
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right…

Posted in Politics, Uncategorized by Earthling on June 18, 2024

Here I am, stuck between Islam and jews!

Both of these stooges have zero self awareness. Zero! While, in the UK, you have white, christian people who side with either one of them just as they side between Labour and Conservative. I have to say (with deep regret) that such a vast majority of Brits aren’t too bright. So easily manipulated (as we also saw with “Covid”). How we ever “ruled the waves” is beyond me. Then again it’s not, because all you need is an elite class saying “Look! There’s the bogeyman!” and Brits will growl like the ‘bulldogs’ they are! Actually, probably not bulldogs, more like Pavlov’s dogs. WOOF!

If you didn’t laugh, you’d cry! Two highly delusional twats barking at each other while sharing the same, but opposing, philosophy. The clash of antisemitism and islamophobia – Two additional cheeks of the same arse. No wonder this country is full of shit!