
France transfers stored 777 to storage in Tel Aviv

Posted in "Terrorism", Geo-Political Warfare, The Corrupt SOB's by Earthling on March 28, 2014

So, this plane – an ex Malaysian Airlines 777, precisely the same model as MH370 – was being stored in France from the 4th October 2013 to 4th November 2013 when it was then transferred to storage once more in Tel Aviv?

Boeing Tel aviv

Question: Why does Israel wish to store an ex Malaysian Airlines (probably now repainted of course) Boeing 777? Why would it take an already stored plane just to simply store it once more? Use up its space and resources to store a 15 year old plane?

No. Let’s think for a second. Use the grey matter: There is obviously an intended use of the plane whether that be within EL AL’s fleet at a later date or….?

Now granted, this is just a pure “What if?”… Pure speculation ahead: What IF this entire MH370 episode of conflicting reports and total confusion has been due to our “friends” in Israel and their globalist partners, considering a potential “9/11” BUT, due to it all being handled so incompetently (or maybe because we have had such conflict in the narration due to “good” and “bad” elements within international intelligence and other sources), Israel no longer has the opportunity to use this plane for whatever nefarious purpose it had in mind? WHAT IF, then, the parts of a Boeing 777 will be found in the Southern Indian Ocean (plus the “black box”) BUT, at the same time – and who would know necessarily? – the Boeing 777 which was in Tel Aviv is no longer stored in Tel Aviv? WHAT IF that plane has found its way to the bottom of the ocean way down there near the antarctic?

Now, I admit to the above speculation being total conjecture and just a “conspiracy theory” with no evidence of such. But it IS plausible, that is all I am saying.

Here’s a question though: Look at the presentation slide of customers of GA Telesis. They have transferred this plane to Israel BUT, while they have many Airlines listed, including Malaysia Airlines, there’s one Airline that’s missing and that is EL AL (Israel). So one could assume, therefore, that it is someone else in Israel who has bought (and stored) that plane other than the Israeli Airline. But who? Interesting question which requires an answer don’t you think?

GA Telesis

Mr. Abdol Moabery serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of GA Telesis, LLC. Previously, Mr. Moabery served as Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International, Inc., and as Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, Inc. He also served in the the U.S. Navy and U.S. Naval Reserve. He serves as a Trustee of Florida Atlantic University. He is President of the Wings Club Scholarship Fund and is an Adviser to several national and local children’s charities. Mr. Moabery is a Philanthropist of various organizations, including His House Children’s Home, Kids in Distress, Florence Fuller Child Development Center, Food for the Poor, the ISTAT Foundation, the Factor Foundation and the March of Dimes. Mr. Moabery received his Bachelor’s degree in International Business Management from FAU.

I always get a very bad feeling about these kind of people when I see them involved with so many children’s charities don’t you? I mean you have to ask yourself: Considering the type of people they tend to be toward anyone and everyone else, do you really think they go all “mushy” about the welfare of children? Nah. Not me. I don’t swallow it. After all, Jimmy Saville was “concerned about the welfare of kids too” wasn’t he? He also served in the US Navy? So military contacts then.

But here’s the thing: It just so happens that Moabery decided to invest in the Airline business after, of all things, 9/11. A visionary? Or an insider? Hmmm. But here’s another thing: Moabery got the money to invest in it by none other than Malaysia’s favourite globalist –

George Soros!

Don’t you just love the coincidences that you find in this game? A never-ending stream of them! A Gulfstream you could say!

But no, it wasn’t a Gulfstream it was a Boeing 777 in this case.

Soros Moabery

What’s in a name? Well Soros is a jew, we know that.

Abdol Moabery? Moab?

According to Genesis, the Moabites were related to the Israelites, with both peoples tracing their descent back to a common ancestor, Terah, who is named as the father of Abraham and Haran, and Haran being the father of Lot. (Genesis 19:30-38) Lot’s son Moab is described as being born from an incestuous relationship between Lot and his eldest daughter (Genesis 19:37) after the destruction of Sodom. The Moabites are described as descendants of Lot’s son Moab. Some commentators advance the view that the story of Moab’s incestuous conception found its way into the text as part of a political polemic of the time to denigrate Israelites’ opponent and relegate the Moabites to a lesser status.

Yep! You certainly didn’t want Lot near your kids, after all he shagged his own!


Moabery’s wife, Cathy, just so happens to also work at GA Telesis on what is known as “Special Projects”. Special projects are usually those which are somewhat outside the normal, everyday running of the business. I wonder what sort of “special projects” GA Telesis could be running don’t you?

And who would you wish to be in charge of them? Your loving wife of course. Someone you THINK you can trust!

4 Responses

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  1. D. Hounsome said, on March 28, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    The plot thickens. Interesting.

  2. Jim Harwood said, on April 22, 2014 at 4:38 pm

    Reblogged this on The Lantern Journal and commented:
    This was brought to my attention today 22 April 2014. Very interesting, as search ends in south Indian Ocean, and previous possibilities are being reconsidered. Three are gaining credibility – 1: MH370 was shot down or otherwise crashed in Malacca Strait. 2: It’s at Diego Garcia, where it was taken or shot down. 3: It was hijacked and taken by terrorist to Pakistan or Afghanistan. All theories should be given a new look, no matter how bizarre they might appear to be. Such theories can’t be proven or disproved until the jet is found or there is otherwise convincing evidence of its fate. Israel’s involvement is one I’d not known about until today, by chance found a video about it at YouTube, which brought me to this reblogged article, as well as other articles I’m now reading. This does not mean I’m anti-Israel/anti-Jews. It means I’m willing to consider all theories until proved or disproved.

  3. […] “Here’s a question though: Look at the presentation slide of customers of GA Telesis. They have transferred this plane to Israel BUT, while they have many Airlines listed, including Malaysia Airlines, there’s one Airline that’s missing and that is EL AL (Israel). So one could assume, therefore, that it is someone else in Israel who has bought (and stored) that plane other than the Israeli Airline. But who? Interesting question which requires an answer don’t you think?”  Game of Cheat perhaps? […]

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