
TPV: David’s finally been rumbled!

Posted in Media by Earthling on April 3, 2014

Well, about a week ago, I put out a blog named “TPV: The people have spoken David”. However, it would seem they have roared. That’s what you wanted though David isn’t it? The people to roar like your Lion?

You should be proud of them. Aren’t you? 😉

Here was the funding a week ago:

People's voice Indiegogo campaign 3

And here’s the funding today:

TPV 14 days left


Not only have you just managed to raise slightly over £3000 David and team but you’ve dropped the goal from £250K to just £50K. And it doesn’t even look like you’re going to hit anywhere near that!

I have to admit. I do get a modicum of pleasure knowing that people are no longer falling for it David.

I’m so glad for them!

After all, you’ll get your money. If the state gives you an OFCOM licence then they will surely back that up with the funding you require to do that propaganda job they want you to.

The trouble for them is – Are they investing in a lost cause now?

TPV: The people have spoken David.

Posted in Media by Earthling on March 28, 2014

Do you ever get the feeling that, somehow, David Icke and friends are being told something they just don’t wish to hear?

From the original launch last year of their first Indiegogo campaign, asking for £100K then increasing it to £300K and getting it with no problem because a vast number of people “believed”; To now this – is it the third or fourth campaign? I’ve lost track. I think it’s the third. The second one asking for £400K (greedy bastards) and getting £100K. The first one, remember, all about getting “state of the art” equipment and premises which you kitted out for him and them, paid their wages etc then were provided with a third (or fourth) rate, dismal “tv station” which was, with that money, actually meant to have had studios in London and Los Angeles but, at the end of the day, they couldn’t even get London working right. A complete hash. A total disaster. Meanwhile, the promoted Sonia leaves under a cloud of financial “misadventure” by the station and about £260K of cash which had always been in Icke and Tabatabai’s company bank accounts but not a penny taken from it for THEIR business venture because they saw a gravy train- their own “central bank” creating money from nothing just for them. Who or what was that “Central Bank”? It was you!

And yet, here we are, 6 months from launch of that disaster, and the same people telling you they are going to broadcast via satellite (always the intention as stated by Icke’s son very early into first broadcasting as TPV) and the only way they could have had that planned was by having something which they said they would never have – an OFCOM licence. And yet they do – suggesting they were forced into it (with no non compliance dance by David) – and it would always have had to have been the plan.

So they’re looking for another £1/4 million from you and, with that, they are just dropping the “state of the art” equipment you already funded and the premises you already funded and have found new premises and a satellite to take them (not quite) global. It looks like they aren’t even covering America! One MAJOR market for them.

But, it would seem from this below, that the people aren’t “buying” it anymore. And, in fact BUYING it for you David.

And that is only a good thing in my view because it means those who, perhaps, thought they were awake before are now, seriously awake and far more discerning. Ironically, something David actually wishes them to be. Just not toward him.

People's voice Indiegogo campaign 3



So congratulations folks. I’m proud of you. “6 million views” but can only achieve £11K so far. One year ago that figure would be around the £150K by now.

Sorry David. You can fool some of the people some of the time…. you know the rest.

Queen Elizabeth crowd sources on Indiegogo

Posted in Gross stupidity within society, Media, Uncategorized by Earthling on January 29, 2014

Queen down and out

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has found herself down to her last £million while a palace insider stated she had approached David Icke for advice regarding donation funding. Mr Icke, a world renowned conspiracy  theorist, is reported as having pointed her majesty toward the Indiegogo website.

Next she’ll be down the local pawnbrokers with her diamonds and tiaras and selling her shares which are protected from the population’s general knowledge.

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, long thought to be one of the world’s richest women, is apparently down to her last million in savings, with palaces leaking and falling to pieces as MPs say she has been failed by her advisers and the Treasury.

The Queen’s courtiers have been advised to take money saving tips from the UK treasury, as her finances dip to an historic low with just £1 million left in reserve, the Telegraph reported.

A report by the Commons Public Accounts Committee found that her reserve fund had fallen from £35 million in 2001 to £1 million today. While the Royal household had made efficiency savings of just 5 percent over the past five years, government departments have made savings of up to a third.

MPs on the committee said that the Treasury must help to protect royal palaces from further damage and deterioration.

“We believe that the Treasury has a duty to be actively involved in reviewing the household’s financial planning and management – and it has failed to do so,” said Margaret Hodge, the Labour chairperson of the committee.

Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle are both in a terrible state of repair with staff required to catch rain in buckets to protect art and antiquities.

Meanwhile, in Buckingham Palace the 60-year-old boilers were running up bills of £774,000 a year and the wiring has not been replaced since 1949. More than a third of the royal estate has been found to be below “target condition.”


The committee compared Buckingham Palace, which has just 500,000 visitors a year, to the Tower of London, which has more than £2 million.

“If you look at the Tower of London and its visitor numbers it makes you think that there’s potential here. Have they done their darnedest to maximize value for money?” Hodge said.

The report also found that the royal household has not even attempted to cost up its huge backlog of repairs because it believed there was no point in doing so until it has new funding in place.

The Crown Estate gets 15 percent of its income from the Sovereign Grant, which replaced the old way of funding the Royal Family through the civil list in 2012.

While the Royal Household’s net expenditure was £33.3 million last year, £31 million of this came from the Sovereign Grant. To find the difference, it had to dip into its reserve fund.

A spokesman for Buckingham Palace insisted that the Sovereign Grant had made the Queen’s funding “more transparent and scrutinized” and was resulting in a “more efficient use of public funds.”

But the committee found that much more needs to be done if the Crown Estate and the Royal Household are to properly manage the Queen’s finances.

“We got the impression that they just haven’t tried to make greater savings. Here we are, we’re all in it together, but they are failing to eke out better value for the Queen. They are dipping into their reserves in a way that just isn’t sensible,” Hodge said.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II unveils a plaque during an official visit to The Shard building in central London, on November 21, 2013. The Queen and her husband Prince Philip toured the viewing deck of the country's highest building Thursday.  AFP PHOTO / STEFAN ROUSSEAU/POOL

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II unveils a plaque during an official visit to The Shard building in central London, on November 21, 2013. The Queen and her husband Prince Philip toured the viewing deck of the country’s highest building Thursday. AFP PHOTO / STEFAN ROUSSEAU/POOL

The report found that the Treasury was not doing its job properly. It is responsible for overseeing the Royal Household finances but is not doing enough and should draw on its extensive experience and “offer advice on key packages.”

“The Household needs to get better at planning and managing its budgets for the longer term – and the Treasury should be more actively involved in reviewing what the household is doing,” Hodge said.

Number crunching

A closer look at both the report and the figures in it reveals that the Queens finances may be healthier than the Committee found, and in areas where she has lost money it is not the fault of the Treasury but of her managers, the Guardian reports.

The report its self was compiled from a series of questions and answers with just two witness giving the answers, Sir Alan Reid, Keeper of the Privy Purse and Mike Stevens, Deputy Treasurer to the Queen.

When asked why they did not cut back their expenditure, Sir Alan Reid replies: “We really believed that it is not wise to cut back on the level of activity of the monarchy.”

The figure of 1 million pounds does not accurately reflect the value of assets held by the Royal Household, the Guardian says. Their total reserves stand at 14.2 million pounds, 11.8 million pounds of which comes from property, plant and other equipment.The biggest chunk of royal spending goes on payroll, and although staff numbers remained unchanged over the past year cost have risen considerably.

Austin Mitchell, one of the members of the committee, asked: “It looks to me that you managed to survive and manage the finances by letting the buildings deteriorate, by freezing the staff costs and by digging into the reserves. Is that a fair summary of what has happened?”

To which Sir Alan replied, “I think that does summarize, to a degree, what happened last year.”


However, the last minute intervention of Mr Icke may have just saved the Queen’s bacon. There are rumours within the establishment that, due to Mr Icke’s advice and enlightenment of the Queen on how to make vast sums of money out of people without going to the bank for a loan, the Queen had a quiet word with her cabinet and the secretary of state for media, to give Mr Icke a pass regarding the requirement, by OFCOM, that no politically motivated person can hold a British broadcasting licence. Mr Icke seems to have quietly apologised to the Queen for calling her a reptile all these years and she quietly pronounced him a Knight of St John of Jerusalem even though he has no royal lineage. He did much the same, quietly while telling poll tax protestors he wouldn’t pay his either but then quietly did so. The Queen likes the name David since it originates from King David as she believes she does. She’s very happy with David Cameron and David Dimbleby we hear also. David Beckham also got a kind word from the Queen although she quietly mentioned to him that she thought Posh was a bit of a slag.

Below, you can see the Queen in her Indiegogo campaign requesting donations to upgrade her property’s boilers. Seemingly, her majesty is not aware that the government runs a free boiler programme for the elderly and those on certain benefits. Perhaps if she were to let her £1million run down to less than £6,000 in the bank then she would qualify and wouldn’t have to come scrounging off the subjects she and her family have lived off their entire lives.

Queen's boiler indiegogo

Royal perks



MUSIC: Well it had to be The Flying Lizards right?

David Icke: HELP! HELP! The Reigstad’s on fire!!

Posted in Media by Earthling on January 18, 2014

Communists have a new name: “Mongs”, “Idiots”, “anti-Icke activists”, or simply jet people who might even watch TPV but don’t donate to it.

A quick aside Davey: How many people watch BBC but won’t pay their TV licence? You’d support that wouldn’t you? Ah but you can’t state that otherwise OFCOM and the establishment would attack you and TPV. Oh but, wait a minute, no they wouldn’t because you have absolutely nothing to do with TPV according to OFCOM! So yeah, you can say it. Ah but then, it wouldn’t be politically incorrect and could get you into trouble somehow. I bet you pay your BBC licence though eh Dave? Can’t miss Grandstand! Or can you stand to watch it considering they wouldn’t give you the prime slot on it but just gave you a table and a few coloured balls to whisper your comments about. I guess that’s the closest thing you’ve ever got to having balls Dave but, today, you’re just a bit “snookered” eh? How the hell do you continue TPV IF you don’t reach that magical figure, and continue to, without giving the game away that there are other backers? Hmmm… conundrum! Or will they undisclosed sums just keep coming in? There is no way you’re going to get anywhere near the sponsorship and advertising you were hoping for and you and the gang just haven’t go the foggiest of how to generate income from licensing do you? And you just wouldn’t listen would you? The potential is all there just waiting on you tapping into it but it’s just too difficult for you when you think you can just click your fingers and get money for nothing and the content for free.

Anyhow, back to the point: I love this post Davey. It puts me in tears of laughter…

False flag Icke


Corporations? Hmmm…. isn’t TPV a Private corporation? I do believe it is! Now, in the land of Private corporations, as you well know Davey, they tend to create “scarcity” as well as use other tactics to win business and to stop “churn” or lose customers. If income isn’t coming in to the level required, they will do just about anything to find it. The thing is Davey, they tend, generally, to have various sources of income or, at least, they develop a market based upon the 80/20 rule if they possibly can. A company with only one customer relies on that customer 100% otherwise it goes out of business. That’s why most companies try to build that varied and substantial customer base (different income generating sources in effect). Whereas you have had a “business plan” (none at all actually – just a wish and belief and I’ve seen companies do precisely the same and it’s pathetic) that was “We’ll just keep asking the public for donations”. You’ve said it all along in your videos and even when I was there in TPV for that very short spell – the public’s donations will be the key (and yet it did not and does not have to be).

If anyone had asked you at the time last year: “What happens if they don’t donate enough Davey?” you would ignore them. But if you had given an answer, I wonder if it would have been “then I’ll get on Skype and, with sheer disdain, talk to my audience and tell them they are idiots and stupid/dumb, selfish, uncaring, will scream crying when the boots come to their door and every other fear tactic I can use to get the working class scum to donate”. No, I doubt you would have said you’d do that Davey but, strangely, it is exactly what you have done. “I’ll also have my son, Gareth, call a mass of people “mongs” and any other descriptive word to try and make them feel inferior (because that is what anyone is who doest do as the great one demands of them – this is evangelism 101). Man, I tip my hat to you once again because you certainly do realise and know what your audience is composed of because it’s working for you.

What else did you have planned if it didn’t work out donations wise? Ahh! the “IFF”: The Icke False Flag. Brilliant Davey, exceptional. How could ANYONE even consider that you, yourself would instigate such (something you have studied for the decades you have) when you point the finger at every other person or organisation who have used the strategy? No-one would possibly believe it would they Davey? They believe the “evil people” are attacking you and yet your entire station has not broadcast one iota of information which is not already out there in internet land via youtube, blogs or even mainstream. But the “evil empire” will attack “David Icke” while that same evil empire hands you and TPV a “licence to shill” on a plate. Aye Davey, you’re a real threat to the powers that be and your audience are only too happy to swallow that absolute shit! 🙂

TPV hacked


You know what else the IFF does for you though? It allows you to cloak the fact that the incompetence in the entire organisation is outstanding while you all try to fix the myriad of failures and problems that you have.

While I’m sure there will be those volunteers in TPV who, while they would wish to give their all and do a good job doing whatever it is they are doing, Sean and Deanna etc will just not like them personally or think that they are hopeless or, perhaps, they may just feel they are not getting treated like “gods” by them, so they’ll want, at this point, to get rid of some people. That was always going to happen but there was no way your volunteers would have ever listened if one had told them that.

“Cognitive dissonance” is actually, ironically, what keeps you and TPV alive Davey. Your entire audience has it. Right down to them donating their money to you through BARCLAY’s BANK! It is bloody incredible what you get away with Davey. One can only stand in awe. Not at you but at the sheer incapacity of your audience. I can say whatever I wish about your audience or anyone. I’m not looking for them to donate money to me. But YOU. You’re an idiot, you really are. You just don’t recognise it due to your arrogance and narcissism.

Donate TPV Barclays


There’s a guy by the “name” of Jonb on another forum, which I apologise but the name of the forum escapes me for now, who does great GIFs. I leave you with this one because it really does sum some things up so well.
