
Global Shapers hub

Posted in Agenda 21, Gross stupidity within society, Media, Uncategorized by Earthling on March 31, 2022

Just a quick one.

Check out your local city “Global Shapers hub” for the World Economic Forum. For example, this is Edinburgh’s….

I’d propose there’s not a hell of a lot of Scots in that membership. I wonder why? Also, they’ve shaped nothing for themselves so far so I’m worried about what shape the world will be once they’ve shaped that!

Flat perhaps? 😉

“Ah Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,
Would not we shatter it to bits — and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!”


“We are becoming increasingly aware that solutions to our global challenges must purposefully engage youth, at all levels – locally, regionally, nationally and globally. This generation has the passion, dynamism and entrepreneurial spirit to shape the future” — Prof. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum

For some reason, this video has not been added to her youtube channel but, just as she has found all of the connections of these ‘children’ in her Ottawa hub (some of which aren’t children but those who are, you have to ask how they could possibly have the experience to hold some of these positions. They don’t, of course but that is what makes them useful.) I thought I’d check out one or two of our Edinburgh “creme de la creme”. Turns out, it’s not cream but shit and shit floats.

WEF Global Shapers:

Get them while they’re young, malleable and their egos are easily massaged. Make them feel special and tell them they’re changing the world (which, indeed, they are). DON’T tell them they’re changing it for the worse and that it will (and is) negatively impact their entire lives to such an extent that their useful idiocy and inexperience and naivety of the world and the people in it, will result in a dystopia, being fed to them as a Utopia, where, once they’ve provided their usefulness, they will have built their own prison.

Children are so magnetised by celebrity, wealth and power that old Uncle Klaus will be seen as Santa Klaus.

Don’t think there’s any getting through to this cohort of kids, however. They’re already gone. You can’t make a Global Shaper shape-shift, after all! What it needs is a counter-balance of a similarly aged group. But through what vehicle? And where does the funding for it come from? Also, those who are not interested in the narcissistic power and the wish to influence others, tend not to create organisations like this. That is why we’re in for a difficult century.

Here’s Florian (just for example):

A 24 year old, gay little ‘flower’ who loves dystopian video games and who the WEF will utilise very well to influence your children into loving the new World Order

Another “Actor” (I put it in inverted commas for obvious reasons once you see the following):

He’s also been in the cast in theatre plays with the oddest of subject matter. You’d think these kids want their dystopia more than life!

While, if we look at his LinkedIn profile, we see this sort of thing:

Now, here’s the thing. He’s an LGBTQ social activist and that’s it. “Freelance marketing” (PR Crisis Management). What kind of bloody ‘crisis’ could this little gay bloke manage? A ‘crisis actor’ fits him to a T! Let’s look a little further…

There’s an example of the ego massage for you.

Does Poetry and activism pay well these days? If you can make head or tail of this ‘CV’ then you’re smarter than i am! In my world, if you’ve had 6 or 7 jobs in the last 8 years, corporates wouldn’t touch you with a barge pole – but the world Economic Forum will which, ironically, is packed to the rafters with corporates.

And then we have this….

Another example of the ego massage for you. He’d be in his bed that night stroking himself thinking of Alexander’s bellend!

Not only is Alexander Van Der Bellend the President of Austria but also a “centrist liberal” and ‘greeny'(i.e. communist) in his words and an “ex” (you’re never an “ex”) Freemason.

The “Curator” no less (basically “President”) of the Edinburgh branch of a group of well groomed (in more ways than one) narcissistic youth who want/need to feel they’re important.

And people wonder how there can be a conspiracy to remould the world. People tend to think ‘conspiracy’ is all done clandestinely, in secret, covertly etc. Not at all. It’s promulgated in the cold light of day by a ‘web’ (or network) of some well meaning people who are desperate for meaning in their own lives, who are ‘deputised’ by the most dirty, nasty scoundrels on planet earth who can brainwash them so easily by feeding their egos.

Did Florian suck Klaus Schwab’s dick? Who knows?

Let’s check out the Deputy: Peter MacPhail.

Peter took a Bachelor’s degree at Edinburgh University between 2013 and 2017, yet like a few in Polly’s video, went on to do what, exactly? Not architecture. Very odd. 4 years is quite an investment in a subject and one would think that his “Aspen Partnerships” would be in the field of architecture or similar. But no.

In fact, “Aspen Partnerships”, composed of two people including Peter, could not even be considered a real company with Peter as “Managing Director” in all seriousness because it is part of a global franchise of sorts while Peter, as you will see below, doesn’t even have an income generated from it – unless he lives on pocket change. Whereas, if he entered architecture, you can make good money in that field. For 4 years, he has been Managing Director of his ‘own company’ with, we must assume, no other employment which he shows and he hasn’t made a cent. How very very odd! A rather bare website for it too (but interesting).

“Aspen Partnerships” is all about connecting sustainable cooking technology manufacturers and distributors connect between the UK and India. Huh? Plus: “Our thoughts on the social, political and regulatory nuances that affect cross-border sustainable technology collaboration.” A kid who took an architecture degree has the ‘inside track’ on social and political/regulatory nuances that affect cross-border collaboration (of any kind)? Very very very odd!

So here’s the “ask” re Peter:

Where’s his income coming from? It isn’t Aspen. He leaves University and, in March 2018, he incorporates a company (although he states he has been MD since sept 2017, 6 months before the company existed) which, until today, hasn’t created a cent, essentially. In January of 2018, however, he had become a WEF Global Shaper (Looks like someone whispered “Get yourself a company Peter. It looks better if you’re going to be a “Global Shaper””). Of course, being involved in “Climate Reality” is a given now, isn’t it?

Who’s bankrolling these people? He’s 28 for god’s sakes! Is it a question of “Who’s yer daddy, Peter?” Or has Uncle Klaus come to town?

All of these people keep reminding me over the years of the following…..