
Antimicrobial resistance: The next “pandemic” (Part 2)

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, Science, Vaccinations by Earthling on July 28, 2021

The narrative has already been created. They have a perfectly justified reason for allowing (or creating) more deaths.

If you are considered invalid (i.e. not valid), they have created a perfect excuse.

Personally, I question the reality of this ‘threat’ and the ‘superbugs’ they are saying can evade the drugs.

Here’s a scenario: For a number of different ailments, they can simply say “the drugs no longer work due to AMR”. The drugs are then taken off the market and there is no access to life saving treatments. Except, pharma then introduce new drugs that do work but at a much higher price and the reality is that they are, essentially, the same drugs. But, if you’re poor (or have an ‘inappropriate’ genome). you don’t get the drug. The wealthy do who can afford to pay for it. This further reduces the earth’s population and eradicates the ‘useless eaters’.

It is Eugenics on steroids.


Posted in "Climate Change", Covid 19, Science, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on July 27, 2021

All I ask is that you share and distribute this one blogpost, far and wide – globally.

The next stage is “AMR”: Antimicrobial Resistance

At the onset of Covid 19, I was researching all the elements of it. I knew it was a reframing of Climate Change from the beginning.

Without going into all the detail of what I read on the subject – much of it was posted to my “Earthling” youtube channel which was removed by Youtube approx 1 month ago – I picked up on Matt Hancock’s diary of meetings during 2019 to 2020. In amongst the diary were the following meetings, all regarding something called “Antimicrobial resistance” which I had never heard of. While it piqued my interest, I put it aside because, at the time, I was looking for items/meetings related to ‘virus’, ‘Covid 19’, ‘SARS-COV-2’ etc.

We now know where we stand with this con and it has been covered by every channel/blog you can think of over the last year and a half. What has NOT been mentioned, however, is AMR.

As ‘Covid 19’ tails off (it’s, effectively, done its job and will continue to as a ‘seasonal flu’ – because. that is all it is), they still need to maintain the fear, the increased threat to health, infectious disease and the need to lockdown to “flatten the curve” (that ‘curve’ being two things: Carbon emissions and population). How do they do it?

TAKE NOTE: This is something I’ve been picking up on for a while now. The next “pandemic” they may introduce is AMR. i.e. They will blame millions of deaths, over the course of the next 30 years to a “crisis” related to AMR. It will be another fake crisis however, which will allow them to let people die while blaming it on “superbugs” which have become resistant to drugs, plus it will allow them to attack the animal-based agricultural sector to the point of non existence.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)Antimicrobials are drugs – such as antibiotics – that kill or control disease-causing microbes. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when microbes mutate or adapt in ways that enable them to withstand antimicrobials, rendering treatments ineffective. AMR is dramatically accelerated by the over-use and misuse of antimicrobials, including antibiotics, in people and animals. Each year, 700,000 people die of AMR. Without action, the death toll could rise even higher, to as many as 10 million deaths annually by 2050 and cause a 3.8 percent reduction in annual gross domestic product (GDP), as identified in a 2017 report entitled ‘Drug-Resistant Infections: A Threat to Our Economic Future’.

I’ll repeat it: Somewhere at some point down this road, they are going to introduce ANTI-MICROBIAL RESISTANCE as a GLOBAL SECURITY THREAT, thereby strangling us even more by showing millions more ‘dying’ of it. OR, I just thought: The vaccine today for Covid, has a protein in it which is ALREADY introducing AMR to our systems? Perhaps someone in. the medical community could throw some light on this? Is it possible for the spike protein in the vaccine to attack the human genome such that it creates at. least some partial AMR within the body, thereby making it easier for disease to attack us?

Therefore, our entire genome becomes resistant to many of the drugs on the market which fight various disease.

THEY ARE, PRESENTLY, BUILDING UP THE SECURITISATION OF AMR!!! (What is “Securitisation”? My video on Odysee explains. Either watch the entire thing or start from 2.32). Important to understand before reading on.

Now, who has a significant shareholding in “Genomics, England”?

Matt Hancock.

“Concurrent with these events has been a trend to view some health issues as security “threats”. This “securitization” of selective health issues has, however, been met with resistance from a number of quarters, most notably by a few prominent governments including Brazil, Thailand and Indonesia, as well as sections of the academic community (4). The central criticisms that have been raised of securitizing health issues extend from such matters as language translation (i.e., the word “security” has an explicit military connotation in some languages and cultures) through to claims that framing health issues as security threats distorts global public health priorities and expenditure (5), infringes human rights and civil liberties (6), and prioritizes issues of concern to high-income countries while sidelining those of the rest (majority) of the world (7). Notwithstanding these legitimate criticisms, several prominent public health leaders, such as Dame Sally Davies, the United Kingdom’s chief medical officer (😎, as well as institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have chosen to explicitly describe antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a global health security threat (9, 10). Furthermore, some national governments, such as the United Kingdom, have even gone as far as to elevate AMR to the top of their national risk registers, substantiating AMR as a risk to national security.


AMR is a complex problem that requires concerted, multisectoral global effort to address. It also necessitates that we, as an international community, act in unison if we ever hope to successfully mitigate the worst excesses of this phenomenon. As with other complex challenges (e.g., climate change), recent history suggests that we still have much to learn in how to achieve consensus on the nature of the problem, let alone implementing mitigation strategies in a timely manner to avert catastrophe. In this regard, securitization is not, and should never be, viewed as the panacea for AMR. It is, however, we argue an important tool that can potentially be utilized to great effect. Not only to elevate and focus attention on the problem, but also to convince our leaders of the need to dedicate the necessary resources to develop effective mitigation strategies, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic tools. Arguably, for the battle ahead with AMR, we will need all the tools we can muster.

On the value of viewing Antimicrobial Resistance as a threat to international security

So what does this mean?” Well, while you are debating the vaccine and virus (and yes, there are mounting deaths from the vaccine itself) there is something being worked on in the background which nobody is even aware of: AMR.

They have securitised 3 things over the course of the last 50 years – all of which are related because the actual plan is to flatten the curve of the initial securitised element: Population. The follow up securitisations of ‘Climate Change’ and ‘Infectious disease’ has been to support the idea that increasing consumption causes ‘climate change’ and increased consumption comes from increased population. However, ‘Climate Change’ as a threat, was not working. Hence we had this on 13 January 2020 from Deutsche Bank (which very few people have seen):

Now WHAT THE HELL do you think that “Shock” was? I’m not even giving you 3 guesses!!

“Such sacrifices may shock citizens and be difficult to administer in democracies”.

The REFRAMING of Climate Change to present it as a health threat immediately, rather than a threat in the distant future was necessary because the goal had already been set to start significant emissions reductions in 2020 and to continue through to 2030 to reach a 50% reduction of global GHGs (Greenhouse Gases). Then the next 50% by 2050. THAT is what “flattening the curve” has always meant. Why they associated it with the NHS in the UK is because the NHS contributes 4% of total UK carbon emissions – in line with an entire year of activity at Heathrow Airport!

So, with the foregoing in mind, I decided to do some more searching on AMR and what came up? This did…

“So what?” Well the “So what?” is the fact they are taking the same steps with AMR, from a political, medical and security perspective, as they had with the run up to “Covid 19”. It’s exactly the same ‘MO’.

They build up the story that there is burgeoning health threat arising from “Climate Change” while even connecting it to Covid by suggesting Covid has exacerbated the situation. Will this be a REAL threat or, again, will it be a fake, statistical threat, like Covid? I don’t know. I am not medically trained. I am approaching this from a position of having researched these people over a decade and a half (in fine detail across multiple aspects) and I see, clearly, all the same moves – politically and medically – and it is culminating in one huge “RED ALERT” sign.

Long before “Covid” hit any shore, there were the journals – lots of them which no-one read except those within the medical profession and the people in the know. When did you last hear of there being both, a medical and military collaboration on an issue? Not too often, if at all. HOWEVER, when something like “infectious disease” has been securitised, you can see the link, right? Well, here we have 2011 (just one example):

Remember the Deutsche Bank statement above regarding the fact that the “Climate Change” threat had failed. They had recognised that failure 10 or 15 years ago. Probably why it failed is because all the doomsday scenarios they had fed us, never transpired (and never would). You “create” a “threat” in the future because you know it is never going to materialise. However, like population (because that is what it is all about), you securitise the “threat” so it cannot be debated under normal democratic conditions. Yes, you can allow various details to be debated but NOT the reality of the “threat” itself. That is why they allow debate re lockdown value, masks, social distancing etc. They can allow debate on these points until the cows come home because it does not threaten the fundamental they need you to believe: i.e. that there is a real virus threat.

So, because they recognised the failure, they started work on another way of FRAMING the issue. What is “FRAMING”? Simple! You know the idea behind it through those – either in real life situations or in fiction – who have been ‘framed’ for a murder they didn’t commit. A narrative is created to point the finger at someone who is innocent. Well, “FRAMING” the Climate narrative as a health issue, reoriented the ‘threat’ to something which was immediate; On our doorstep and which needed emergency, non democratic action to fight it. Elevating the threat to security status allowed for the non democratic action and it was important that the ‘Securitisation Actors’, via their Securitisation ‘SPEECH ACT’ convinced the ‘audience’ (i.e. the world’s population) that there was, in fact a real threat. As my video above explains: This is a strategy/tactic within the realm of International Relations and was first discussed/analysed by what is known as the “Copenhagen School”.

I cannot stress enough how many journals I have read, published long prior to the advent of “Covid 19” which, clearly, point to their having planned the introduction of it (because they had to take emergency action) by 2020 to achieve the agreement milestones raised in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. Here are just a few spelling out their need to reframe Climate Change as a health threat:

So, back to AMR and Genomics….

Now, just imagine when Genomics England (owned by the UK Dept of Health) has the legal right (because of “security”) to sequence the genome of everyone in the country. What could possibly come of that? What IF the NHS is privatised (or even if not) and there is a tier system related to ability to pay? What if your tier disallows, or unknowing to you, suggests that certain medicines or operations are off limits to you because your genome data indicates you ‘will not benefit’ from it. What if AMR is suggested to you as the reason for you (specifically you) being unable to get a treatment (which would, actually benefit you) and, due to that, you are on palliative care and allowed to die?

What if AMR is real? Can they use it against whoever they wish to? Yes.

What if it isn’t real? Can they still use. it against whoever they wish to? Yes. Just as they have done with the non existent Covid 19.

AMR endangers effective treatment for the following:

  • Pneumonia
  • E. coli
  • Gonorrhea
  • Staph infections
  • Tuberculosis
  • Malaria
  • HIV
  • Influenza
  • Meningitis
  • Fungal infections
  • Parasites

And more.

COP 26 is in Glasgow in November. Prepare for a tsunami of propaganda and immense changes and further totalitarian moves.

Then, sometime later (months? years?) keep an eye out for the ‘rise of Antimicrobial resistance’ as a threat even greater than Covid 19 and why hundreds of thousands, or millions, are dying from diseases “we used to be able to treat”.


The bottom line:

Covid 19 is the flu/pneumonia and NCDs, rebranded: See The Lancet –

“Addressing COVID-19 means addressing hypertension, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer.”

“no matter how effective a treatment or protective a vaccine, the pursuit of a purely biomedical solution to COVID-19 will fail.”

“The economic crisis that is advancing towards us will not be solved by a drug or a vaccine. Nothing less than national revival is needed. Approaching COVID-19 as a syndemic will invite a larger vision, one encompassing education, employment, housing, food, and environment. Viewing COVID-19 only as a pandemic excludes such a broader but necessary prospectus.”

Covid 19 is not a pandemic:

Altogether, the above is rebranded “Climate Change”.

“Climate Change” was introduced as a threat to support the idea that too much consumption is caused by overpopulation.

AMR is going to be introduced as. a way of saying “We cannot help you due to 1. Increased drug resistance and 2. Your specific Genomics.”

Genomics is, simply, Eugenics rebranded.