
Depopulation underpins everything.

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Uncategorized, Vaccinations by Earthling on December 5, 2021

People just seem to refuse to listen no matter what you present to them. The detail you go into and the time you take to explain makes not one iota of a difference. They simply refuse to believe it. Yet, even when it is not hidden and ‘they’ come right out and say it, STILL they will wear their masks and take their shots. They STILL think Climate Change and Covid are two entirely different issues, even now.

One really loses one’s faith in human intelligence. Why, I may say (no excuse meant) I sometimes lose my cool in my writing and ‘lash out’ at what I consider the morons and the intellectually ‘infirm’. It is because of them, I and all you who know, are tearing our hair out (and I don’t have much left as it is!).

Democracies work so well for the tyrannical because democracies are composed of a “bathtub” of intellect. The average intellect is considered to be ‘100’ which means 50% of the world’s population has less than average intelligence. I’m not even happy with ‘100’. I don’t think you’re what one would consider of decent intellect until you’re at about ‘120’. That said, does it even come down to intellect as we measure it? there are PhDs out there who have bought into this shit! That’s what astonishes me even more and leaves me speechless. “What can be wrong with this bugger’s brain?” I end up asking myself.

She speaks of the population 500 years ago. In the year 1500, the approximate population of the earth was 500 million. This is a figure which has been spoken of by many (and the Georgia Guidestones) as the optimum population.

What does it take to ‘wake’ people up?

I think (am sure) the one thing that stops people from understanding any of this is that they don’t/can’t observe it from the perspective of there being a group of very powerful people who want to inherit the earth and are willing to kill (not through war) to achieve a depopulation of the planet. They just can’t fathom that such people exist because they have not read the history of these people and their philosophy. You will never get through to most because most simply will not take this as even possible, yet it is so simple.

Have you ever been at an event of some kind or lived somewhere and found yourself being surrounded by what you considered ‘riff raff”? Be honest, now. You ‘dehumanise’ them in your mind and you feel justified in doing so due to their actions and, possibly, language. Imagine you had the power to remove them all (in some way) so you may continue to live in your area or enjoy the event on your terms.

Now apply that to the world where the world is THEIR turf and most of the 7 billion of us are the “riff raff”. That’s it in a nutshell. It’s that simple and that real.