
The new Chinese pneumonia (Hate to say it but…)

Posted in Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on November 30, 2023

So, we now have this Mycoplasma Pneumoniae kicking off among, primarily, children in China and, from what I hear, it is spreading (India and Netherlands so far).

The Chinese are saying it is not a novel virus or any new pathogen. Well, it doesn’t have to be and, in fact, “they” don’t want it to be. Why don’t “they” want it to be? Well, because it allows them to introduce a new ‘spin’ on things and wouldn’t it have people smell a rat if it were another ‘new pathogen’ so quickly? (Come to think of it, probably not because, as “Covid” taught me once more, the vast majority are gullible and still swallowing the mainstream Kool Aid)

So what am I saying?

Listen, read and watch the coverage of this as the story develops. Even right now, they are throwing in the “ANTI MICROBIAL RESISTANCE” aspect of the Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (MP).

Look back on my blog to 2021. I asked that any readers of my two posts on the subject to please, URGENTLY, share the posts so people could be forewarned. If you read them, did you do it? Probably not.

Here are the two posts:

The 1st post dated July 27th 2021.
The 2nd post July 28th 2021.

I also did a quick third post presenting our dearest “King” speaking about, of all things, Antimicrobial Resistance… I re-upload here.

The Prince of Wales makes a speech at the Global Leaders Conference on One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance in London.

What a very odd and very specific subject for a Monarch to speak about, don’t you think?

But you see, once more, you have people like this VERY naive man, who knows his medicine inside out it appears, but who is entirely ignorant of – like so many other ‘talking heads’ both, in mainstream and alternative news outlets – the agenda. Could Dr John Campbell have alerted you to the next outbreak being related to AMR two years ago? But I don’t have any medical credentials or background so who the hell would listen to a “Conspiracy Theorist” like me, huh?

Campbell does such a great job of having his audience cling to every minute medical detail and statistic, he’s doing a perfect job when it comes to having his audience believe there ever was a “Covid 19” and now, an antibiotic resistant pneumonia. He just takes every goddamned thing he reads in the news and medical journals and matches them up and doesn’t even think to question whether the stats and the news are real. After all, they’ve got to be, haven’t they?

Then tell me John: How did an idiot like me catch on, 2 years ago, to AMR potentially being what lay behind the new threat? How, John? A crystal ball? A wild guess?

Yes John. Everything you hear and read is just exactly what is actually happening. God give me strength!

So here’s Foreign Policy Journal speaking of the new Chinese pneumonia outbreak:

Well would you look at that! They even make sure to include the fact it is antibiotic resistant in the title!

Of course John won’t have a clue about the importance of Foreign Policy journal not have a scooby as to what organisation it is linked to (the Council on Foreign Relations and the Royal Institute of International Affairs) nevermind the significance of that!

So the question is now: Will they introduce this as the next global pandemic or are they, for now, just testing the waters?

Now, what else is there about this new outbreak? Ah yes, it is disproportionately targeting children, right?

Well, I also brought this to the attention of people on my now defunct youtube channel in July 2021:

McKinsey & Company (what’s the significance there?)

Well by golly Miss Molly! Do McKinsey have a crystal ball too?

Sure. Ignore us “Conspiracy Theorists”, we know diddly squat and are just tin foil hatted paranoids!

I’ll go my way, John and you go yours. I see you forever scratching your head trying to make sense out of all you hear, read and see while your blood pressure goes up and up because you chose to take the Covid injection. I, however, never scratch my head because I know the game being played and I didn’t take the injection! I think that puts me a few miles ahead John!

You irritate me John because I have even tried to communicate all this to you for the purpose of enlightening you and every time – silence.

Keep scratching John! Scratch the itch of your audience too!

I told you so!