think for one second that if Pepsi or Coke DID show up as a donator, and let’s say it was for £10K, that TPV would turn around at this point and say “No thanks”? IF you do, you’re naive as hell and yet, they’d have to because that would just be too obvious wouldn’t it? So, with this one, it’s a case of them thinking “No-one is going to pick up on that and cause an issue for us”. Well David, too bad son. I just have and I always intend to hold your feet to the fire and call you out for every hypocritical, bullshitting statement you make.Eliquid


But hey, they’re calling him a legend. You massage that ego and he’s gonna love you. He’s never gonna turn round and say “You won’t think I’m a legend when I tell you I’m not accepting your donations”.

One other thing, “Come on people, please dig deep!!” Does this sound like a company that has just donated a quid or two? 😉

FIVE (correction: THREE) times they’ve donated. So let’s even say it’s 3 x £100. Let’s say it’s 3 x£1. It doesn’t matter. It could be 3 x £1000 or more. You will NEVER know and how would Mr Icke show and prove he had returned the donations even if he told you he had? And why am I saying Icke? Icke isn’t TPV’s director it’s Sean “THE GUARDIAN OF THE GATES OF THE ETHOS”. Well Ickey, here’s your ethos being tested BIG STYLE! You really don’t like me do you? And yet all I do is hold you to your word Icke. That is ALL I ever do. And every time I do, your face becomes more purple!

Eliquid cigs

And please remember people, this is just one which stuck out like a sore thumb. There will be many more in those lists of donations I can assure you and you shall never know.

Now, we come to David’s retort. He really has no leg to stand on (legend or not) but the spin will now go into overdrive (just like Obama: “This will be the most transparent administration ever” my ass!).

David, you’re on thin ice mate to anyone who listens to you with half a brain nevermind all synapses sparking. Your comment (at the head of this post) went on to say that even if the company, technology/product or service is questionable in it being positive or negative, it is safer for the good name and ethos of TPV to not engage with them.

So, here we have just ONE report (in the Daily Mail of all places) providing a scientifically studied result about E cigarettes. There are more but, for the sake of brevity, I though the Daily Mail (you know? Sonia’s newspaper and one, from which you quote and post on your site very very frequently to support your own vision of the world):

E cigs

Full article:

The question AND the challenge to your “sincerely held” ethos is this:

How much have they donated? With proof please. Not a statement like your financial table of crap.

And when are you going to return ALL of their donations David? With proof of when you do it.

The “People” thank you for your integrity!

Damn! That £27,000 today doesn’t look so sure now does it? But you can bet it will be because what’s more important to David? YOUR opinion of him? HIS “ethos” OR THE MONEY?

This is going to show not just how David Icke and TPV will throw their stated ethos and ideology in the bin but how their followers will do the same, make every excuse under the sun and prove the hypocrisy of messiah and his flock.

Final point: This whole ethos of his is a crock of shit anyhow and YOU as the “people” can NEVER have the transparency you demand either. So let’s say Icke and TPV even cared enough to respond to this issue and come up with the feeble excuse that “oh we didn’t notice”, and the donations were to be shown as returned to the donator, so what? Icke gets on the phone and says “Here mate, send them back through via paypal will you? Donations don’t need to be through Indiegogo” or “Send them back through to Davidickebooks Ltd or Lion’s Epoch Limited”. He even admitted having had donations for TPV via HIS website! There are a myriad of ways he can take ANY money from ANYONE. And he fucking will! Cheap talking POS.


Oh yes, it is that old, worn and well loved phrase of the alternative media and “two of movement” again: “Cognitive dissonance”. I think there are many who use it (not all) because it’s probably the largest piece of vocabulary they have ever learned and think it makes them sound intelligent but, anyhow, that’s an aside.

There are many people (including the poster of this post to TPV called San) who have given me flak and criticised me for my language at times but also for referring to (never specified but sometimes grouped) people as “thick as shit” or “dumb”, “stupid” etc etc. Some people have stated it makes me no better than Icke and it turns people away from the site, the information and the message. If that is the case, so be it. You see, I do not make a cent out of this. I do not require your “love” or your “respect”. I ask for nothing from you. There is no “DONATE” button on my blog. You really CAN take the information or leave it from my perspective because I win nothing and lose nothing whatever you choose. The ONE IMMENSE DIFFERENCE between me and David Icke (or any other “alternative media/”truth movement guru” out there) is that HE (and they) ALL (almost all I know of anyhow), ask for donations and, as such, if you do not take their information (imagine no-one was to listen to David Icke) they will have ZERO income. It is their livelihood! So, for ANY ONE OF THEM to say “I don’t care if you believe it or not” (as long as you buy the book) is BULL! Because if no-one listened and believed his info, he would stop selling books because he’d have no market! How DIFFICULT is this for people to understand? So that is a BOLD FACED LIE in of itself. And it is FUN-DA-MENTAL!

So I “win” or “lose” nothing. I say what I think and time and time again over years, i have encountered sheer fricking stupidity from human beings. REAL DUMBASSES! Real ignorant, thick, numb-brained fricking morons. So no, I don’t apologise for stating how thick some are occasionally because it is simply true. Today, for instance, there was a tent up in the town centre. I’d seen it before last year and went and spoke to the guys manning it. Guess what it was? A FREEMASON’S tent promoting the craft! Bang in the town centre.

Now this guy i spoke to today, I spoke to last year also. He actually remembered me which was surprising and he welcomed me stopping by once more (to begin with) because we had had an open (to a point), interesting and friendly discussion. This guy is a nice guy on the face of things. he really is. But BOY (and I apologise to him if he ever reads it – apologise simply because he is such a “nice” guy) is he naive and simple – to the point of being thick but he’s not thick. i believe he simply doesn’t care but it is that lack of care which is dangerous (and thick) but it’s a “thick” in inserted commas. Anyhow that is another story for another time. It is this “fabled” COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

And here it is displayed once more exactly as I assumed above:

Thick as shit

Now, my point here is, to NOT call this person “thick as shit” is to simply try and be “nice” and politically correct. I don’t know this character or what his character is like. He might be a real nice guy this “Mr King”. He might even be a PhD for all I know. He may well not be thick at all. But ANYONE reading these comments from him (ok so let’s not call him thick as shit, let’s say the words he presents read “thick as shit”. Is that more acceptable and politically correct for you?) would recognise this is a sign of synapses having been doused by something! Coz they ain’t firing!

In response to this entire blogpost of mine posted by San, Mr king has stated “Anyone can contribute via Indiegogo, even someone trying to discredit TPV so this story isn’t proof of anything really”. Yes TAS (I’ll call you TAS – I just think it’s fitting) anyone CAN donate that’s true. And this company HAS donated. And if this company is trying to discredit, then David icke and TPV would know and pick up on it AND WOULD SEND THE FUCKING DONATIONS BACK AND USE IT AS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THEIR “INTEGRITY” AS PROMOTION YOU PRAT!

But have they? No! Jesus H F’ING Christ man! Use that brain god gave you!

TPV liquidation: Sean the “businessman” (UPDATE)

Posted in Media by Earthling on January 9, 2014

I really am not one to say “I told you so” but……

TPV insolvency


I told you so!


The following is a blog I wrote 9th January 2014. Over the course of writing these blogs re TPV, Icke and Tabatabai, I’ve received a lot of shit from TPV lovers. People who just didn’t want to know. People who “believed”. And they will STILL exist! Even if a certain person from TPV ended up shagging their 5 year old daughter, they’ll STILL “believe”. There’s nothing you can do about people like this (except feel sorry for them). The Kent Freedom Movement (hahaha) despised what I wrote about TPV and Icke (it’s a personal thing! They’d despise anything I wrote because they didn’t get a free lunch. Bed and board yes plus a taxi service but oops! Forgot to feed them too! Thank god for a £20 win on the geegee’s eh? Otherwise they’d never have eaten at all! ;-)) because they “believed” (or perhaps wanted the KFM to bask in the glory of TPV and get their mugs on telly?) but just wouldn’t listen because of a grudge. Let’s hope it wasn’t a Scots/English thing! Love and light and no borders and we’re all one consciousness and all that you know?

Anyhow, the “twoof movement” now firmly left behind (thank fcuk!) and I’ll leave it all to the amateurs – of which there are a few – because trying to bring to the attention of those who believe in reptilians and nibiru etc at 40 and 50 year old, some of the REAL issues and their real solutions is like pulling teeth. Believing in fairy tales at that age. Must be a midlife crisis! Stupid bastards!

As for Sonia Poultry: Well darlin’ you didn’t like it when you were still part of it but you got there in the end huh?

You see, when people are so desperate to believe a lie because they desperately want to believe someone’s doing the right thing and they wish to be part of it, someone like me pointing at the Emperor with no clothes gets ridiculed, slated, despised etc. But then isn’t that one of Icke’s lines? “At first they laugh at you….” etc. Well Dave sometimes it ends up that they laugh at you too!

Lucky thing I have broad shoulders eh? It comes from not giving a toss about the views of incompetents. Sorry if that sounds arrogant but I suppose it is. Too bad! You’d rather be told shit from people who smile at you than be given the bold, bare faced truth. Just shows that mentality doesn’t just affect the “sheep” but the so called “awakened”. You just think you’re “awake” but you’re really sleepwalking. I used to care. I tried to shout “stop swallowing shit” but did you listen? Well some of you did for sure but many more – nah. You still like your “heroes” in the media. The “big” personalities. You’re just as prone to that shit as anyone else and, as long as you are, there’ll be wolves out there who will carry on fleecing you.

So, liquidation for TPV (I’m sure there’ll be a story for it) and their creditors will perhaps get some of their money back. The strange thing is, YOU were meant to have been the ONLY “creditors” BUT it was all freely given donations wasn’t it? Another thing I shouted at you was this: DO NOT DONATE BUT DEMAND THAT YOU GET A SHARE IN A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY! But you never listened there either did you?

So where’s the money gone? Hahaha. How many companies has Sean dissolved now? 😉

Take care y’all and one last thing…. GET SMART! Is that asking for too much?

Enlightened? My ass!


Sean's quotes

Yet, you wonder why I have the “audacity” to call you stupid if you do?

Ask yourself: Would you buy Double glazing or a second hand car from a company about to go bust?

Ask yourself: If, on one hand, the company was about to be dissolved due to negligence regarding filing their annual return or, on the other hand, the sole shareholder himself was dissolving the company so he did not have to pay his creditors and then could walk away with over £80K in the bank account and the company was about to be struck off the Company Register, would you do business with them? Would you donate any money to another business they had just started and were sole director of?

If you answered “Yes” to either one of these questions then, be my guest and adopt the “in the corner with the ‘D’ cap on your skull!”

It’s entirely up to you. Again, I’m just giving you information.

Sean ADL Tabatabai: Sole Director of TPV Limited, “Guardian of the ethos” and “exceptionally gifted businessman” and David Icke’s right hand man.


Sean Magus

The above simply illustrates that £1 of share capital in a company does not mean the equity figure is £1 and that is all the company shareholding is worth. As a company grows, that shareholding can become ENORMOUS! That is what Icke and Tabatabai are looking for out of TPV using YOUR money to achieve it! THAT is why they are getting hot under the collar when you’re not donating!

Next: Look at this –

Magus figures

NO tangible or intangible assets of any kind in this business.

CASH at bank is £81,192

Debtors (People who own Magus money): £15,317

Add cash and debtors and you get Total current assets of ££96,509

However, Sean has creditors of £90,540. NOT A GOOD POSITION TO BE IN. WHO the creditors may be is another story. A Bank? An individual? Another “Corporate person”? Who knows? But who cares?

IF it is not a bank however and it is trade creditors of one form or another, then what can Sean do? Here is what he can do (and, certainly on paper, it would appear IS doing):

Magus strike off

He last submitted his annual return for Magus Media in August 2012. He has lapsed in 2013. So now he has a “First notification of strike off….”

If a company persistently fails to submit its statutory returns (the Annual Return or the Annual Accounts), Companies House MAY decide that the company is dead and will start the process of having the company struck off the Company Register.

A company has to have been quite negligent to have allowed the situation to have got to that position.
The decision to have the company struck off is always published in the London Gazette and an outside interested party – such as a creditor – can apply to have the striking off procedure suspended. However, you have a time window of six months within which to file your objection to the striking off.

In many cases, striking off is initiated by the directors of a company when they have decided that they no longer want the company.

Had he submitted a return in 2013, it would have been plausible to consider that something had gone wrong in the business and at least he was attempting to fix it. But that is not what is happening here. What has happened is that he has not made a return at all for 2013. It is then, without much doubt, his intention to dissolve the company. If he achieves that without paying back his creditors (again we do not know anything about who these creditors may be) then he walks away with £81,000 in cash.

Now FINAL thing is this: David Icke and Sean ADL Tabatabai have pleaded with you for donations of £300K to set up their venture when, between them with their own companies, they have cash at the bank of approx £268,000. They had it then and they have it now and yet, now, they are asking you for an additional £400,000.

I’m sorry folks but what I am telling you are just facts. Pure unadulterated facts. Do and think as you wish.

You know what though? Call me crazy but I just have a sneaking suspicion that Icke, Sean and Sonia might all just kiss and make up. Then who do you think they would ALL turn on? It’s just a plausible hunch of course! 😉 Just not outwith the bounds of possibility that is all. Imagine the avalanche of support TPV would get if they pulled that off though eh? Think about it.


DEAR GOD! It just occurred to me what COULD very plausibly be happening here. I AM NOT SAYING IT IS BUT IT COULD BE, TOTALLY PLAUSIBLE AND NOTHING STOPPING IT.

The CREDITOR of MAGUS MEDIA ‘could” easily be TPV Limited or it could be “David Icke Books Ltd” or “Lion’s Epoch Ltd”. Sean then folds THIS particular company and walks away with the £80K cash and TPV are not going to say a word (or Icke) because that COULD exactly be what Icke wants and/or Tabatabai has simply transferred funds as a loan to Magus media from TPV. I am NOT saying that has happened but I AM saying it could so very simply be done. Why is it he did not submit an annual report this very year? Why is he now closing it down? All after the donation drive. 

Studio equipment was first £20K now it’s £142K??? There is NO clarity in this table whatsoever (and there was never meant to be). Office rent for 7 months (or even 4 months) £1200? More like £1200 PER month but I was told while I was AT TPV it was £1000 per month! £75K for direct wages when everyone you ever hear of says they don’t get paid. Except Richie recently but, trust me, that is a whole other story I can assure you. While I am positive I read somewhere that Sonia Poulton said she was getting £300 a month. I’m positive I saw that somewhere but perhaps I am wrong. If it were so though, how come Sonia £300 and Richie at least £1200 (at least).

Anyhow back to this bullshit in this table. The one thing that stands out like a giant sore thumb for now is the cost of studio equipment. I stated in a blog before TPV admitted it that they got the WHOLE LOT for £20K. They then admitted that. So where the HELL has another £120K gone? Let me now ask you this: Does £81,192 fit into £120K? Yes I do believe it does. Would the costs of a very expensive trip for a couple or handful of TPV people to California cost as much as £40K? Probably not (but you NEVER know) but even if not, the rest could be made up by “sundry items” of spend.

This STINKS! The stench is overwhelming now.

TPV financials


CORRECTION: The £81K cash in the bank for Magus was in there at end of August 2012. So the last comments above re transferring that figure do not apply. What STILL potentially applies however is that TPV Limited could act as a creditor to Magus. We will never know because he is closing shop. There COULD have been all sorts of transfers between Aug 2012 and now but there are NO ANNUAL RETURNS for 2013 to give us a view of that. Isn’t it good timing?

David Icke: Once a footballer, now a jockey!

Posted in Media by Earthling on January 7, 2014


He’s fleeced his sheep!


Infinite consciousness! Infinite love!

The departure of Sonia Poulton (and Icke’s criticism of her) proves: It’s infinite bullshit!

But remember, “when we open our mouths and criticise others, we’re really speaking about ourselves” – David Icke!


Just to make it clear, the sheep he is riding is called “CB” – short for David’s own Central Bank! 😉

The question is: Will he hit the finish line or is he finished?

No doubt he’ll survive (with a whole heap of less believers thank god) because there are others enabling him.

You can take that to the central bank!

You just had to be open and honest Davey Dyke! Lived up to your “name” and your preaching. But you didn’t because you couldn’t.

A private limited company owned by shares Davey!

No transparency Davey.

OFCOM Davey.

The list goes on and on. As does the plea for donations.

Donations for your legal fees a few years ago.

Donations for your legal fees during your divorce.

Donations for your website upkeep.


Giving you a free Broadcasting network (yes, free for you while your companies – “David Icke Books Ltd” and “Lion’s Epoch” Limited have £160K in cash in the bank and the equipt only cost £20K while you led your donators to believe that is what most of the £300K was for).

Now you’re asking for £400K and the idiots keep donating.

Once that Broadcasting network is funded and you’re really making waves, it’ll be worth a bob or two and you know it.

But your sheep don’t see it.

Word to David’s sheep: The “sheep” YOU speak of at least are not quite so stupid as to fund the setting up of a broadcast network for a guy that just clicks his fingers, says “I’m David Icke. truth sayer” and then he walks away with their money.

So before you EVER call someone a “sheep” Ickeans, look in the bloody mirror will you? 🙂

Money physics & the transference of power.

Posted in Finance, Gross stupidity within society, Law, Politics by Earthling on December 9, 2013

Well, many years ago, I happened to study physics during my university years. Did it ever occur to me to apply physics (and it was “Applied Physics”) to the issue of money? Of course not! Did it even enter my head that there could be any connection? Nope! I didn’t want to be an economist or an accountant for god’s sakes. I wanted to be a physicist. My head was in Astronomy and space science and all that stuff which makes me read David Icke and his followers posts and say “Oh for christ’s sakes give me a break!” I keep saying you don’t need science degrees to recognise shit is shit but then, perhaps you do. Perhaps science degrees actually create conspiracy theorists? For instance (and this is the perfect example from my perspective). The law of momentum – as well as a few other laws – simply doesn’t allow the wings of a 767 to slice through a steel building like butter. What amazes the hell out of me is that there are hardly any physicists actually coming out and saying “Just wait a goddamned minute here! THAT is just not possible!” So, when you know it isn’t possible and you know there are substantial numbers of physicists in the private/public and educational sectors who seem to be keeping their mouths shut about elementary physics on the day of 9/11, then you lose all respect for these people.

However, that’s not what this blog is all about. It’s about money and applying physical concepts to it. All very simple so don’t have a heart attack over it. It’s just, once more, I haven’t seen this done either and yet, to an extent, it stares us all in the face yet we ignore it and allow these criminals to continue crimes on humanity by starvation (for one thing).


Bodies at rest and in motion

A body at rest has its entire energy stored and is considered to have POTENTIAL energy. Simply, then, the body has the potential to do a certain amount of work but, currently, is not. Imagine a slingshot or a gun. The stone has the potential energy stored in it provided by the tension applied by the stretching of the rubber which will, eventually, release it. The bullet’s potential energy will be converted to KINETIC energy (movement of a mass) when the bullet is loaded into the barrel and the trigger creates the explosive FORCE which then propels it. When either the stone of bullet is released, they will do “WORK” and work is equal to Force multiplied by distance or W = Fxd.

So, the energy expelled from the point of release of the stone or the bullet until it, once more, comes to rest (hopefully in a Rothschild’s skull) is the Work done on the bullet or stone. The energy of either projectile is calculated by E = 1/2mV² where E is energy, m is mass and V is the velocity. Note that velocity is not the same as speed since the former is a vector quantity whereas the latter a scalar quantity. For the purposes of this blog however, we can take velocity as meaning speed since we assume the bullet or stone to be travelling in a singular direction. Simple then!


Take all that expended energy then, that work done, and divide that amount of energy by time and what you arrive at is POWER. Now POWER can be expended OR it can be absorbed. In either case, it is a measure of work done over time. Tell me something? Why, if you were to work 24 hours a day while someone else played a round of golf for 3 or 4 hours and did nothing else, would you not assume to be more powerful than them?

Answer: You’ve EXPENDED your power while they, on the other hand, have ABSORBED your power. Muhammad Ali was good at that. He’d get his opponent to spend much of their power by absorbing the shocks of their punches (IF ever they actually landed one while, even throwing a punch expends energy and it’s lost. It tires his opponent).

So how does the politician or the banker absorb your power? You know the answer to that! They have you expend your energy constantly running after what they control – MONEY! MONEY is POWER! Yet money is literally only pieces of paper with very little mass and it doesn’t really do any work now does it?

Ah but it does!

Money (the paper) represents the very work (real work through expended energy) that you and I and everyone else does to make our living. If it truly represents that however then how is it that the CEO or Chairman of a company or the Head of state of a country or anyone of their Directors/politicians etc who, generally, don’t expend any energy whatsoever comparatively speaking, have more money than you who works every hour god sends just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. Not only that but you may work in a vocation such as nursing – saving lives – or as a cleaner of whatever kind – thereby ensuring that our world does not decay and we’re over-run by rodents. Is it because of IQ? That’s what Boris Johnson would have you believe but let’s take him and George Osbourne for a moment.

Boris achieves a 2:1 degree in the classics at Oxford University. A second class degree in a “mongrel” course. What I mean by “mongrel” is that it covers everything from English literature to Archeology. A master of nothing then and finds IQ tests a bit of a problem.

George, meanwhile, is another 2:1, 2nd class achiever in History of all things. George has never run a business in his life. I’d be surprised if he knows how to read a spreadsheet – think about that. Yet, he is the Chief Financial Officer of the nation of the United Kingdom! A coke snorting, kinky black prostitute lover with a 2:1 in history. But then he does have experience of folding towels in Selfridges and entering date of dead people on a database.

Dumb and dumber

But let’s see, how could two dumbfucks like that end up as power absorbers? Well, you just need to look at their parentage and then the fact that Boris gets a King’s scholarship and George a Demyship, both at Magdalen College.

Oh and they’re both, along with the present PM, ex Bullingdon boys rubbing their dicks up against the likes of Nat Rothschild.

Take a look at this article re the PPE students who just know, even as they enter college (they’ve achieved nothing so far but know they will – it’s pre-determined) that they will end up in the power absorption business in one way or another….

“The thing is this,” one graduate laughs, “PPE is such a big subject that no one can ever know everything, so we all have to bullshit like mad at times to cover up our ignorance. And we by and large get away with it. So we carry on bullshitting once we leave Oxford and most of us are still getting away with it.”

But let’s stay on the subject of the idea of IQ being the basis for one’s “success” – that “success” being measured by the British government (and other governments) in terms of economic success.

This is worth a read, if not purely from the perspective of reading the final conclusion which is:

“The results of Terman’s longitudinal study of gifted children suggest that IQ can play an important role in determining life success; but high IQ alone is not enough. Variables such as family background, socioeconomic status, and educational experiences as well as personality factors such as motivation, the willingness to work hard, being committed to goals, creativity, and emotional maturity are also strongly linked to success in life.”

Basically, your success in life is a product of your environment. Your environment also teaches you whether you will “go along to get along” or whether you will stand for what you believe to be right. These politicians and businessmen generally have two things in common: They drop from a fallopian tube which has, in one way or another, provides the “right background” – Osborne: Data entry clerk and folding towels in Selfridges. Think about it – plus their character has been moulded by influences which create either the “go with the flow” attitude or the opposite. I agree it isn’t quite as “black and white” so don’t go off on one but, as a general rule, this IS the case.

Now let’s consider the reality of what money is MEANT to be: A representation of one’s debt to another and a means of exchange of such obligations for the purpose of making it easier for a large society of people to buy and sell various goods without having to first find a specific person who requires the particular good/product/asset you wish to sell while that same person having physical goods or services (resources) which are a precise match in terms of value of what he wishes to purchase from you, thereby resulting in an exact exchange of value. The “Resource based economy” fans are totally missing this point and would hate the very thing they promote! It would be a bloody nightmare and would lead to the world being less connected and “one”. Do these people actually think before they open their mouths I wonder? I think not.

In this precise exchange of value (however achieved) you actually have an exact exchange of POWER. Mr X has exchanged Energy of Fxd with Mr Y’s energy of an exact equivalent. A fair exchange then. This is achieved even with the use of an exchange mechanism called “money”. The entire human race will then interact upon the exchange of debts which, across the entire 7 billion people on earth, cancel out. There is NO “Global debt” where, somehow, the entire human race is in debt to the tune of $trillions to some “unknown” entity – who is that entity? God? Martians? No, you KNOW who that debt is owed to – the Central banking system which, in itself, is controlled and owned by a cartel of private individuals NOT “the public” 😉


The answer: They have created a system which WE support wherein pieces of paper (now, actually, simply 1’s and 0’s in a computer) become the wealth and power.


The second answer: No. You SHOULD be able to but not in the present system you can’t.

How obvious is this? Quite. Who digs the roads? Who builds (or even designs) the buildings and the bridges? Who saves the lives? Who keeps the streets clean? Who creates products or art/beauty? Who drills the oil? Who digs the gold/silver/uranium etc? Who manages the corporations or organisations which carry out these tasks? Who protects whether by way of Police or Armed forces? Who does all of this and everything else?

Answer: You, me and every last one of our “brothers and sisters” who actually find and are lucky to find employment.

Now you may say “Well a person working in a bank is employed and does a service too”. Yes, they do but the problem is they “provide a service” which is entirely unnecessary and does nothing more than prop up a fundamentally corrupt system of money. They could also be employed in a system which is entirely non corrupt and provide SIMILAR services.

The people who own this system only, in fact, have POTENTIAL ENERGY. They have never expended one ounce of that energy for the betterment of mankind. NOT ONE OUNCE! While, what’s even worse, is they absorb other people’s energy constantly and over time. Absorbing that energy and work done over time = Work Done/time = POWER. They are energy vampires – literally.

Let’s take a look at a recent release of the M2 money circulation in the USA by the St.Louis Federal Reserve. It actually tells us a lot when it’s considered in terms of physical equations and graphical analysis:

M2 Money circulation

Now let’s apply the physical equations to this graph which represent what’s really going on:

M2 work done

1. Straight off the cuff you’ll notice the line itself is curved. This demonstrates that there is an acceleration of the amount of work being done (the increasing dollar amount of assets being procured) over time. Throughout the 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, the slope of the line was fairly shallow and by the mid 1990s, it was levelling off. This levelling off was a representation of the fact that the economy was stagnating – there was no growth which would allow increase asset purchase. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing for the vast majority of people because, hopefully, what I will show is that the subsequent acceleration of asset purchase (change in “Work done”) does not represent, in any way, an increase in wealth for the broader population but is, in fact, the transference of wealth/POWER to a tiny fraction of the population.

2. I’ve used the green areas superimposed onto the graph to show the massive change of area displayed between 2 years (late 1990s) and the 2 years (start of 2012 and end of 2013). Note that the grey columns represent recessionary periods (the last one starting in late 2007/early 2008 through to mid 2009). Ask yourself how it is possible that, during that recession of 2008/2009, there was a very significant inflexion point representing a massive acceleration of “WORK DONE”/increase in financial assets held when the market and the economy was crashing through the floor! HOW is that possible? Well, it’s possible because the was enormous sums of money being gained by a very few people through bail outs and government/public money being privatised (put into private hands) allowing those private individuals to then buy up very substantial amounts of assets. Further, the hedge funds which bet on the housing collapse (not a bet at all because it is insider knowledge/trading) then pumped even more profit from others misery into these same small few’s hands and allowed even more asset purchases.

3. How is it possible that the amount of work done by 300 million people in America could rise from the green area representing 2 years, in the mid/late 1990s to the size of the green area representing the last 2 years? Has the US suddenly had an enormous boom in manufacturing and production in the last decade and a half? No. Quite the opposite. While surely, the line should have fallen from 2010 until now pretty significantly but it hasn’t, it just keeps on growing! Impossible right? Well no, it’s not. It’s called “quantitative easing” and that QE is representative of “WORK DONE” which hasn’t been done at all! But the purchase of assets by this small few continues because of it and what the graph doesn’t show is that, as those assets are accumulated by the private banking/business cartel,  the American government is sinking deeper and deeper into debt which means it has to find MORE ways of squeezing MORE “productivity” (money) out of you!

4. The green areas also represent something else however: Power!

Remember: Work Done (ΔEnergy)/time = POWER. Power can be expended and it can be absorbed. In this case, both are happening. The vast majority of people are expending their energy while it is being absorbed by the small few. AND IT IS ACCELERATING! Look at y2 – y1 in each case. The slope of the line has massively increased in recent years in comparison with the slope during the 1990s. This represents an acceleration of the transference of power from the vast majority of people (the 99% so to speak) to the minority (the 1%).

y2 – y1 (1990s) = $400billion. x2 – x1 = 2 years. The slope (acceleration of power transference) = 2

y2 – y1 (2013) = $2000billion. x2 – x1 = 2 years. The slope (acceleration of power transference) = 10

Now you may be able to understand, from a physics/maths perspective, why the following has occurred:

Forbes rich


While Michael Meacher ( a blithering idiot and/or a “gatekeeper” – even if the latter then that is still proof he’s a blithering idiot) gives you the following data:

Meacher billionaires in the UK


So why do I say Meacher is a blithering idiot? After all he “spoke out” about Bilderberg didn’t he? Forget he’s been in politics for decades and it took him to 2013 to eventually “speak out” at a time when it is so in the public’s consciousness and awareness anyhow that it gives the IMPRESSION that he is, in fact, doing something “dangerous” LOL If you had pointed it out to him even as few as 5 years ago or less, he would have replied (as Clarke and others did to me) in some condescending “palming off” fashion.

Here is why he’s a blithering idiot however: “instead of a more sensible Keynesian approach”.  Again, he proves that our political “friends” cannot think outside the box and they work on the basis of “left and right” and “Keynes and Friedman and Austrian” economics – ALL of which support the existing paradigm of interest bearing debt. DEBT is not a problem – I have said before and will keep on saying it: We ALL are indebted to one another in each and every interaction we have which includes money or not. For example, I have a debt to you reader who I feel an obligation toward in replying to your comments if they are a question of me or on my writing. To reply is keeping to an (albeit unstated but nevertheless real) PROMISSORY OBLIGATION. Without such, there could be no interaction. All that money is (or should be) is a means of exchange of PROMISSORY OBLIGATIONS which represent the exchange of assets and value between people. INTEREST only occurs in this existing, corrupt (and unnecessary) system where the banks (again, unnecessary) are given the power to ISSUE money (not create it) and act as middlemen who then RE=PUBLISH our debts between ourselves and add on a NON EXISTENT “debt” called interest. They have created a system where their “money” has become, not an ‘idea’ for the representation of exchange but a tangible commodity in of itself. This is why people like George Soros and so many others “bet” on (or hedge) against currencies. In a REAL economy devoid of interest, they could not do this because there would be no such thing as inflation or deflation.

So Meacher stays in the box and tries to find a solution to a problem based upon a system which IS the fundamental problem. Speak mathematics and logic to the likes of Meacher and he’ll glaze over. Why? Because he’s invested in the existing system. His entire being is invested in that system and, additionally, he would have no idea of what you are talking about because once you say “it is the system which is wrong” that scares the living daylights out of him. George Osborne cannot possibly even understand today’s economics nevermind have a mind that can grasp an improvement. The man is an imbecile.

But back to the graph for a moment because here is the bottom line:

What happens when that slope becomes a vertical line?

No more work is being done and ALL power has been transferred.

As that slope increases and the time (years) narrow to months and weeks and days as the M2 circulation goes spiralling upward, what happens is that, eventually (theoretically but also in reality except for the fact they manage it) you are left with ALL power transferred – no “kinetic”energy left and it is all transferred to “potential” energy in the hands of a very very small few. And THAT is the goal for these people. Once they have all power absorbed by them, they no longer need money because they OWN every last resource which they have captured through governments coming good on their promissory obligations (Government bonds) to them. There is no activity left in the private economy from which to derive the payment of the debt because ALL resources (human and capital) have been absorbed by the central banking private owners.

Now, finally think about the proverbial “Free Energy” because this is exactly how it works. “Free energy” in the sense of a perpetual system which feeds off its own energy, is impossible. I really do hope you know this. Free energy in other ways such as harnessing the sun’s energy is another matter altogether but creating a machine which provides its own energy input from its own energy output, is going to come to a very quick demise.

In a self-powered system, due to the losses in the circuit, the input energy decreases thus decreasing the output energy, which results in lower input energy. That is, a slow decay, ultimately ending in zero power output.

Now, apply that to the monetary system. It is self powered because we get the money from the same source – central banks – right? THEN you have losses in the system because you introduce the loss by the addition of INTEREST right? Adding interest is exactly the same as, say, offering someone £100 but giving them only £90 because you have applied the charge upfront. It comes to the same result when he has to pay you back £100 even though, in real terms, only receiving £90.

Thus the “input energy” decreases, which decreases output energy which results in lower input energy. Slow decay resulting in zero power output because, due to having to make up for the “losses” we are selling off our very resources to pay the “loss” (the interest). We then end up with no resources which results in zero output. The system collapses in the sense we are left paupers and the central banks have all resources and all laws.

ALL our WORK DONE over time has ALL of our POWER expended. That POWER does not disappear. Energy/power is always conserved – the Conservation of Energy principle. The energy/power is simply changed into another form. What the people who own the world’s monetary system have done is exactly that. They have had us expend our energy and they ave absorbed it. The power is simply displaced. It still exists it is just it exists in THEIR hands. The thing is, they have achieved this through fundamental fraud by way of the interest bearing system they have introduced and still support. Indoingso, they have committed crimes against humanity that far outstrip anything we have ever experienced by a two bit dictator. But they own the system which has them own the law.



That’s why I have a section named “Gross stupidity within society.

SNP checkmate!

Posted in Law, Political History, Politics by Earthling on July 8, 2011

Update December 5th 2011:

Kirk, What were you saying lad? Do you want to have another stab at your answer and your ignorant suggestion that the Crown Estates belong to the Crown but not to Her Majesty?
Or would you like to explain to the people of Scotland (and of the UK) the difference between “The Crown” and “Her Majesty”? Would you wish to explain what the “Crown Corporation” is? Thanks buddy!


HL Deb 11 November 1976 vol 377 cc659-754

My Lords, may I draw attention to one thing that is rather interesting. I think this is the first occasion on which the immunity of the Crown has been challenged.

§The Earl of KINNOULL
My Lords, I think I can answer the noble Lord on that point. I am speaking about the Crown Estates, which is a corporate body, a very large landowner and is nothing to do with the Crown itself. It is a corporate semi-quasi public Government body.

Belonging to Her Majesty, my Lords.

§The Earl of KINNOULL
No, my Lords; it does not belong to Her Majesty. Perhaps the noble Lord, Lord Peart, will confirm that.

My Lords, I should like to answer on behalf of the foresters, having put my name to the Amendment. I think the reason why we have excluded forestry is that there has not been a report satisfactorily conducted at the moment. There is a report in progress and I think we deleted forestry until that report had been put before the public.

§The Earl of PERTH
My Lords, perhaps I may just intervene about the position of the Crown estates, because I happen to be the first Crown Estate Commissioner. The noble Earl, Lord Kinnoull, is wrong in saying that the property does not belong to the Crown: it does. What happens is that the Crown of its own volition may cede its rights for the period of the reign but when the time comes a new Sovereign has the opportunity of resuming the property. I hope that this will help the House and clear up the point.

 I think the above puts paid to wee Kirk’s ignorance (or innocence?). Grow up lad and stop being such a condescending little fool to your elders who may just know a thing or two more than you! After all, Alex wouldn’t want you or your SNP sheep to understand this now would he?




I had a response from some young condescending little prat by the name of Kirk Torrance from the SNP. He can’t quite grasp it can he?

Whereas, I sincerely hope YOU can. At the very least, even if you can’t – as an SNP supporter – I’d think you’d wish to understand it rather than just accept the ignorant dismissiveness of a young lad who gets paid to do a media job by the party and has not been out of diapers that long!

While the thing is, I have the arrogant little ass over a barrel (as I do Salmond) because, as you will note, he states it clearly that only if Scotland gets control of the Crown Estate, can we benefit financially from it. Do you see the absolute admission in that? No?

Well, it’s this: IF Scotland were truly sovereign and independent, then we would not need to control a “Crown Estate” because the Crown Estate would have ZERO to do with Scotland (no matter WHO currently controls it). And THAT is where the little lad makes this bullshit clear as day. So let’s see Salmond drop the monarchy and drop the Crown Estate. If Scotland is sovereign then it’s sovereign. We’ll create our OWN Crown eh Alex? CHECKMATE asshole!

Now, I am happy to have this “debate” in public SNP. Are you?

Meanwhile, you evade the direct questions Kirky! Perhaps it’s more than your job’s worth to do so huh? 😉

UPDATE Wed 13 July 2011:

From: Earthling
Subject: RE: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 14:25:38 +0000

Oh dear Kirk! Seems I have upset you! I’m not on the defensive lad, you are. Don’t apologise – it’s empty and you’ll get none from me!

Meanwhile, you ignore every factual element of that which I have brought to your attention. Not me making sweeping generalizations Kirk. Not at all.

Fantasizing and moaning about invisible enemies? LOL
How old are you Kirk? And is it difficult for you to follow logical, factually based reasoning?
You’ve failed to respond in any way to absolute fact you have been presented with. No comment on Bernanke and his remark. Or the parliamentary minutes over decades to support it all. I guess Douglas Carswell, Captain Kerby and Lord Sudeley as well as a host of American Congressmen are all “Conspiracy theorists Kirk? Is that what you’re saying? Or is it just that you don’t understand it? Are you thick Kirk?
You have not responded to the CIA issue in funding the European Movement during the early 70s campaign. You brush it all off as “fantasy” and fallacious”. What drug are you on Kirk? Ritalin?
You admit the Crown Estate administers and profits from the resources throughout the UK and yet you can’t grasp that, if Scotland were a fully independent nation, then the we wouldn’t require the profit from the Crown Estate because the Crown Estate would then only have England, N Ireland and Wales. Are you seriously incapable of logically deducing this?
But that is not going to happen is it? Because the Crown Estate won’t LET Scotland go and Salmond needs to negotiate to access Scotland’s portion of the estate WHEREAS, if we were truly independent, no negotiation is necessary because we would tell the Crown Estate where to go.
But Kirk refuses to see this. And you wonder why anyone would consider taking the proverbial out of you? 🙂
Working hard? You could work as hard as you want Kirk but if you’re ignorant it’s a total waste of energy. Try working smart but then, no, the SNP doesn’t want SMART they just want you to stay dumb!
Question them Kirk and see how long you’d last! But you don’t have the balls do you? It’s a nice little number working in the SNP office.
You’re a boy doing a wee job for the SNP in media and you think you have it sussed. Oh the arrogance!
Proof by verbosity? The writings are backed up and mostly from Parliament! Seriously, how hard are the arteries in your brain Kirk? You’re a little too young for that aren’t you?
Kirk take your accusations re “Culture of Conspiracy” and stick them where the sun don’t shine lad. If you’re incapable and impotent minded to simply throw wild unsubstantiated tripe like that then I just haven’t got the time or inclination to educate you.
The only reason I’ve bothered to take the time to respond to you today is because your demonstrable willful ignorance and stupidity is just providing a little fun. The big fish is a Salmond! 😉
I wish you all the best though. Another few years and you’ll grasp a little more I’m sure. Once life hits a little harder!

Subject: Re: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2011 14:48:48 +0100
To: Earthling

You’ve clearly been upset with what I said and for that I’m sorry – it wasn’t my intention to put you on the defensive.

But I must say that your repeated emails with wild and unsubstantiated assertions about me, and how I’m somehow facilitating a coverup; satisfies me that I was completely correct in my analysis of your positions. In a phrase: you’re talking absolute nonsense!

By all means entertain your beliefs, but know this, those of us who see [substantiated rather than fallacious] problems in the system are working hard to make this country the best it can be as opposed to fantasising and moaning about invisible enemies.

Everyone flirts with conspiracy theories at some point in their lives because they are exciting and give you a sense that you know things that others don’t – which can give a sense of empowerment. But, in complex reality simple conspiracy theory models just don’t stack up to scrutiny.

To address the only point you’ve made that values consideration: “Now, in my belief that we still have a democracy, when it comes to the point you have just made re “causes”, I would consider it democratic to allow Scottish nationals to state their views (not MY “cause”) on a Scottish Nationalist page.

There are two fallacies here:

The Fallacy of Accident or Sweeping Generalisation AND the Fallacy of False Clause
Firstly, the SNP Facebook page is property of the Scottish National Party which is a political party – you seem to be confusing the party with the Scottish Government – they are not the same thing. The SNP forms the Government of Scotland and if you would like to make your claims on Scottish Government websites then that is your prerogative and it would be up to the Civil Service to decide whether or not to allow you to do so.

Because you understand the SNP form the Government of Scotland you believe they are one and the same [sweeping generalisation]. Now since you feel hard done by because the SNP (as a party), don’t think it’s reasonable to endorse your beliefs by allowing you to post them on party property, you jumping to the conclusion that the SNP Scottish Government are silencing you and in doing so are acting undemocratically [in you doing so, you are committing the fallacy of False Cause [].


You then go on to commit the fallacy of Irrelevant Conclusion and Affirming the Consequent by saying: “Furthermore, if it is not a “cause” that the entire Scottish public should know about from your perspective, then I would have to assume, as I do, that the SNP is defrauding the Scottish people.”All conspiracy theorists and cranks use a tactical approach that is very well demonstrated in your videos and writings. It’s called, “Proof by Verbosity” and it is a rhetorical technique that tries to persuade by overwhelming those considering an argument with such a volume of material that the argument sounds plausible, superficially appears to be well-researched, and it is so laborious to untangle and check supporting facts that the argument might be allowed to slide by unchallenged.
It is very likely that the ideas of others you’re read and which have brought you to your conclusions would have used this technique to convince you of all this “forbidden knowledge”. In actuality, it’s all nonsense.This is the only reason that I’ve bothared to take the time to reply to you today – I won’t let such gumf be spoken about the SNP and the decision we’ve made in keeping discussions around the party web properties in the realms of reality and logical reasoning.
You’re clearly passionate and talented, however the content of your arguments are totally built on fallacies (no matter how much you assume that correlation implies causation – because it simply doesn’t).
I sincerely hope that you’d put your energies into something more constructive and worthwhile by perhaps in the first instance seeing that your arguments are built on very unstable ground.

I’d like to suggest a good book for you to read called: “A Culture of Conspiracy” [read for free here] or buy at .I think this will be the only reply you’ll be getting from me as I just don’t have time for email sparring – particularly when I am appalled at the errors in deduction.
I wish you all the very best though.

From: Earthling

Subject: FW: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 17:17:49 +0000

And one further thing Kirk buddy!

Nothing “sinister” re the EU? Really?
Now tell me – were you even remotely aware of this? Meanwhile, do you understand the first thing about Constitutional Law?
You need to learn a few things Kirk!
Pause and listen before you consider the fact that the CIA were involved in funding the European Movement in the 1970s as some “fallacy”.
As I said Mr Torrance. Consider before assuming the intellect of those you respond to and dismiss. Dismissiveness in ignorance is not an attractive quality, it is just simple arrogance.

From: Earthling
Subject: RE: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 16:50:36 +0000

Hi Kirk,

May I first state that this so called “abuse and insult” has nothing to do with people simply not accepting MY world view. I tend not to wish to be abusive nor insulting in any way but when faced with what I consider insulting condescension, I tend not to take that too well either. So the point may be made – who’s opinion do you find it useful to agree with? I tend, however, not to go running off making complaints about what I find insulting. I tend to have a stronger disposition that some it would seem.
As for having my “own cause”. That is patently ridiculous to suggest such. Furthermore, this is a democracy am I right? What is the SNP page if not one for your “own cause”? Such hypocrisy in your remarks Kirk. Now, in my belief that we still have a democracy, when it comes to the point you have just made re “causes”, I would consider it democratic to allow Scottish nationals to state their views (not MY “cause”) on a Scottish Nationalist page. Furthermore, if it is not a “cause” that the entire Scottish public should know about from your perspective, then I would have to assume, as I do, that the SNP is defrauding the Scottish people.
Please be more specific with regard to which style or type of logical fallacy you refer to. I think it is clear to a blind man to be honest Kirk, that once you consider the attached document from Hansard, which states it quite clearly, that the oil/petroleum is vested in Her Majesty; when you consider the £38m that the monarchy (the Queen personally) is making from the offshore windfarm income and once you consider facts such as there is NO true allodial title to land for anyone in this country; it is patently obvious that Her Majesty controls practically every resource in this country. I find your naivety and ignorance overwhelming. So, if you would be so kind, do not attempt to brush me off with some assumption that I accept internet information at face value without fact checking or accuracy. Unless, of course, you wish to state that the information which is posted in Hansard is fallacious and untrustworthy? By all means do!
You may also, then, wish to state that our printed media perpetrates a lie when stating categorically that the Queen owns the seabed? If that is so, then I suggest you and the government of the United Kingdom sue them for libel!
I fully recognise that “Crown property” should NOT be the personal property of the Queen for the Queen is but a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCH and holds an office by swearing an oath at her Coronation which she has since broken MANY times! However, as Upton Beall Sinclair stated: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” That quote would most certainly apply to you in this instance! While the fact remains, the Queen is personally profiting o the tune of £38m. Do you contest this? If you do, Mr Torrance, then please do so constructively, intelligently and in precise detail.
It matters not who administers the Crown Estate and, in fact, that is precisely my point: Alex Salmond wishes to administer it, in part, and that is precisely why he is wishing to retain the monarchy as the Scottish Head of State. How simple must this be for you? I can appreciate YOUR confusion however!
“Additionally, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on matters such as Europe; but to suggest there is something sinister going on is fear-mongering and incorrect”. Please do not presume to make simple statements and dismiss a subject you either are very poorly versed upon or, alternatively, you simply wish to shut down debate on. Who exactly are you to state what you do and believe it to be the last word on the matter? That is just sheer arrogance Mr Torrance!
Meanwhile, you may rest assured I have contacted the Scottish Executive regarding this. I do note, however, you have made absolutely no comment on the matter of a Scottish sovereign currency. Do you even understand this issue? I would guess the answer is either “No” or, again, you simply wish it to be ignored and dismissed.
I suggest you consider carefully before you make assumptions regarding the intelligence of people and the due diligence and care they take to check their facts. You may also wish to fully consider the currency issue before responding on it for you can rest assured I have a significant amount of factual data related to it and if you think for one moment you can dismiss it with one of your “statements” you are sadly mistaken.
Your response thus far is insulting but I shall choose to refrain from reciprocating too drastically.
I await your comments on it.

Subject: Re: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 16:54:50 +0100
To: Earthling

Hi Earthling,

Thanks for getting in touch – apologies for the delay in reply, I’m sure you can appreciate how busy we’ve been of late with the by-election, etc.
You’re clearly talented at creating video presentations.
Regarding your commenting ban: in checking the records, I notice the reason why you were banned was because of some abusive and insulting comments made by you towards others who didn’t accept your world view.
Our policy is clear – we encourage intelligent and positive conversations about Scotland and the governance of the country and her Independent future, but we cannot allow our conversation forums (either online or offline) to be used as a platform by people who want to promote their own causes – especially when they are of a dubiousness and discredited nature.
For instance, your claim that the Queen owns Scotland’s oil fields and wind turbines and suggestions of conspiracy involving the First Minister of Scotland is at best a logical fallacy [] and at worst quackery. The Crown Estate is indeed property and area belonging to The Crown. However, it is not the private property of the monarch and is administered by Crown Estate Commissioners, who are accountable to the Westminster Parliament. I can understand however why people might get confused.
If control of the Crown Estate was devolved to Scotland then it would be Scottish Parliament that would be accountable for its management with any excess revenue from the estate going to the Scottish Government. As reported yesterday the Crown Estate has achieved record profits this year, with access to these funds the Scottish Government would be able to provide better support to our economy and help create jobs and support employment. The SNP has been and continues to campaign for control of Scotland’s share of the Crown Estate.
Additionally, everyone is entitled to their own opinions on matters such as Europe; but to suggest there is something sinister going on is fear-mongering and incorrect.
The Internet is a terrific tool and has opened up information and knowledge to billions of people around the World. Unfortunately, it has also means that people often accept information at face value without fact checking for accuracy. As a result fallacious arguments and untruths are propagated time and time again.
At this time, I’m afraid we cannot re-instate your commenting privileges as there is a 12 month ‘cooling off’ period before consideration to lift any bans.
Please feel free to get in touch directly with the appropriate offices for answers to any questions you may have in order to get the full picture of events. Contact details for MSPs can be found here:

Kirk J. Torrance

New-Media Strategist | Scottish National Party

On 4 Jul 2011, at 16:46, SNP HQ wrote:


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Earthling
Date: Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.

Hi Susan,
Any thoughts on what I sent? Do you think the penny will drop? 🙂

An additional one Susan. Guernsey Susan. Ask Salmond about Guernsey. Ask him to explain what all of this is I’m talking about.

Meanwhile, I STILL haven’t heard from the Facebook people regarding my reinstatement. I suggested to you I wouldn’t while you promised I would.
I’m not surprised however but I would appreciate it if you would advise me why I have not heard. Thanks.

Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 16:30:45 +0100
Subject: Re: FW: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
To:  Earthling

Hi Earthling,
I have the email thank you.

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Earthling wrote:

Hello again Susan,

Can you please just acknowledge receipt of this email so that I know, for sure, you have it?

From: Earthling
Subject: Sovereignty, Independence and the Salmond deception.
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:13:22 +0000

Hello Susan,

I started off putting together a highly detailed explanation on video for you but I’m afraid I felt it may be too much to “hit” you with for the moment so i have kept it as succinct and to the main points as possible. I believe it is detailed enough and more than adequate to capture your and your colleagues attention to issues you may have no idea about – not many people do unless they have taken the time I have (and others) to study it. I have studied this entire issue in depth and very widely over the course of almost 4 years since returning to the UK having spent 10 years as an expat in Asia.
I do not hold a PhD nor an MSC or MA in Finance, I just hold a humble degree in Physics and a University Diploma in Business Studies. I simply add that to ensure you I am no idiot! Meanwhile, you can rest assured that if Mr Salmond were presented this information by you, he would completely dismiss it and myself as ridiculous no matter whether what he is presented with is all verifiable fact which he cannot deny.
Please watch the video and then read through the detail of the attachments: All UK Parliament and House of Lords.
This entire “story” or “picture” is immense in its connotations but it is something which, unless the Scottish public and the world at large can grasp (it is simple but for some reason people cannot take it onboard), people like Alex Salmond, David Cameron, the EU bureaucrats, her majesty’s loyal opposition (if they were to get back in government) all our Chancellors (and I have called out Darling and Osborne on this as well as my local MP – they refuse to answer and/or evade) will continue this con on you, me, everyone including your own SNP colleagues who have to pay their taxes, their petrol, their heating, gas, electricity, mortgages etc etc. Sovereignty and Independence is a joke and the joke is on us.
Mr Salmond wants his little piece of the power within the EU. he simply does not wish to play second fiddle to a UK government. It is transparent when you understand what I have presented to you here. I want what you want and we all want but none of us shall have it unless we call these people to answer. To do that, it needs good intentioned, intelligent people to bring this into focus and call Salmond to account. There is simply no other way. So the question is whether people just wish to be part of a group, a “bandwagon” and toe the party line which SUGGESTS it is for the best interests of Scotland, or whether they wish to seriously work for the best interests of people. And remember, we have people dying due to these issues and this corruption.
I hope you will take this, understand it and share it. It is of fundamental importance and I, for one, despise being lied to. That is why I may occasionally use language which may offend but ask yourself, would you rather be offended by language or be lied to and offended by action which steals your wealth and freedom and makes a mockery of this so called “democracy”?
This is all just the “tip of the iceberg” regarding the information, evidence I can produce to back it all up but, in itself, it is clear anyhow. I would be keen, if the opportunity ever arose, to call Mr Salmond to account on every point made and so much more within a public forum so that the people of Scotland recognise how they are being told what they wish to hear but not the true, honest reality. That reality meaning that, effectively, nothing will improve for them “Independence” or not.
Thanks for listening.

Rothschild… China, White Phosphorous, Iran and Iraq

Posted in Politics, The Corrupt SOB's, Uncategorized by Earthling on February 26, 2011

MP Lazarowicz has been advised time and time again about the Rothschild influence yet has simply refused to accept what is in front of his eyes written in black and white by the UK Parliament.

From: Earthling
Subject: Coming soon… to the UK.
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 20:22:00 +0000

Dear Mark,

Don’t say I didn’t warn you Mark. Your government of today know it. They’re getting ready for it.
But while all of your colleagues keep your mouths shut to keep in line with the party, this is what you are allowing to build up.
Because you’re allowing yourselves to be bullied. You’re all weak. Just a fact Mark. You’ve lost your individuality. You’re no longer “Mark Lazarowicz” you’re “Mark Lazarowicz Labour MP”. And you and your MP colleagues feel so proud and better and above everyone else – that’s why you feel no need to reply to points which are facts and you cannot argue.
I could be wrong but I sense you picking up on all of this while it’s just too hard and too dangerous for you in your position to speak out. But don’t worry. Your weakness will be more than made up for by those who will. The unfortunate thing is – when they look to you they will ask what your modus operandi was. The answer: “To keep my job”. FAR more important than doing your job isn’t it?
You’re not going to like Britain soon Mark. I don’t like it now but then I “see” it whereas you don’t. You wish to believe it’s all going to blow over.
You’re so very very wrong. Having said that, I hope I’m wrong but I’ve seen this coming for years now. I’ve educated myself immensely to see the how’s and the why’s.

Wisconsin Capitol Building: The Police join the protestors.

We have Police in the UK Mark who are beginning to listen too. We don’t want a mini civil war now do we? Or would the bankers profit from it? 😉

I’m just trying to get through to you Mark. When the questions are put nicely I get nothing in return or I get the BULLSHIT responses you know I just got from an evasive treasury. When someone is faced by people who show them no respect, then those people tend to be offered no respect. It’s not a preference but straight, blunt talking is needed and it’s going to be needed even more unless you people get your fingers out of your collective posteriors.

As for the attachments. Just to give you a flavour (hardly exhaustive) of the Rot of the Rothschilds which has crept in over the last couple of centuries – and never let up – while they have “advised” (and I use that term advisedly) the government on all the major sell offs of our industry. A to Z. I haven’t even touched on the Motor industry. So while all the developing world is doing great – investment, GDP growth etc BECAUSE they have basic industry – the UK has zero. Oh EXCEPT for perhaps TWO things – TWO guesses what they are Mark? ….. BANKING and???……….. ARMAMENTS/DEFENCE/WHITE PHOSPHOROUS/ DEPLETED URANIUM SHELLS to sell to Iran and Iraq and every other dictatorship Rothschild can do business with.

Is it getting clearer Mr Lazarowicz?

I wait in hope Mark to hear from a man not a mouse.


PS: As for the mousy quiet Darling (another weak willed Scot just doing as he’s told – but the pay is good) who has refused to answer the questions I put to him also. Isn’t this a rather interesting little statement he made a number of years ago in the commons:

Mr. Alistair Darling (Edinburgh, Central) I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Edinburgh, Leith (Mr. Chisholm). The reason why we ask him to be brief is that we know that he can make his arguments extremely well briefly, which he does time and again——and I say that not only because he happens to be one of my next-door neighbours in an Edinburgh constituency.
The debate has been extremely useful. On few occasions that I have witnessed in the eight years I have been a Member has the House spent so much time discussing directly problems which affect so many of our constituents, and also a problem that is fundamental to the future development of the economy.
There is no difference between the two sides of the House on the principle of venture capital trusts. We all agree that it is desirable, and from time to time necessary, to use fiscal incentives to ensure that investments are made in the sectors where we need it.
The difference between us is threefold. First, we believe that the Government need to consider other sectors, which have been mentioned on both sides of the House. Secondly, we believe that there must be safeguards to ensure that, if one gives a tax incentive, one does not end up subsidising undesirable behaviour, such as the behaviour that occurred when the business expansion scheme was set up. In that respect, too, there was common ground on both sides of the House. The difference between the two sides is that those who support the Government do not appear to accept that there is a case for ensuring that there should be safeguards in relation to venture capital trusts.
I suppose that the third difference between us is that we believe that the Government have given fiscal incentives in undesirable ways, such as the business
expansion scheme, but the Government will not accept that the taxpayer’s money has thereby been poured down the drain. I shall perhaps discuss that later.
7.15 pm
The Minister appeared reluctant to accept that there is no difference of principle between us, so we should perhaps not spend too much time trying to make differences where none exist. Perhaps British industry as a whole will welcome the fact that there is cross-party support for the principle of encouraging investment in what is known as the investment gap, which has been identified by almost every hon. Member who has contributed to the debate.
However, I took exception when the Minister said that because no one was focusing on granny farms, as he put it, that was all right. In support of his proposition, he cited the fact that Rothschild’s supported the Government. What a surprise—Rothschild’s supports the Government. I am sure that a bank such as Rothschild’s, which has no fewer than 14 times been the recipient of public largesse, either as an adviser to the Government or as an underwriter of its flotation schemes, should say, “Well done the Government for coming up with that scheme.”
Indeed, as my hon. Friends the Member for Sheffield, Attercliffe (Mr. Betts) and for Rotherham (Mr. MacShane) said, if venture capitalists do take great care in assessing the risks and evaluating the projects before them, it is scarcely surprising that the Chancellor hardly sat down after his Budget statement before our old chums at Rothschild’s announced that they were going to set up a venture capital trust. They could not have known what was in the Budget, could they? How on earth would they know what a surefire bet it was—unless, of course, they had the amazing foresight of the noble Lord Archer of Weston-super-Mare?How could Rothschild’s say so confidently that it was going to set up a venture capital trust unless it had made an evaluation of the type of tax breaks available and knew that, no matter what the risk, no matter what venture it backed, it was guaranteed to obtain a suitable return?
I do not think that the Minister can rely on Rothschild’s for support, therefore, and I believe that both he and Conservative Members generally, today of all days, would do well to be very quiet about Rothschild’s and the Conservative party, for reasons that people outside and inside the House will understand.
The main subject to which successive hon. Members drew attention was the funding gap between quoted companies and small businesses, many of which are funded by family money or by bank overdraft. As my hon. Friend the Member for Dudley, West (Mr. Pearson) said, that is starting to change; nevertheless, there is obviously a funding gap and we welcome the fact that the Government are tackling it.
I want to take up an argument that the hon. Member for Gordon (Mr. Bruce) made about property. I think that we all accept that if inflation remains low—a big “if’—obviously property will not be the kind of bet that it was in the past 30 or 40 years. However, in my travels around the City of London I have been surprised how many people tell me that they are getting back into property again. We all remember the property collapses of the 1970s, the late 1980s and the early 1990s; yet people are getting back into property because it is regarded as a major asset in a portfolio.

But no, indeed, Alistair has no idea what I’m talking about when I put those questions to him now does he?
Would you care to comment Mark? No, I guess not.


I hope that gives a fairly decent summary to you all regarding Rothschild TOTAL influence on the UK government (along with their “Friends of Israel lobby) which you can consider having watched the following Channel 4 programme “Dispatches” Nov 16 2009:

While you may then consider the following Rothschild “ADVICE” to the UK government:

While you may also consider the following Rothschild/Mandelson/Osbourne threesome:


While you ALSO may consider this. Mandelson and Blair dine with the Rothschilds and Gaddafi:

And this…. Mandelson is, in fact, very likely a Rothschild…..


While Hannah Rothschild calls him “The REAL PM”! 😉

From the Independent 24th October 2010:

And finally, you may wish to understand why our dearly departed ex PM Blair gets along so well and becomes so rich while being picked up by J.P. Morgan (another Rothschild front bank):


Who arranged the entire thing for him? Lady Lynn Forester De Rothschild, old Evelyn’s bit of fluff!


The “Wanta Plan” & The Global Security Fund

Posted in Finance, Geo-Political Warfare, Political History, Politics, Uncategorized by Earthling on February 7, 2010

Ashley Mote raises an issue in EU Parliament:


“Mr President, I wish to draw your attention to the Global Security Fund, set up in the early 1990s under the auspices of Jacob Rothschild. This is a Brussels-based fund and it is no ordinary fund: it does not trade, it is not listed and it has a totally different purpose. It is being used for geopolitical engineering purposes, apparently under the guidance of the intelligence services.I have previously asked about the alleged involvement of the European Union’s own intelligence resources in the management of slush funds in offshore accounts, and I still await a reply. To that question I now add another: what are the European Union”s connections to the Global Security Fund and what relationship does it have with European Union institutions?”

Again, and again, we see the hand of the Rothschilds.

Ashley Mote is then set up and accused of fraud.

So what exactly is the Global Security Fund? And what was/is it’s purpose?

Well, believe it or not,  the so-called ‘Global Security Fund’, consisting of off-balance sheet USG (U.S. Government) funds originally worth $27.5 trillion raised from 200+ international banks, is a fund which was set up to finance the ‘management’ of the ‘post-Cold War’ environment.

The accumulated value of these funds, held offshore in bank accounts linked to Title 18, Section 6 US Government intelligence corporations established under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333, is now believed to exceed $70 trillion.

The original $27.5 trillion was raised from the 200+ banks at a deep discount for 20 years at 7.5% per annum.

Introducing LEO WANTA:

Particularly big when various foreign countries are rooting for the “Wanta Plan” to rescue the U.S. like the Marshall Plan did for Europe post WWII, beause it will help save them as well. This is a key event of our lives going on right here: the missing 70 TRILLION dollars connected to the criminal endeavors of Clinton-Bush crime team Presidents with the Federal Reserve. That side of the group wants a destruction of the U.S. to continue the NWO. The other side–all the rest of U.S. with many foreign countries and banks–wants the injection of the U.S. 70 trillion that would wipe out U.S. debt in literally weeks. If the U.S. is taken down, the nefarious blocking of the “Wanta Plan” shows that it is intentional.

[Interjection 12 years after this blog was originally posted: Did someone just say “Marshall Plan”?

“Government can bring billions but corporations can bring trillions…” And Charles wants a slice of those trillions:

There is no doubt that this is one of the great enigmas of our time. The existence of a fabulous fund of money, whose administrator is the former agent of the US Federal Reserve and Somali ambassador, Leo Wanta, has the investigators divided.

In the nineteen eighties, under the Reagan Administration, Leo Wanta worked as a consultant and secret agent of the Federal Reserve. The absolute confidence which came to be placed in him during his career led the Administration to put him in charge of an immense fund of money, set aside for an hypothetical war with the Soviet Union or for helping to destroy it. At the end of the Cold War, the money should be used for the benefit of the general population.The figure was 25 trillion dollars at the outset, but, with interest owed over the years, the amount today is 75 trillion dollars.

To avoid these funds being liberated, Leo Wanta, who afterwards became Somalian ambassador, was imprisoned in Switzerland and the United States, and was repeatedly poisoned when in prison. None of this deterred Leo Wanta when he was released from prison, from continuing to claim his legal right as administer of this immense fund, through the AmeriTrust Group Inc. The reference which shows this is title 18 USC Section 6 offshore bank accounts, authorized under President Reagan’s Executive Order 12333.

In 2003, a federal jury in Alexandria, Virginia, confirmed Wanta’s status as frontman administrator, and recognized the rights of the American people over this immense amount of money. Among his many opponents in the higher spheres there was a certain CIA agent, Hillary Roadham Clinton and former president of the United States and ex-director of the CIA, George Bush senior, both of whom manage accounts derived from these funds. The first mentioned, known in the CIA by the code name Witch, was in charge of the Foundation for the defense of infancy under President Reagan’s executive order 12333, the same one as that authorizing the Wanta funds. Secret service agents were authorized to manipulate these funds by order of title 16, section 6 USG relating to corporations for the manipulation of funds for intelligence purposes operations. They could do so and deny any link with these services, in order to safeguard their status as secret service agents. According to Christopher Story, the journalist closest to Wanta, “it is known that Hillary is accustomed to use these funds as her private fortune”.

An international issue

This money, originally intended for anticommunist action as we have said, does not belong to the United States alone. Under the protocols dictated by the Reagan Administration, each of the following states should receive five thousand million dollars: Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico and Spain. Additionally, thirty thousand million dollars were to be paid to the Russian Federation.China, in turn, is owed thirty billion dollars by virtue of other agreements reached with the United States Tax Office relating to the Leo Wanta funds. Apparently this arises from China’s purchase of treasury bonds from the United States.

The Funds, it should be explained, are handled by means of instruments known as CHIPS (New York Clearing House Interbank Payments System). During the years of negotiations and court cases, when agreements were reached on various occasions both with Leo Wanta and with the countries involved, the CHIPS turned out to be hollow. That is, they existed as accountancy entries but when it came to liquidate them there was no money backing them. This was because the banks holding them had siphoned off the money to other accounts by means of the false payees we have mentioned, angering the countries who were to be beneficiaries. During the years that Wanta was denied access to the funds, Clinton, Bush and accomplices had used complex financial systems to spirit them away.

Reports from British analyst Christopher Story indicate that these funds were on the agenda at recent G-8 summits, and that their non-payment has led to China ceasing to use the dollar its oil transactions, essentially, with its main supplier, the Islamic republic of Iran. Particular reports by Story reveal that last June these funds, supposedly to be used in state terrorism operations should have been returned to Wanta’s jurisdiction, under the supervision of the International Court of Justice of The Hague, Ever since then, however, an endless succession of delays and interruptions have occurred, involving the Rockefeller family, the Rothschild, family, Queen Elizabeth II, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, lawyers, judges and political heads of various other countries, all placing obstacles in the way of the liberation of these funds, which would be sufficient to solve the greater part of the problems in the world.

Currently, many banks worldwide have frozen the secret accounts of these 1,500 operators, so that the conspirators can no longer operate with the funds as before, when they traded using the tax free accounts. British member of the European Parliament, Ashley Mote, is the only such figure to speak out publicly on the issue of these funds. Story’s reports further indicate that these funds, hidden away in secret accounts, are being paid to terrorist organizations.

Could it be that the money that is being suggested to be paid to the Taliban to stop fighting (PATHETIC) is taken from this “Global Security Fund”?

Leo Wanta: SOMALIAN Ambassador to Switzerland?

[These laundered Funds through the Central Bank of Iraq have been used to finance Blackwater/Ee bombings in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, along with ‘FALSE FLAG’ terorrist BLACK OPS, as well as DIRECT funding for the Somalia pirates.

The Somalia pirates work in concert with major foreign intelligence agencies, including rogue U.S. CIA, which is comprised of old Iran-Contra players.

The grave possibility is that various nation states, such as Holland and Spain, actually tip off the Somalia pirates to raid their own ships so that the Somalia pirates can take weapons aboard the vessels, sale them to alleged terrorist cells in Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan and then kickback the Spanish and Dutch monarchies a massive commission derive from black market arms sales.

Just look at those highly sophisticated ships of war:



While the Pirates get their intelligence from London:


“But most of that money does not stay in Somalia. These young men carrying guns are just foot soldiers. Their leaders are in Kenya, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Canada. It is not easy for a common man in Africa to afford a motorboat with an 80-horsepower engine. It takes people out of Somalia to finance these activities.”

How does the money find its way from the shipping companies to the warlords?

“The payment of ransoms is often done in Nairobi, Mombasa and European capitals, London in particular. I’ve heard cases involving both bank transfers and old-style suitcases filled with cash carried by air or by sea.”


Is there a connection between Leo Wanta being an ex Somali Ambassador to Switzerland (Bank of International Settlements) and what is going on in and around Somalia and the Gulf of Aden?]


Federal Reserve Board Impedes The Wanta Plan:

Bernanke Defies The US Treasury & The People
New ‘Marshall Plan For America’ Sabotaged By The Fed


The Federal Reserve Board, a private corporation owned mainly by foreign interests dominated by Germany, is dubiously blocking the [opening small] crediting of $4.5 trillion of repatriated offshore funds that were transferred into the United States in May and June 2006, in fulfillment of an agreement reached last year between the US authorities and the US financial engineering genius, Leo Wanta, which would transform the financial and economic outlook for the US Treasury, the US economy, the American people, and the whole world.

In so doing, the Federal Reserve, which under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 [H.R. 3723]* “protecting proprietary economic information, and for other purposes”, is not even entitled to knowledge of the agreements and intended transactions, is in breach of a large number of statutes  rendering the Fed’s Chairman, Dr Ben Bernanke, an American of German extraction, and senior Fed officers, liable to severe consequences, not excluding being picked up in front of TV cameras by Federal Marshals.

At the G-8 Meeting in St Petersburg, one subject dominated the discussions behind-the-scenes: The Wanta Plan. This is the new name for the long-awaited Settlement with Leo Wanta, the distinguished US Treasury/Secret Service financial genius chosen by President Reagan to develop and implement financial strategies for the transformation [ahem, the financial destruction] of the USSR under Gorbachëv.

[The origins of the money was a U.S. state terrorism cache that has been illegally held from being repatriated–and it was siphoned off to help only the Clinton and Bush families demolish the U.S. instead. Wanta however still is fighting for its repatriation, which would change the U.S. and global financial arrangements overnight. With interest, the billions for it have become mega-trillions sitting there, legally U.S. Treasury money property all this while. The treasonous network called the Federal Reserve wants to keep this saving of America–and the world economy–from happening.]

Under a revised agreement reached with the White House and the US Treasury, finalised in November 2005 and signed in December, Leo Wanta, the Trustor of giga-funds raised internationally and held offshore, agreed to implement a financial strategy to rehabilitate the finances of the US Federal Government.

The Wanta Plan is of greater relative importance, by an order of magnitude, even than the Marshall Plan, under which war-torn Europe was rehabilitated in the later 1940s.


For as soon as it is implemented, the US Treasury/Internal Revenue Service, will begin to receive a stream of ‘windfall’ funds organised by Leo Wanta’s AmeriTrust Group. Inc. which will result in the transformation of the American Government’s underlying debt posiition  while at the same time delivering a profound and lasting shot-in-the-arm to the US economy that will reverberate around the world.


The Wanta Plan represents a compromise arrangement which will facilitate the transfer of originally off-balance sheet funds, onto the US Treasury’s books and the generation of further taxable transactions  enabling the Treasury to pay down debt, while at the same time freeing up funding resources for an unprecedented boost to the US economy, attainable through tax reductions, infrastructure projects and programmes to address some of the intractable problems facing the American people.

It also provides the compromise context for a veil to be drawn over rampant past financial corruption embroiling both the corrupt intelligence cadres and the compromised banks. If this window of compromise is closed, all concerned will be vulnerable to systematic exposure, and worse, without future let or hindrance.

For the alternative to The Wanta Plan would be the repatriation of the full $70 trillion worth of financial assets held in US Government corporate accounts abroad, some of which has been stolen by corrupt intelligence operatives and banking sector co-conspirators.

Other components of the funds have been cross-collateralised and otherwise tied up during Leo Wanta’s illegal incarceration and confinement [see below]. Hence, certain institutions’ continued existence might be jeopardised if the Trustor were to exercise his right to call for 100% disgorgement of the funds and the closure of the corporations and their accounts, as confirmed by US Judge Gerald Bruce Lee of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on 15th April 2003, in a Memorandum Opinion.

This stated that “Plaintiff’s sole remedy in this matter is to proceed with the liquidation of the corporations and report these transactions to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and then challenge the assessment of any taxes in a refund proceeding”.

In his compromise accord, Leo Wanta concurred with the transfer of $4.5 trillion, being a fraction of the original $27.5 trillion, and of course a much smaller proportion of the $70 billion, which, as indicated, is the estimated value of these financial assets today.

However the Trustor has made it plain that he will be left with no option but to collect the aggregate $70 trillion if the long-delayed Wanta Plan is not implemented by close of business on Monday 31st July 2006.

Given that the Federal Reserve, which is simply a clearing house, cannot now be trusted to release funds, the resulting USG accruals may have to be stored temporarily offshore until the tensions between the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, which have come into the open as a result of this crisis, have been resolved or the Fed has been nationalised, as most knowledgeable observers now consider to be essential.

Certainly, there is no way that the United States can continue to tolerate its financial affairs being compromised by a private financial institution which British intelligence sources inform International Currency Review is taking orders from Germany, and blocking the new US ‘Marshall Plan’.

The conclusion reached by knowledgeable observers is that the United States is being held to ransom by foreigners through the Federal Reserve. The primary culprit is Germany, and its secret ‘Black’ Nazi Continuum agency, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst (DVD), Dachau.

On 13th July, an Iron Mountain document storage warehouse located at Bow, East London, adjacent to the City of London, caught fire and continued burning for three days. And on the preceding evening (12th July), the Iron Mountain warehouse located in the Cyrville Industrial Area, Ottawa, Canada, also mysteriously burned to the ground. These fires were ‘no coincidence’.

Iron Mountain fires:


[Interjection again: Did someone say “Iron Mountain”?

Hugo Talks: Iron Mountain

British intelligence sources have confirmed to the Editor of International Currency Review that a substantial volume of Deutsche Bank files perished in the London warehouse fire. Deutsche Bank and German institutions have dominated the heavy high-yield investment programmes and financial trading operations that characterise hidden financial activity in the intergovernmental financial sector (to which the mainstream financial media is blind), since the late 19th century.

BURNING THE RECORDS  AND COVERING FOR BUSH SR. The Iron Mountain fires have been described as panic measures by criminalist foreign cadres to destroy the evidence of the massive serial financial fraud that has been exposed by International Currency Review and its associated intelligence publications. If so, the arson was wholly in vain, as duplicate and original copies of the relevant documents are stored in 25 special locations worldwide. These frauds have been driven by criminal gangs operating within the US official structures, allegedly led by George Bush Sr., who has been exposed by British and other intelligence informants as the actual head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst.

According to these sources, Bush (Busche) Sr., who allegedly holds dual German and US nationality, succeeded the long-term German (Nazi) Abwehr chief, Admiral Canaris, after Canaris fell ill in 1976 (he died in 1978).

The interim head of DVD, to cover Bush Sr. while he occupied the post of Director of Central Intelligence, is alleged to have been Dr Henry Kissinger whose Soviet codename is BOR, but who has also been identified by sources as allegedly the head of DVD, pending Bush Sr.’s accession.

In January 2005, Jack Roach, a CIA officer, was brutally murdered and tortured in the basement of the head office of Union Bank of Switzerland in Zürich. British intelligence sources have confirmed to Christopher Story that instructions for this murder were allegedly given by the head of the DVD: George Bush Sr. The Editor of ICR has also been informed that the assassination was allegedly approved by the President of Switzerland. The late brave Mr Roach, who was tortured with cigarette butts, was carrying banking codes that were seized from him to the benefit of German banks and ‘Black’ intelligence, and to the detriment of the United States.

In October last year, a contingent of US intelligence officers attended the Münich Beer Festival. However the purpose of their presence was not to quaff amber liquid, but rather to stake out the headquarters of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, at Dachau, which is close to Münich.

A satellite was positioned above the nondescript building, and on the basis of the evidence of comings-and-goings obtained, the existence and significance of DVD was indeed confirmed; and the White House was finally, reluctantly, belatedly brought to understand at last that the Nazi Continuum ‘Black’ intelligence strategic intelligence centre in Dachau exists. The British had been trying to make the Bush Jr. Administration understand this, previously without success  since the President is the son of the alleged actual Head of the DVD.

The head of the DVD resides in the United States because America is the largest component of the ‘Main Enemy’. Britain is targeted by DVD via the European Union, which is dominated by the long-range penetration, subversion and control strategy laid down by the Nazis in 1942, in a compendium of papers published in Berlin entitled ‘Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft’ [European Economic Community].

In the early 1950s, the Allies captured a Nazi document that was en route from the German Geopolitical Centre in Madrid the long-range Nazi planning apparat established there when the Nazi intellelligentsia realised that Germany might lose the war. Called ‘The Madrid Circular Letter’, this document promulgated two themes for the attention of the 200,000 Nazis by now scattered around the globe. They were:

1. ‘For us, the war never ended’: ‘Fur uns, der Krieg ist niemals vorbei’; and: 2. ‘We shall build the Thousand-Year Reich on the ruins of the United States’.

The issues run deep.

Update 8th Nov 2010: Connected?

The following is taken from Christopher Story’s last report before his sudden and untimely death:








CA 91103

Telephone: (626) 564-9797

Facsimile: (626) 564-9111

A. Clifton Hodges

James S. Kostas

Donald W. Ricketts*

*Of Counsel

July 8th, 2010


Sent Via E-Mail and Facsimile

The Right Honorable George Osborne, MP

Chancellor of the Exchequer

HM Treasury

Horse Guards Road

London SW1A 2HQ

Fax No. 020 7270 4580

Re: U.S. Dollar Refunding Project

Dear Honorable George Osborne:

I write to you once more in furtherance of matters raised in my prior correspondence of June 25, 2010; I understand that you have received instructions regarding my approach, and the various points raised in my earlier messages. Your assistance is most urgently required in addressing these matters, and the apparent disavowal of earlier agreements made and reaffirmed at previous G-8 meetings concerning the U.S. Dollar Refunding Project. I write on behalf of my clients Michael C. Cottrell, B.A., M.S., of Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, and his corporations: Pennsylvania Investments, Inc., registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Cottrell Securities Limited, registered in England and Wales.

The events of the past week are difficult to understand, and impossible to tolerate. I am advised and understand that the Lienholders executed a foreclosure and management takeover Fri-Sat 2-3 July of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and of Bank of America in Charlotte, NC.

They “cleaned out” both banks of people working for the opponents and cleared toxic debt [including derivatives] off the bank balance sheets. Accordingly, they took DB out of the control of Angela Merkel and opponents in Germany, and they took BOA out of all possible control by the opponents in this country. As a result of these actions, it was expected that the World Global Settlement funds could be distributed this week.

These funds were available for distribution on Tuesday, July 6. Because George Bush Sr. was initiating interference, the Chinese authorities then had a “talk” with Bush Sr. By Wednesday afternoon a full Compliance Officer meeting had been conducted, and the appropriate parties were again prepared to initiate the transfers when Mr. Leon Panetta, pursuant to instructions from President Obama and George Bush Sr. issued instructions to the banking authorities to “placate but do not pay”; this prevented the authorities from making any such transfers. I am advised that the Chinese authorities then had another “talk” with Bush Sr., and all was ready again on today, July 7, and set to commence @ 3:00 PM EDT.

At approximately 3:00 PM EDT, I am told by several sources, George Bush Sr. apparently contacted President Obama and instructed him not to allow release of the funds. Bush Sr. then advised the President that if the funds were released, Bush would “go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated”. In accord with these instructions, the payout of the World Global Settlement funds has not proceeded.

THE PAYMENTS PREVIOUSLY AGREED TO AND SET FORTH ON THE BASEL LIST HAVE NOT BEEN MADE AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THESE CONTINUED DELAYS. Direct intervention through your good offices on behalf of the Royal Monarchal Power, is absolutely required to bring this matter to conclusion. To secure release of these Settlement funds, it is imperative that your power as one of the U.S. Treasury Lienholders, be exercised with such force as may be required to effect completion.

I respectfully plead that you utilize the inherent Royal Monarchal Power at the earliest possible moment to ensure completion of this funding. Thank you in advance for your assistance; please contact me directly if I can provide any additional information or help.





Cc: Lindell H. Bonney, Sr.

Colonel Dana Wilcox

Michael C. Cottrell, BA, MS

President Barack Obama

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Interpol, USNCB



• The Lienholders exercised a foreclosure and management takeover on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd July 2010 of Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, Germany and of Bank of America, Charlotte, NC. They took this action due to ongoing sabotage by the US official keptocracy.

• They immediately removed people in both banks working for the saboteurs and opponents of the necessary resolutions and cleared derivatives (toxic debt) off the balance sheets.

• This took Deutsche Bank out of the control of Bush Sr.’s agent [see earlier reports: Archive], Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the saboteurs in Germany.

• Likewise they took the CIA’s compromised Bank of America out of the control of the corrupt bankers and CIA saboteurs in the United States.

• Her Majesty The Queen signed the necessary authorities for the Refunding Programme, the Loan Facility and other necessary papers during her visit to New York, as expected.

• As a result of the above the necessary funds were available for distribution

on Tuesday 6th July 2010.

• As usual, George Bush Sr. interfered, as a consequence of which the Chinese parties had a ‘talk’ with the corrupt, demonic Godfather Bush Sr.

• By 7th July (Wednesday) a full meeting of Compliance Officers had taken place and the parties were again said to be prepared to initiate the transfers.

• Whereupon the corrupt Leon Panetta, Director of Central Intelligence (CIA), pathetically following ‘instructions’ issued by a private citizen named George H. W. Bush and issued to his poodle in the White House, the gutless Barack Hussein Obama, issued instructions to banking authorities the ‘placate but do not pay’ (accounting for the immediate lies summarised below), thus ‘preventing’ the feckless and terrified banking authorities from making any transfers.

• Bush Sr.’s poodle, Barack Hussein Obama, is too weak and lacking in backbone to grasp that Bush Sr.’s threats [see below] are BLUFF. He lacks the spine to stand up to this crook and face him down, which is the only way to deal with these possessed ‘Black’ US Nazi operatives, as we have amply demonstrated on this website

• On 7th July, the Chinese authorities then had another talk’ with Bush Sr., as a consequence of which the payout procedures were put back in place on that date, to start up at 3:00pm EDT..

• Having thus lied as usual to the Chinese parties, private citizen Bush Sr. contacted Barack Hussein Obama and INSTRUCTED HIM not to allow the release of the funds.

• In that telephone call to the White House, Bush Sr. also threatened that if Obama authorised release of the funds, Bush Sr. would go to the Supreme Court and have Obama’s Presidency terminated’ [see earlier reports, notably the Biden comment on this score].

• As a consequence, the terrified and gutless Obama obeyed the private citizen George H. W. Bush and the agreed-upon payout of the Settlement funds has not taken place.

• Michael C. Cottrell, BA, M.S., was duly advised on Tuesday 6th July that the preliminary payment due to him would be satisfied on that date and that the Loan Facility would be in place on Thursday 8th July 2010.

• On Friday 9th July ‘the word went out’ that Mr Cottrell was not to be paid, the opposite of what had been categorically stated earlier.

• The payments agreed to and set out in the Basel List have not been affected as a direct consequence of this sabotage.

• Given the above, Gold Badges, US Law Enforcement, the corrupted US military under the former CIA Director Robert Gates, et al., are all in continuing dereliction of their duty in failing to arrest and lock up the Financial Terrorist George H. W. Bush Sr., either because they, like Joseph Biden, are all blackmailed and compromised, or because they fear that Mr Bush Sr.’s thuggists will murder them, and because they lack the intelligence to understand that Bush Sr.’s behaviour amounts to nothing more than the familiar childish, weak Psy-Ops BLUFF and bullying overfamiliar to students of the Mafiosi Godfathers, of which this criminal is the most ruthless and dangerous operative alive today.

• US law enforcement, Gold badges, feckless CIA operatives, cloth-eared, arrogant and corrupt US military cadres have accordingly dragged the reputation of the United States below sewer level in the eyes of all in the know at highest levels worldwide, with their gutless behaviour.

• Everyone who is anyone in positions of relevant importance worldwide is fully aware of this scandalous state of affairs, not least from this website, which has enormous clout ‘where it matters’. They had better exercise their powers to put an end to what is undoubtedly the biggest financial terrorism and corruption crisis in world history.