
Malcolm Roberts & Earthling’s “Money Physics”

For those who don’t get it yet: If YOU own nothing and everything is ‘access based’ (meaning you pay for access to anything and everything) then government are those who provide that access. If private ownership is abolished (which it will be) then THEY own everything, you own nothing and there is NO DEMOCRACY. You cannot have freedom and democracy when you must pay to access all your needs from a centralized, omnipotent government!

This is why I wrote the blog: “Money Physics and the transference of power” in 2013. It describes precisely why money is just a tool for them.

An excerpt:

What happens when that slope becomes a vertical line?

No more work is being done and ALL power has been transferred.

As that slope increases and the time (years) narrow to months and weeks and days as the M2 circulation goes spiralling upward, what happens is that, eventually (theoretically but also in reality except for the fact they manage it) you are left with ALL power transferred – no “kinetic”energy left and it is all transferred to “potential” energy in the hands of a very very small few. And THAT is the goal for these people. Once they have all power absorbed by them, they no longer need money because they OWN every last resource which they have captured through governments coming good on their promissory obligations (Government bonds) to them. There is no activity left in the private economy from which to derive the payment of the debt because ALL resources (human and capital) have been absorbed by the central banking private owners.

Precisely what Malcolm Roberts is now describing here….

Read the full blogpost here: