
Bill Gates: “…but I manufacture buckets!”

Only Bill Gates could get away with an argument which goes “I can pierce as many holes in this dinghy as I wish because I fund the manufacture of buckets! And NOBODY yet has pointed out how ridiculous this excuse of his is!

Meanwhile, I do begrudge the bastard his wealth because it was only made through mummy and daddy! Both highly connected and daddy a good friend of the Rockefellers and head of Planned Parenthood! This guy forgets all that!

However, as you may know, Bill Gates also funds – not just buckets – broadcasting networks all across the world including the BBC and CNN.

So why would the BBC and CNN put these questions to him at all? Because Gates knows the criticisms he’s faced with and, by airing them in a well controlled interview, he can come up with his bullshit and the BBC and CNN interviewers won’t retort or press him too hard at all because the interview is for the purpose of making him look good and have all the answers.

It’s amazing how many cretins will just swallow this crap and think he’s a “God” however.

Bill Gates and his family and the people who support him in business, media, monarchy and governments, are nothing more that silver spooned, eugenics loving, malthusian genocidal maniacs who wish for an empty world except for them and enough of us to keep their lights on and entertained.

And by god, we’re allowing it!

“I can pump as much CO2 into the air as I wish because I can fix the atmosphere with my money!”

Then Bill, why don’t all governments just print more money (NOT borrow it, just print it), hand it out to everyone and we can all become millionaires and billionaires and donate a substantial amount of it to a kitty to buy a whole ton of buckets?

You know what you are son? A total, bullshitting wanker! It’s past time you were seriously dealt with!

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The Ballad of Johnny & Amber

Posted in Media, Music artists, The Video Section, Uncategorized by Earthling on May 21, 2022

Yes, it’s “Hollywood” and yes it’s somewhat of a distraction but I just couldn’t resist….

“The Giver”

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Media, Uncategorized by Earthling on April 25, 2022

If you have Netflix, watch it.

I’d also be interested to know what you thought of it and how you reacted to it. So, if you watch, leave a comment?

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Securitisation & the Terrorism Industry

In 1992, the CATO Institute published the following paper. I did not pick up on it until approx 2005/6 but when I did, my jaw dropped. I also found that, not only the “libertarian CATO” but the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Foreign Policy” periodical published the paper the same year.

The Cato Institute is an American libertarianthink tank headquartered in Washington, D.C. It was founded in 1977 by Ed CraneMurray Rothbard, and Charles Koch,[6] chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Koch Industries.[nb 1] Cato was established to have a focus on public advocacy, media exposure and societal influence.[7] According to the 2017 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report (Think Tanks and Civil Societies ProgramUniversity of Pennsylvania), Cato is number 15 in the “Top Think Tanks Worldwide” and number 10 in the “Top Think Tanks in the United States”.

So, I read this paper a long time before picking up on Securitisation as a concept (and well developed and known strategy) in International Relations.

My point of the following is, once more, to demonstrate how the global populace is being, effectively, gaslighted by the “elite” class into fear and panic of threats that do not actually exist but are developed within the corridors of power to bring about 1. Their wanted behaviour change by the populace; 2. To be able to introduce laws/policies etc and 3. To allow them to use emergency measures to shut down dissent and questioning by all, including media and to allow them to hide the reality from the population.

So, first, here is the CATO paper and then you can read the Academic paper related to the Securitisation aspects of the terrorism industry. You can rest assured, 100%, that “Covid 19” is part of that overall terrorism industry and that the terrorists – not by guns, knives, planes or pathogens, themselves – but by stories, create that terror.

What you have just read above is the operational element(s) of the International Relations “tool” of terrorism, namely Securitisation. This “tool” is then described in the following paper related to how it is utilised in the “terrorism” theatre however, the same playbook is used and has been used related to Covid 19 and Climate Change.

The fact of the matter is that a great many people on this planet (including academics) are fully aware of what is going on and what tools are being used to promote and progress this incredible and immense agenda. Many of them are even helping to create it.

These people should be brought to trial and, if found guilty (which they are), shot.

GBNews and Mark Sharman talk securitisation and don’t even know it!

Posted in Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Media, The Corrupt SOB's, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on April 3, 2022

The Media didn’t “buy in” to the propaganda. They were told! “Shut up!”

But GBNews and Mark Sharman won’t dare take you where it needs to be taken even if they aren’t clueless regarding securitisation. Interesting that Mark uses the term “Lockstep”. “Something more sinister…”? You’re damned right!

Give Mark his due though. He’s being somewhat brave in what he’s saying.

Global Shapers hub

Posted in Agenda 21, Gross stupidity within society, Media, Uncategorized by Earthling on March 31, 2022

Just a quick one.

Check out your local city “Global Shapers hub” for the World Economic Forum. For example, this is Edinburgh’s….

I’d propose there’s not a hell of a lot of Scots in that membership. I wonder why? Also, they’ve shaped nothing for themselves so far so I’m worried about what shape the world will be once they’ve shaped that!

Flat perhaps? 😉

“Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits — and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!”


“We are becoming increasingly aware that solutions to our global challenges must purposefully engage youth, at all levels – locally, regionally, nationally and globally. This generation has the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit to shape the future” — Prof. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

For some reason, this video has not been added to her youtube channel but, just as she has found all of the connections of these ‘children’ in her Ottawa hub (some of which aren’t children but those who are, you have to ask how they could possibly have the experience to hold some of these positions. They don’t, of course but that is what makes them useful.) I thought I’d check out one or two of our Edinburgh “creme de la creme”. Turns out, it’s not cream but shit and shit floats.

WEF Global Shapers:

Get them while they’re young, malleable and their egos are easily massaged. Make them feel special and tell them they’re changing the world (which, indeed, they are). DON’T tell them they’re changing it for the worse and that it will (and is) negatively impact their entire lives to such an extent that their useful idiocy and inexperience and naivety of the world and the people in it, will result in a dystopia, being fed to them as a Utopia, where, once they’ve provided their usefulness, they will have built their own prison.

Children are so magnetised by celebrity, wealth and power that old Uncle Klaus will be seen as Santa Klaus.

Don’t think there’s any getting through to this cohort of kids, however. They’re already gone. You can’t make a Global Shaper shape-shift, after all! What it needs is a counter-balance of a similarly aged group. But through what vehicle? And where does the funding for it come from? Also, those who are not interested in the narcissistic power and the wish to influence others, tend not to create organisations like this. That is why we’re in for a difficult century.

Here’s Florian (just for example):

A 24 year old, gay little ‘flower’ who loves dystopian video games and who the WEF will utilise very well to influence your children into loving the new World Order

Another “Actor” (I put it in inverted commas for obvious reasons once you see the following):

He’s also been in the cast in theatre plays with the oddest of subject matter. You’d think these kids want their dystopia more than life!

While, if we look at his LinkedIn profile, we see this sort of thing:

Now, here’s the thing. He’s an LGBTQ social activist and that’s it. “Freelance marketing” (PR Crisis Management). What kind of bloody ‘crisis’ could this little gay bloke manage? A ‘crisis actor’ fits him to a T! Let’s look a little further…

There’s an example of the ego massage for you.

Does Poetry and activism pay well these days? If you can make head or tail of this ‘CV’ then you’re smarter than i am! In my world, if you’ve had 6 or 7 jobs in the last 8 years, corporates wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole – but the world Economic Forum will which, ironically, is packed to the rafters with corporates.

And then we have this….

Another example of the ego massage for you. He’d be in his bed that night stroking himself thinking of Alexander’s bellend!

Not only is Alexander Van Der Bellend the President of Austria but also a “centrist liberal” and ‘greeny'(i.e. communist) in his words and an “ex” (you’re never an “ex”) Freemason.

The “Curator” no less (basically “President”) of the Edinburgh branch of a group of well groomed (in more ways than one) narcissistic youth who want/need to feel they’re important.

And people wonder how there can be a conspiracy to remould the world. People tend to think ‘conspiracy’ is all done clandestinely, in secret, covertly etc. Not at all. It’s promulgated in the cold light of day by a ‘web’ (or network) of some well meaning people who are desperate for meaning in their own lives, who are ‘deputised’ by the most dirty, nasty scoundrels on planet earth who can brainwash them so easily by feeding their egos.

Did Florian suck Klaus Schwab’s dick? Who knows?

Let’s check out the Deputy: Peter MacPhail.

Peter took a Bachelor’s degree at Edinburgh University between 2013 and 2017, yet like a few in Polly’s video, went on to do what, exactly? Not architecture. Very odd. 4 years is quite an investment in a subject and one would think that his “Aspen Partnerships” would be in the field of architecture or similar. But no.

In fact, “Aspen Partnerships”, composed of two people including Peter, could not even be considered a real company with Peter as “Managing Director” in all seriousness because it is part of a global franchise of sorts while Peter, as you will see below, doesn’t even have an income generated from it – unless he lives on pocket change. Whereas, if he entered architecture, you can make good money in that field. For 4 years, he has been Managing Director of his ‘own company’ with, we must assume, no other employment which he shows and he hasn’t made a cent. How very very odd! A rather bare website for it too (but interesting).

“Aspen Partnerships” is all about connecting sustainable cooking technology manufacturers and distributors connect between the UK and India. Huh? Plus: “Our thoughts on the social, political and regulatory nuances that affect cross-border sustainable technology collaboration.” A kid who took an architecture degree has the ‘inside track’ on social and political/regulatory nuances that affect cross-border collaboration (of any kind)? Very very very odd!

So here’s the “ask” re Peter:

Where’s his income coming from? It isn’t Aspen. He leaves University and, in March 2018, he incorporates a company (although he states he has been MD since sept 2017, 6 months before the company existed) which, until today, hasn’t created a cent, essentially. In January of 2018, however, he had become a WEF Global Shaper (Looks like someone whispered “Get yourself a company Peter. It looks better if you’re going to be a “Global Shaper””). Of course, being involved in “Climate Reality” is a given now, isn’t it?

Who’s bankrolling these people? He’s 28 for god’s sakes! Is it a question of “Who’s yer daddy, Peter?” Or has Uncle Klaus come to town?

All of these people keep reminding me over the years of the following…..


Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Media, Science, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on February 22, 2022

The video includes Candace Owens from her Instagram talking about the “CDC vs CDC” statistics regarding rubella in the 1960s. It then summarises securitisation once more.

Due to Youtube cancelling my channel, I’m only uploading, now, on Bitchute, for now until something else comes along. I can start another youtube channel (and, in fact, have) but I haven’t uploaded anything to it since I am still deciding how to use it and how I can possibly say things without the youtube algorithm (or persons not liking what I say) cancelling me again. It takes hours and sometimes days to produce a video. I’m not Alex Belfield or Carl Vernon (who tell you bugger all).


Letter to the New York Times

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Media, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on December 28, 2021

I simply looked up their contact email and did not know, before writing this, what their stipulations were for writing to them. It wasn’t written from the perspective of getting them to publish the letter but simply to bloody act on it! Not that they would but someone’s gotta tell them they know this stuff!!

From: “Earthling”

Tue 28/12/2021 19:20


Dear Editor,
I simply wish to know how/why you cannot/will not bring this – your very own article from 2007 – to the attention of your readership?
Your own archive which questions (in fact, more than questions) the entire narrative of “Covid 19”.
Do not try and suggest to me that you are not aware of this article or it was just overlooked. Is it just that, since then, you were provided a substantial sum by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

“In an  August 2020 piece, Tim Schwab noted that he found at least 15  NY Times columns where  Bornstein or Rosenberg had written about  Bill and Melinda Gates, the Gates Foundation, or Gates-funded organizations, without any mention they were being paid on the side by the Foundation through SJN.  He recounted how he contacted Bornstein, Rosenberg, and their NYT editors, to inquire why there were no conflict-of- interest disclosures attached to these pieces.  

Tina Rosenberg responded that “We do disclose our relationship with SJN in every column, and SJN’s funders are listed on our website. But you are correct that when we write about projects that get Gates funding, we should specifically say that SJN receives Gates funding as well…Our policy going forward with the NY Times will be clearer and will ensure disclosures.”

NYC Public School Parents: NY Times columnists still financially benefitting from Bill Gates largesse -without acknowledgement from the Times8/27/21: I’ve updated this with more recommendation for what Solutions Journalism should do to avoid these conflicts of interest in the futu…

And before you say it, yes I realise this funding was not direct to the NYT but let’s not play silly buggers! 
The following includes your article from 2007:

The Epidemic that never was:
As you will see in the blog, the incompetence of the scientific/medical community in initially accepting PCR tests as diagnostic, resulted in a false “epidemic” in Dartmouth and resulted in thousands of unnecessary vaccinations. The CDC documents (2017 & 2021) then support the outcome of the article by clearly stating that the PCR tests (those tests responsible for this entire “Covid Pandemic”) were (and are) not fit for purpose – as was plainly stated by Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, before he died.
Your unquestioning support of this “pandemic” displays either, ineptness or a willingness to be complicit in the fraud which it is.

“Earthling” (real name supplied).

“I profiled one organization called the Solutions Journalism Network, which has received millions of dollars from the Gates Foundation (at the time, the foundation was the largest funder). The real problem with those grants is that the founders and directors of this Gates-funded organization are also frequent contributors to the New York Times, where they frequently write about the Gates Foundation — always in ways that are uncritical or favorable. So, after I did the story and did a follow up story, the New York Times finally issued corrections to disclose their financial conflicts of interest.

When you think about it, articles have been published at the highest level of journalism, the New York Times, about the Gates Foundation from journalists who have ties to it. So that, to me, became a really interesting story that allows you to see how far this influence travels.”



Letters, NYT <>

Tue 28/12/2021 19:20

To: You

Thank you for your letter to The New York Times.

If your letter is selected for publication — in all editions (print and online) or only online, and possibly in The International New York Times as well — we will contact you within a week. 
We regret that because of the large number of submissions we are not able to respond to all of them, other than by this automated reply. (You will receive an auto-reply only once every four days.)
Here are some guidelines:

Letters should ideally be 150 to 200 words and may be shortened to fit allotted space. They must be exclusive to The Times (no prior publication in other news outlets, except for They should generally refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days.

We reserve the right to edit all letters, and to trim to fit allotted space.

To be considered for publication, letters should include the writer’s name, address, current location (where you are writing from) and daytime and evening phone numbers at your current location (for verification, not publication). If you have a disability, we will make every effort to make accommodations in our communication with you.
We do not accept anonymous or open letters.

We generally do not publish more than one letter from the same writer within any 60-day period, but reserve the right to be flexible. (This applies to the daily letters page, but feel free to submit letters to the weekly sections.) If we select your letter for publication, you consent to our right to republish it, in any and all media, and to license third parties to publish it as well.

If you submit your contact information as a result of this automated reply, please re-send the letter with it. (In the subject line, please indicate the headline of the article you’re responding to, and delete “automated reply.’’) 

Because of computer security concerns, we do NOT accept attachments; they will NOT be opened. Please re-submit your letter pasted into the body of an e-mail message.


It goes on but there’s zero point in pasting it all on here and it’ll go nowhere anyhow. However, if you were so inclined, it would be interesting to see if many people writing to them about it would have any effect. But then again, nobody will I guess. Apologies for the negativity but I’ve had 15 years of people doing bugger all and that includes people like Icke and UKColumn and others. All talk (like me) but they have huge audiences and yet they cannot/will not work together and organise. All just bloody talk! Same with Alex Jones on the other side of the pond.

I watched the Netflix movie called “Don’t look up!” last night and I couldn’t help laughing (in despair) at the piss they were taking out of everything and everyone by holding up a mirror to us all and saying “That is what you are!” – inept, cretinous fools more interested in “likes” and celebrity; Filled with platitudes and having to keep things ‘light’. Oh my God! Did I see so many people in that movie! Did the actors even recognise what they were doing? Essentially, taking the piss out of the worldwide population that take them seriously and laughing at them. They hypocrisy and the lack of depth in anything at all was a precise reflection of what we’ve become and why, at the end, they all fucking die! Frankly, they deserved it. So considering it’s a reflection on our present reality, I’d have to say so do we.

Some interesting little points and digs made it in it however. Two of which were:

  1. Trust in scientists (and that little UN useful idiot – whatshisface – was the main one)
  2. I’m sure they were having a dig at Elon Musk with the old, grey haired billionaire character.

Alex Belfield: It’s no use folks, people are dumb!

I’ve been keeping an eye on this twat’s youtube channel during the “Covid time” just to get a feel if he or his audience would work it out. He hasn’t and perhaps, just perhaps, only a very few of his audience have – and I mean a few! Out of 350K subs, I’d reckon a handful actually have a handle on all of this.

So here’s a couple of Belfield videos from the last 24 hours. I’ve started them for you at the relevant points so you don’t have to listen to the dross he intersperses with what’s important.

First we have him posting this, saying “how powerful” it is. It actually isn’t because it’s simply a pleading to our captors but, nevertheless, Alex thinks it is and Alex is “on our side” and “gets it”…..

But then we have this. “Prince William agrees with me that we need fewer babies”. What an inept bastard Alex is. He is supporting the entire end goal of what Covid and Climate Change is all about yet has you believe he’s ‘on the ball’ and anti the agenda. He doesn’t even know what the bloody agenda is!

And while Boris tells us, a few years back, just how scared the political establishment are of raising the subject of fertility and human numbers (because it will give the game away)….

It has been “no go” territory for decades within the UN and global politics because of the backlash they would face from the global population. They had no justification for it. But now, they do and even while the politicians are still very careful about raising it publicly (even though NGOs and multiple websites do as well as speeches in Parliaments over decades), Prince William is now entirely confident of stating it – like his father before him and his father before him – because ‘people like Prince William. He’s a ‘nice boy’ – and, not only are the monarchy “above politics” (remind you of ‘securitisation’ by any chance? Above democratic politics? ;-)) but they have also hit a point now, with Covid followed by COP 26, where they feel the majority believe “Climate Change” is happening (or are, at least going along with it) and, this being so, inserting the prospect of reducing childbirth in the plebian population will also be accepted to ‘Save the Planet’.

As for Alex (and so many more like him): They can’t grasp it or they dare not even consider it for fear of crossing the rubicon into territory that would instil even greater fear in them than a fake pandemic.

And watch Philip, the “Virus Prince” that Belfield loved.

Then you have Charles: Prince Of Darkness –

But no, Alex, it hasn’t been the plan for decades, has it? You STUPID, INEPT little man!

Why do you think they let the elderly die last year (and continue to) Alex? And perhaps even purposefully killed them with midazolam.

“I don’t know, Earthling”

Because, from their perspective, the elderly are nothing but a burden and the UK, like the west in general, has a demographic deficit since the elderly proportion of the population is growing and the number of babies being born is contracting.

“Ok, but we need less babies because of climate change!”

So, if we have less babies, Alex and we also kill our elderly, where does that leave us?

“With a far lesser population”

Yes, but where does it end and who is it that needs to contract the population? The Johnsons? Father and son, 12 kids in total (and counting). You don’t have kids, Alex, do you? You’re too busy shagging prostitutes. I can see why you’re not too bothered about them wanting to stop people from having them. But back to the elderly and babies in the UK: Without ‘killing grandma’,

Newsweek September 21 2009 The Case for Killing Granny, I Was a Teenage  Death Panelist, Are Some Kids Fated to Be Fat?: Books

what other ways, do you think, we could convert our demographic deficit into a demographic dividend?

“By having more babies, I guess?”

Yes! But they want a reduction in overall global population. What do you think legalised abortion has been all about? And now, introducing the idea of euthanasia, in addition. Good timing eh? But there’s another way of achieving a demographic dividend, Alex. Haven’t you figured it out? You talk about it enough!

“What’s that?”

‘Dinghy Divers’ Alex! Migration, of working age people, from countries which already have a demographic dividend and you apply the narrative that the migration is caused by “climate change”. So, while you consistently drivel on about the migrants, you don’t have enough brain matter to work out the reasoning behind it! You bleat and moan about it but that’s what most of the bloody population does every day about everything rather than apply themselves to figure out the “why?”. You preach to your audience but give them diddly bloody squat in terms of any insight! But you know your audience and know that the vast majority are clueless but at least they hear someone bleating about the same things who is as clueless as them!

You’re a mug, Alex! And, indeed, the mug you have to sell suits you to a tee: You’re most certainly a Clear Undisputed National Treasure!

Two kids – One planet: Which one dies?

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, Law, Media, Politics, Science, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on November 7, 2021

Email to Barry Buzan, Professor, London School of Economics

Posted in "Climate Change", "Terrorism", Agenda 21, Covid 19, Media, Politics, Science, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on November 1, 2021

As in my video attached to my blog “Email to Parliament”, Barry Buzan is the “Father” of Securitisation theory at the London School of Economics.

I thought it was about time to send him an email. After all, he knows exactly what’s going on…


PLEASE HELP ME GET THIS OUT THERE: The “Securitisation” phenomenon which is crucial to understand before you can understand Covid and Climate Change!

The people responsible and the politicians peddling it for them, know this and use it. If the public do not understand how and why it is being used, they will never recognise it when they are victims of it!


Email to Parliament

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, Media, Politics, Science, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on November 1, 2021

To:Desmond Swayne,Adam AFRIYIE,Office of Graham Brady,Aaron BELL,Apsana BEGUM,Caroline ANSELL,Steve BAKER,Jon ASHWORTH,Lee B. ANDERSON,Mike AMESBURY,Rosena ALLIN-KHAN,Sarah ATHERTON,Stuart ANDERSON,Stuart ANDREW,Tonia ANTONIAZZI,,,,,Bim AFOLAMI,Debbie ABRAHAMS,Nigel ADAMS,Peter ALDOUS,Imran AHMAD-KHAN,,,Bob BLACKMAN,Hannah BARDELL,Harriett BALDWINHideMon, 1 Nov at 13:53

Dear All,
International Relations – Securitisation. You didn’t vote on Covid regulations recently and you’ve been sidelined altogether due to the securitisation of it (and climate change). Some of you will know exactly what I’m talking about and some won’t but most of you, either through ineptness or plain apathy or pressure, are saying nothing and voting (when you can) with the government.
It is laughable in the sense that you are turkeys voting for Christmas because, in the long term, this agenda is going to affect you and your families and friends too. You may view yourself as ‘above any impact’ due to your present positions but you couldn’t be more wrong. Anyhow, that will be for you to find out in time.

4.3, 4.4 and 4.5:

Now, why would this be the guidance during the “Emergency period” I wonder? Would it be, perhaps, to boost the numbers of “Covid 19 deaths” promoted by the media securitisation actors?

We’re not all stupid guys. You may be, however.

Kindest Regards,

The video:

Johnson & Johnson ‘executives’: It’s about control

Posted in Agenda 21, Covid 19, Media, Money, Science, The Corrupt SOB's, Vaccinations by Earthling on September 28, 2021

But we knew that! I know!

Covid vaccine: “Hit them in their pocket” “Make them 2nd class citizens” – Johnson & Johnson Yahoo/Sent

To: Desmond Swayne,Adam AFRIYIE,Steve BAKER,Bob BLACKMAN,Office of Graham Brady,David DAVIS,Chris GREEN,Mark HARPER,Philip HOLLOBONE,Charles WALKER,Boris JOHNSONHideTue, 28 Sept at 15:30

Dear Desmond,–%27Kids-Shouldn%E2%80%99t-Get-A-F_cking–COVID–Vaccine:2?r=Ca93BhvPPjvSC6LxPus5591n3dKrfYAf

These guys careers have ended! The truth needs to come out, however, and no prisoners taken.

But I’ll tell you the truth: There was/is no virus; No “delta strain” etc. So why the jab? Give it time.
And for all those who got vaccinated because it impacts your lifestyle and job, listen closely!
Coerced into being “1st class citizens” (compliant and ignorant) and forcing the rest of us into 2nd class because we’re not.But we “2nd class citizens” get to have no job (sounds very much like inability to buy or sell if you ask me) and no access to more and more events.Meanwhile, you tories, ‘opposed’ to the measures, are inept, impotent and incompetent. Why? Because you will still play the game.

I’d call you all “Nazis” but, in all honesty, you couldn’t lick Hitler’s boot!

You pout and preen your ‘politics’ and your stances.

Let me just say this: No matter what pressure you bring to bear on me and many like me, we’ll never bend. We may be second class citizens but we’re not first class twats!
You sickening bunch of supercilious, mealy-mouthed excuses for men!

Let’s see what ‘tomorrow’ brings, shall we?


“Ludicrous” says Alex Belfield, once more!

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, Gross stupidity within society, Media by Earthling on April 16, 2021

Alex! Alex! Since I am barred from posting on youtube for the moment (I’ll be back!) I thought I’d put electronic pen to paper.

What the HELL does it take Alex? Are you really a bloody moron while you suck the Royal family’s tit and mourn your ‘Prince of Plagues and viruses’ passing?

Now, it’s “I don’t understand why they’re thinking of locking down Australia until 2023!”

And he goes on… and on…. and on…. about the pandemic figures!


THIS is what it’s all about!

How can a so called ‘journalist’ not have the mental acuity to work this out when it’s even being offered to you on a plate?

No, not “Jack Reacher”

Posted in Agenda 21, Media, Paedophilia by Earthling on April 13, 2021

And the agenda just keeps a comin’! While the Telegraph and the media and government take the absolute piss out of us all!

What’s next for our kids? What a transexual’s private parts look like once they’ve transformed? That “Trannies r us”.

I wonder if Nick Clegg and the rest of the sick, perverted crew who are happy for boys and girls to be totally sexualized by the age of 12, happy for their 12/13 year olds to get it in the rear from Jack, if he so desired?

EDIT: I’ve lost it! My stomach muscles have just packed in!