
David Icke: Accepts donations from “cancer causing” company

Posted in Media by Earthling on January 11, 2014

“We shall NEVER accept sponsorship or advertising from companies we are likely to investigate or which are negative towards the health and well-being of people” – David Icke

This is a fact which ALL at TPV know. We were ALL told that and the man was very firm (rightly) on the point.

He also states it on his videos when asking for donations and sponsorship/advertising.

I wrote about this in my first blog on the subject: “David Icke: The turd in the punchbowl”.

I have also given absolute factual evidence (OFCOM, Handicapped kids, Poll tax issue) that David Icke does not walk his talk and he never will when it does not suit him.

Now, I wish to bring your attention to the following – the list of sponsors who contributed £1000 to the original £300K donation drive:

TPV £1K sponsors

No cancer there right? Yup, that’s absolutely right. Nothing in that list which, as I’m aware anyhow, could lead to cancer.

David Icke and TPV would not wish to list a donator/sponsor which was highly questionable would he? Of COURSE not! But would he still accept money from them but just quietly, without listing them and thanking them?

Yes, he would and while one cannot determine for sure that this company following, has donated that sum of money or not, I ask you to consider that, with the sum being undisclosed, yes it could be an undisclosed sum of £1 but please, don’t make a fool of yourself and really believe that. Undisclosed sums are, most frequently, undisclosed because they are large. Sure, it could still be only £500 or even £250 or £100 – I do not dispute that could be the case – but you and I and “the people” will never know shall we? A private limited company being funded by another private limited company gives you no right to that information (and that is the way our “law” is and every single one of you – Icke believer, skeptic or whatever – despise that very fact because you know as well as I do that the legal ideology of the “Corporate person” is a huge part of what is oppressing us AND it allows for as much “occult” dealings as Freemasonry or any other secret society. These are facts and ALL of you – no matter what side of the fence you’re sitting on – know it.

So here we have (Electronic cigarettes) funding “The People’s Voice” and Mr Icke, desperate on funds remember – has been accepting donations from them. Not just once but FIVE (correction: THREE) times. He cannot then say that this donator has not come to his attention. IF he does, by saying “Oh FFS I don’t look at all donators and check them out!” then his entire statement above is bullshit because, in the short time I was there (you can read it), we had to be VERY sure (i.e. due diligence and consideration) of who we approached asking for donations/sponsorship from. IF he even thinks of turning round and saying he doesn’t look at the list and no-one in his team does, then it may as well be Pepsi or Coke donating. That said, do you think for one second that if Pepsi or Coke DID show up as a donator, and let’s say it was for £10K, that TPV would turn around at this point and say “No thanks”? IF you do, you’re naive as hell and yet, they’d have to because that would just be too obvious wouldn’t it? So, with this one, it’s a case of them thinking “No-one is going to pick up on that and cause an issue for us”. Well David, too bad son. I just have and I always intend to hold your feet to the fire and call you out for every hypocritical, bullshitting statement you make.Eliquid


But hey, they’re calling him a legend. You massage that ego and he’s gonna love you. He’s never gonna turn round and say “You won’t think I’m a legend when I tell you I’m not accepting your donations”.

One other thing, “Come on people, please dig deep!!” Does this sound like a company that has just donated a quid or two? 😉

FIVE (correction: THREE) times they’ve donated. So let’s even say it’s 3 x £100. Let’s say it’s 3 x£1. It doesn’t matter. It could be 3 x £1000 or more. You will NEVER know and how would Mr Icke show and prove he had returned the donations even if he told you he had? And why am I saying Icke? Icke isn’t TPV’s director it’s Sean “THE GUARDIAN OF THE GATES OF THE ETHOS”. Well Ickey, here’s your ethos being tested BIG STYLE! You really don’t like me do you? And yet all I do is hold you to your word Icke. That is ALL I ever do. And every time I do, your face becomes more purple!

Eliquid cigs

And please remember people, this is just one which stuck out like a sore thumb. There will be many more in those lists of donations I can assure you and you shall never know.

Now, we come to David’s retort. He really has no leg to stand on (legend or not) but the spin will now go into overdrive (just like Obama: “This will be the most transparent administration ever” my ass!).

David, you’re on thin ice mate to anyone who listens to you with half a brain nevermind all synapses sparking. Your comment (at the head of this post) went on to say that even if the company, technology/product or service is questionable in it being positive or negative, it is safer for the good name and ethos of TPV to not engage with them.

So, here we have just ONE report (in the Daily Mail of all places) providing a scientifically studied result about E cigarettes. There are more but, for the sake of brevity, I though the Daily Mail (you know? Sonia’s newspaper and one, from which you quote and post on your site very very frequently to support your own vision of the world):

E cigs

Full article:

The question AND the challenge to your “sincerely held” ethos is this:

How much have they donated? With proof please. Not a statement like your financial table of crap.

And when are you going to return ALL of their donations David? With proof of when you do it.

The “People” thank you for your integrity!

Damn! That £27,000 today doesn’t look so sure now does it? But you can bet it will be because what’s more important to David? YOUR opinion of him? HIS “ethos” OR THE MONEY?

This is going to show not just how David Icke and TPV will throw their stated ethos and ideology in the bin but how their followers will do the same, make every excuse under the sun and prove the hypocrisy of messiah and his flock.

Final point: This whole ethos of his is a crock of shit anyhow and YOU as the “people” can NEVER have the transparency you demand either. So let’s say Icke and TPV even cared enough to respond to this issue and come up with the feeble excuse that “oh we didn’t notice”, and the donations were to be shown as returned to the donator, so what? Icke gets on the phone and says “Here mate, send them back through via paypal will you? Donations don’t need to be through Indiegogo” or “Send them back through to Davidickebooks Ltd or Lion’s Epoch Limited”. He even admitted having had donations for TPV via HIS website! There are a myriad of ways he can take ANY money from ANYONE. And he fucking will! Cheap talking POS.


Oh yes, it is that old, worn and well loved phrase of the alternative media and “two of movement” again: “Cognitive dissonance”. I think there are many who use it (not all) because it’s probably the largest piece of vocabulary they have ever learned and think it makes them sound intelligent but, anyhow, that’s an aside.

There are many people (including the poster of this post to TPV called San) who have given me flak and criticised me for my language at times but also for referring to (never specified but sometimes grouped) people as “thick as shit” or “dumb”, “stupid” etc etc. Some people have stated it makes me no better than Icke and it turns people away from the site, the information and the message. If that is the case, so be it. You see, I do not make a cent out of this. I do not require your “love” or your “respect”. I ask for nothing from you. There is no “DONATE” button on my blog. You really CAN take the information or leave it from my perspective because I win nothing and lose nothing whatever you choose. The ONE IMMENSE DIFFERENCE between me and David Icke (or any other “alternative media/”truth movement guru” out there) is that HE (and they) ALL (almost all I know of anyhow), ask for donations and, as such, if you do not take their information (imagine no-one was to listen to David Icke) they will have ZERO income. It is their livelihood! So, for ANY ONE OF THEM to say “I don’t care if you believe it or not” (as long as you buy the book) is BULL! Because if no-one listened and believed his info, he would stop selling books because he’d have no market! How DIFFICULT is this for people to understand? So that is a BOLD FACED LIE in of itself. And it is FUN-DA-MENTAL!

So I “win” or “lose” nothing. I say what I think and time and time again over years, i have encountered sheer fricking stupidity from human beings. REAL DUMBASSES! Real ignorant, thick, numb-brained fricking morons. So no, I don’t apologise for stating how thick some are occasionally because it is simply true. Today, for instance, there was a tent up in the town centre. I’d seen it before last year and went and spoke to the guys manning it. Guess what it was? A FREEMASON’S tent promoting the craft! Bang in the town centre.

Now this guy i spoke to today, I spoke to last year also. He actually remembered me which was surprising and he welcomed me stopping by once more (to begin with) because we had had an open (to a point), interesting and friendly discussion. This guy is a nice guy on the face of things. he really is. But BOY (and I apologise to him if he ever reads it – apologise simply because he is such a “nice” guy) is he naive and simple – to the point of being thick but he’s not thick. i believe he simply doesn’t care but it is that lack of care which is dangerous (and thick) but it’s a “thick” in inserted commas. Anyhow that is another story for another time. It is this “fabled” COGNITIVE DISSONANCE.

And here it is displayed once more exactly as I assumed above:

Thick as shit

Now, my point here is, to NOT call this person “thick as shit” is to simply try and be “nice” and politically correct. I don’t know this character or what his character is like. He might be a real nice guy this “Mr King”. He might even be a PhD for all I know. He may well not be thick at all. But ANYONE reading these comments from him (ok so let’s not call him thick as shit, let’s say the words he presents read “thick as shit”. Is that more acceptable and politically correct for you?) would recognise this is a sign of synapses having been doused by something! Coz they ain’t firing!

In response to this entire blogpost of mine posted by San, Mr king has stated “Anyone can contribute via Indiegogo, even someone trying to discredit TPV so this story isn’t proof of anything really”. Yes TAS (I’ll call you TAS – I just think it’s fitting) anyone CAN donate that’s true. And this company HAS donated. And if this company is trying to discredit, then David icke and TPV would know and pick up on it AND WOULD SEND THE FUCKING DONATIONS BACK AND USE IT AS A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF THEIR “INTEGRITY” AS PROMOTION YOU PRAT!

But have they? No! Jesus H F’ING Christ man! Use that brain god gave you!