
Jewish banishment and The “City” of London

Posted in Finance, Geo-Political Warfare, Law, Money, Political History, The Corrupt SOB's by Earthling on February 26, 2011

I think it’s important, for the “naysayers” who visit this blog, that I prologue it with a point re the “Crown of England”. The following is a statement made by Tony Benn in the Houses of Parliament not too many years ago (and it matters not when such was said anyhow). This is very very simple: The British people have no idea who this “Crown” is. It acts outside of any parliamentary scrutiny whatsoever. As such, it acts outwith the law yet decides what this thing called “Law” is!

The Crown prosecutes. Our Armed Forces fight and kill and destroy nations on its say so. Our Police and Forces take an oath to this “thing” called “the Crown”. They believe it to be “Her Majesty” the monarch without understanding at all that the monarchy is NOT a person or the Queen and her family. The Monarchy is a Constitutional Office. When it comes to the profit of the British Queen and her family from the “Crown Estate”, it is, in actual fact, deceptive criminal theft by the “reigning monarch” (like a reigning CEO of a corporation stealing the wealth of the company yet, the person in the office of CEO does not have the legal or lawful entitlement to take the wealth of the company because it is the Corporation in total as a legal person which owns the wealth and NOT the CEO). This is PRECISELY the same when we look at this “Constitutional Monarch” in office profiting no longer from a Civil List but from various sources of the country’s wealth.

Our Armed Forces, Police and judiciary are immensely ignorant but do what they are told otherwise they will not eat. They do as the “Crown” bids simply because, if they question it, then their wealth and the wealth of their family disappears. The Policeman with integrity would be sacked and the soldier fighting for his dearest “Crown” would find himself at the mercy of “friendly fire”.

So, what were those words of Tony Benn which crystallises the seriousness of this issue?

Here they are:

“I turn to the matter of lifelong confidentiality to the Crown, which presumably should have bound Peter Wright. Who is the Crown? Did the Queen tell Peter Wright to try to destroy the Prime Minister? Obviously not. Did the Prime Minister tell Peter Wright to destroy himself? Obviously not. Did the Home Secretary tell Peter Wright to try to destroy the Government? Obviously not.The Crown is the code name we use for those central areas of Government in defence, intelligence and international relations—a state within the state—that the Government, and, I regret to say, previous Governments, did not wish to be subject to parliamentary scrutiny or discussion. The Crown is a term used to cover a concrete emplacement surrounded by barbed wire that the Home Secretary thinks needs fresh protection. It is not that he intends it to be subject to public scrutiny.”


Anyone thinking very logically and simply would simply ask one question:


Henk Ruyssenaars’ article on July 10th 2006 drew attention to the book “Descent into Slavery” by Des Griffin in which the real meaning of the term “City of London” is explained. The following is an excerpt from that article.

“To the majority of people the words “Crown” and “City” in reference to London refer to the queen or the capital of England.

This is not the truth. The “City” is in fact a privately owned Corporation – or Sovereign State – occupying an irregular rectangle of 677 acres and located right in the heart of the 610 square mile ‘Greater London’ area. The population of ‘The City’ is listed at just over four thousand, whereas the population of ‘Greater London’ (32 boroughs) is approximately seven and a half million.

“The Crown” is a committee of twelve to fourteen men who rule the independent sovereign state known as London or ‘The City.’ ‘The City’ is not part of England. It is not subject to the Sovereign. It is not under the rule of the British parliament. Like the Vatican in Rome, it is a separate, independent state.

“The City”, which is often called “the wealthiest square mile on earth,” is ruled over by a Lord Mayor. Here are grouped together Britain’s great financial and commercial institutions: Wealthy banks, dominated by the privately-owned (Rothschild controlled) Bank of England, Lloyd’s of London, the London Stock Exchange, and the offices of most of the leading international trading concerns. Here, also, is located Fleet Street, the heart and core of the newspaper and publishing worlds.

The Lord Mayor, who is elected for a one year stint, is the monarch in the City. As Aubrey Menen says in “London”, Time-Life, 1976, p. 16:

“The relation of this monarch of the City to the monarch of the realm [Queen] is curious and tells much.”
It certainly is and certainly does!
When the Queen of England goes to visit the City she is met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, the symbolic gate of the City. She bows and asks for permission to enter his private, sovereign State. During such State visits

“the Lord Mayor in his robes and chain, and his entourage in medieval costume, outshines the royal party, which can dress up no further than service uniforms.”
The Lord Mayor leads the queen into his city.
The symbolism is clear. The Lord Mayor is the monarch. The Queen is his subject.

The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament. It tells them what to do, and when. In theory Britain is ruled by a Prime Minister and a Cabinet of close advisers. These ‘fronts’ go to great lengths to create the impression that they are running the show but, in reality, they are mere puppets whose strings are pulled by the shadowy characters who dominate behind the scenes. As the former British Prime Minister of England during the late 1800s Benjamin D’Israeli wrote:

“So you see… the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”
(Coningsby, The Century Co., N.Y., 1907, p. 233).
This fact is further demonstrated by another passage from Menen’s book:

“The Prime Minister, a busy politician, is not expected to understand the mysteries of high finance, while the Chancellor of the Exchequer is only expected to understand them when he introduces the budget. Both are advised by the permanenet officials of the Treasury, and these listen to the City. If they suspect that some policy of the government will back-fire, it is of no use their calling up British ambassadors to ask if it is so; they can find out more quickly from the City. As one ambassador said: “Diplomats are nowadays no more than office boys, and slow ones at that. The City will know. They will tell the Treasury and the Treasury will tell the Prime Minister.”
Woe betide him if he does not listen. The most striking instance of this happened in recent history. In 1956 the then Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden… launched a war to regain the Suez Canal. It had scarcely begun when the City let it be known that in a few days he would have no more money to fight it; the Pound would collapse. He stopped the war and was turned out of office by his party. When the Prime Minister rises to address the Lord Mayor’s banquet, he hopes that the City will put more behind him than the gold plate lavishly displayed on the sideboards.”

The British government is the bond slave of the “invisible and inaudible” force centred in the City. The City calls the tune. The “visible and audible leaders” are mere puppets who dance to that tune on command. They have no power. They have no authority. In spite of the outward show they are mere pawns in the game being played by the financial elite.

It is important to recognise the fact that two separate empires were operating under the guise of the British Empire. One was the Crown Empire and the other the British Empire.

The colonial possessions that were white were under the sovereign – i.e. under the authority of the British government. Such nations as the Union of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada were governed under British law. These only represented thirteen percent of the people who made up the inhabitants of the Britsh Empire.

All the other parts of the British Empire – nations like India, Egypt, Bermuda, Malta, Cyprus and colonies in Central Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong and Gibraltar were all Crown Colonies. These were not under British rule. The British parliament had no authority over them.

As the Crown owned the committee known as the British government there was no problem getting the British taxpayer to pay for naval and military forces to maintain the Crown’s supremacy in these areas.

The City reaped fantastic profits from its operations conducted under the protection of the British armed forces. This wasn’t British commerce and British wealth. The international bankers, prosperous merchants and those members of the aristocracy who were part of the “City” machine accumulated vast fortunes .

About seventy years ago Vincent Cartwright Vickers stated that :

….”financiers in reality took upon themselves, perhaps not the responsibility, but certainly the power of controlling the markets of the world and therefore the numerous relationships between one nation and another, involving international friendship and mistrusts… Loans to foreign countries are organised and arranged by the City of London with no thought whatsoever of the nation’s welfare but solely in order to increase indebtedness upon which the City thrives and grows rich…”
In “Empire of the City” E. C. Knuth said:

” This national amnd mainly international dictatorship of money which plays off one country against another and which, through ownership of a large portion of the press converts the advertisement of its own private opinion into a semblance of general public opinion, cannot for much longer be permitted to render Democratic Government a mere nickname. Today we see through a glass darkly: for there is so much which it would not be in the public interest to divulge.”…

The battle for power and riches is an ancient one, but any attempt to make sense of the present world situation where the bulk of humanity is being herded like sheep into a corral without some knowledge of history is a difficult if not impossible task.

At present names have been replaced by groups, capitalists, republicans, democrats, terrorists, corporations, NATO, UNO, NAFTA, EMI, ECB, ASEAN. Names that are spewed out like confetti in an endless list of anonymity.

In spite of modern technology the figures in the background remain blurred. Mention the word “Jew” or “Conspiracy” and everyone with few exceptions will turn away. Why? Fear? Of what? What is the magic talisman which makes the mention of these co-religionists a no-go area? Is it because they have infiltrated every aspect of human activity? Is it they who are pulling the strings which are leading the world on its downward slope?

The Jew has been mistrusted since way back. But what is apparent now is that any attempt to offer an answer to the question is clamped down upon. What does that indicate? Above all it indicates that these shadowy figures fear more than anything else the truth.

Professor Jesse H. Holmes, writing in, “The American Hebrew,” expressed the following similar sentiments:

“It can hardly be an accident that antagonism directed against the Jews is to be found pretty much everywhere in the world where Jews and non-Jews are associated. And as the Jews are the common element of the situation it would seem probable, on the face of it, that the cause will be found in them rather than in the widely varying groups which feel this antagonism.
In Europe and Russia alone, the Jews have been banished 47 times in the last 1,000 years: Mainz, 1012; France, 1182; Upper Bavaria, 1276; England, 1290; France, 1306; France, 1322; Saxony, 1349; Hungary, 1360; Belgium, 1370; Slovakia, 1380; France, 1394; Austria, 1420; Lyons, 1420; Cologne, 1424; Mainz, 1438; Augsburg, 1438; Upper Bavaria, 1442; Netherlands, 1444; Brandenburg, 1446; Mainz, 1462; Lithuania, 1495; Portugal, 1496; Naples, 1496; Navarre, 1498; Nuremberg, 1498; Brandenburg, 1510; Prussia, 1510; Genoa, 1515; Naples, 1533; Italy, 1540; Naples, 1541; Prague, 1541; Genoa, 1550; Bavaria, 1551; Prague, 1557; Papal States, 1569; Hungary, 1582; Hamburg, 1649; Vienna, 1669; Slovakia, 1744; Mainz, 1483; Warsaw, 1483; Spain, 1492; Italy, 1492; Moravia, 1744; Bohemia, 1744; Moscow, 1891.

(The above is excerpted from The Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock.)

Of what were these people guilty to arouse such a reaction from so many diverse people?

Well, in England, it’s very interesting:

IT ALL STARTED with The Edict of Expulsion of 1290 AD.
The Jews would have us believe that their expulsion from England by Edward I (reigned 1272-1307) was due to their money lending endeavors. The real reason was due to the Jews’ crime of blood ritual murders.

The Orthodox Christian historian of the 5th Century, Socrates Scholasticus, in his Ecclesiastical History, 7:16, recounts an incident about Jews killing a Christian child:

— “At a place near Antioch in Syria, the Jews, in derision of the Cross and those who put their trust in the Crucified One, seized a Christian boy, and having bound him to a cross they made, began to sneer at him. In a little while becoming so transported with fury, they scourged the child until he died under their hands.” —

Here are a few examples which led to the English expulsion of the Jews in 1290 AD:

1144 A.D. Norwich: A twelve year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew to Christianity named Theobald of Cambridge informed the authorities that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever return to Palestine. The boy has ever since been known as St. William.

1160 A.D. Gloucester: The body of a child named Harold was found in the river with the wounds of crucifixion.

1255 A.D. Lincoln: A boy named Hugh was tortured and crucified by the Jews. The boy’s mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew named Jopin. 18 Jews were hanged for the crime by King Henry III.

1290 A.D. Oxford: The Patent Roll 18 Of Edward I, 21st June 1290 contains an order for the Gaol delivery of a Jew named Isaac de Pulet for the murder and blood letting of a Christian boy. Only one month after this, King Edward I issued his decree expelling the Jews from England.
(See Sources #1 Below )

[As an addendum to the above, I feel it is necessary to clarify that, before the expulsion in 1290, there was the Statute of the Jewry in 1275, entirely based upon the moneylending and usury issue:  jews1275.html

Now please understand that this is just pure factual history and the pieces fall where they fall.

It seems very obvious to me that, while the Islamic religion has not forgotten one of its fundamental cornerstones: NO USURY, the Christian world simply has. For NO USURY is a cornerstone of the christian religion too. I wonder, then, why Christians call themselves christians? They don’t follow Jesus’ teachings and haven’t done so in the west since the following took place – the readmission of jewish usury into England by Oliver Cromwell during the 1640 – 1660 period and then the establishment of the Bank of England where one can see, William of Orange and his Queen, Mary became original investors – it is on Bank of England documents]

JEWISH BANKERS FROM AMSTERDAM led by the Jewish financier and army contractor of Cromwell’s New Model Army, Fernandez Carvajal and assisted by Portuguese Ambassador De Souza, a Marano (secret Jew), saw an opportunity to exploit in the civil unrest led by Oliver Cromwell in 1643.

A stable Christian society of ancient traditions binding the Monarchy, Church, State, nobles and people into one solemn bond was disrupted by Calvin’s Protestant uprising. The Jews of Amsterdam exploited this civil unrest and made their move. They contacted Oliver Cromwell in a series of letters:

Cromwell To Ebenezer Pratt of the Mulheim Synagogue in Amsterdam,
16th June 1647:
— “In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England: This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.” —

To Oliver Cromwell From Ebenezer Pratt, 12th July 1647:
— “Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles shall be given opportunity to escape: His recapture will make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.” —

Cromwell had carried out the orders of the Jewish financiers and beheaded, (yes, Cromwell and his Jewish sponsors must face Christ!), King Charles I on January 30 1649.

Beginning in 1655, Cromwell, through his alliance with the Jewish bankers of Amsterdam and specifically with Manasseh Ben Israel and his brother-in-law, David Abravanel Dormido, initiated the resettlement of the Jews in England.
(See Sources #2 Below )

WILLIAM STADHOLDER, a Dutch army careerist, was a handsome chap with money problems. The Jews saw another opportunity and through their influence arranged for William’s elevation to Captain General of the Dutch Forces. The next step up the ladder for William was his elevation by the Jews to the aristocratic title of William, Prince of Orange.

The Jews then arranged a meeting between William and Mary, the eldest daughter of the Duke of York. The Duke was only one place removed from becoming King of England. In 1677 Princess Mary of England married William Prince of Orange.

To place William upon the throne of England it was necessary to get rid of both Charles II and the Duke of York who was slated to become James II of the Stuarts. It is important to note that none of the Stuarts would grant charter for an English national bank. That is why murder, civil war, and religious conflicts plagued their reigns by the Jewish bankers.

In 1685, King Charles II died and the Duke of York became King James II of England. In 1688 the Jews ordered William Prince of Orange to land in England at Torbay. Because of an ongoing Campaign of L’Infamie against King James II contrived by the Jews, he abdicated and fled to France. William of Orange and Mary were proclaimed King and Queen of England.

The new King William III soon got England involved in costly wars against Catholic France which put England deep into debt. Here was the Jewish bankers’ chance to collect. So King William, under orders from the Elders of Zion in Amsterdam, persuaded the British Treasury to borrow 1.25 million pounds sterling from the Jewish bankers who had helped him to the throne.

Since the state’s debts had risen dramatically, the government had no choice but to accept. But there were conditions attached: The names of the lenders were to be kept secret and that they be granted a Charter to establish a Central Bank of England. Parliament accepted and the Jewish bankers sunk their tentacles into Great Britain.

MAYER AMSCHEL BAUER OPENED a money lending business on Judenstrasse (Jew Street) in Frankfurt Germany in 1750 and changed his name to Rothschild. Mayer Rothschild had five sons.

The smartest of his sons, Nathan, was sent to London to establish a bank in 1806. Much of the initial funding for the new bank was tapped from the British East India Company which Mayer Rothschild had significant control of. Mayer Rothschild placed his other four sons in Frankfort, Paris, Naples, and Vienna.

In 1814, Nathanael Rothschild saw an opportunity in the Battle of Waterloo. Early in the battle, Napoleon appeared to be winning and the first military report to London communicated that fact. But the tide turned in favor of Wellington.

A courier of Nathan Rothschild brought the news to him in London on June 20. This was 24 hours before Wellington’s courier arrived in London with the news of Wellington’s victory. Seeing this fortuitous event, Nathan Rothschild began spreading the rumor that Britain was defeated.

With everyone believing that Wellington was defeated, Nathan Rothschild began to sell all of his stock on the English Stock Market. Everyone panicked and also began selling causing stocks to plummet to practically nothing. At the last minute, Nathan Rothschild began buying up the stocks at rock-bottom prices.

This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy – now the financial centre of the world and forced England to set up a revamped Bank of England with Nathan Rothschild in control.
(See Sources #4 Below )

(As much as that is possible given Rothschild secrecy)
A PRIVATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION exists today in England known as “The City.” It is also known as The Jewish Vatican located in the heart of Greater London.

A Committee of 12 men rule The Jewish Vatican. They are known as “The Crown.” The City and its rulers, The Crown, are not subject to the Parliament. They are a Sovereign State within a State.

The City is the financial hub of the world. It is here that the Rothschilds have their base of operations and their centrality of control:

* The Central Bank of England (controlled by the Rothschilds) is located in The City.
* All major British banks have their main offices in The City.
* 385 foreign banks are located in The City.
* 70 banks from the United States are located in The City.
* The London Stock Exchange is located in The City.
* Lloyd’s of London is located in The City.
* The Baltic Exchange (shipping contracts) is located in The City.
* Fleet Street (newspapers & publishing) is located in The City.
* The London Metal Exchange is located in The City.
* The London Commodity Exchange (trading rubber, wool, sugar, coffee) is located in The City.

Every year a Lord Mayor is elected as monarch of The City. The British Parliament does not make a move without consulting the Lord Mayor of The City. For here in the heart of London are grouped together Britain’s financial institutions dominated by the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of England.

The Rothschilds have traditionally chosen the Lord Mayor since 1820. Who is the present day Lord Mayor of The City? Only the Rothschilds’ know for sure…
(See Sources #5 Below )

Sources #1: Ariel Toaff, Bloody Passover-Jews of Europe and Ritual Homicide, 2007 Click Here; J. C. Cox, Norfolk Churches; Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906; Arnold Leese, Jewish Ritual Murder In England; Henry III, Close Roll 16; Joseph Haydn, Dictionary of Dates.

Sources #2: Isaac Disraeli, Life of Charles I, 1851; Hugh Ross Williamson, Charles and Cromwell; AHM Ramsey, The Nameless War; Lord Alfred Douglas, Plain English, 1921; Geoffrey H. Smith, The Settlement Of Jews In England

Sources #3: John Harold Wood, History of Central Banking in Great Britain; Gustaaf Johannes Renier, William of Orange

Sources #4: Frederick Morton, The Rothschilds; Benjamin Disraeli, Coningsby

Sources #5: E.C. Knuth, The Empire of The City; Des Griffin, Descent Into Slavery

UPDATE 4 Nov 2011: George Monbiot in the Guardian Newspaper. Although he just doesn’t go quite far enough into the history and the connectivity. Mainstream media now supporting much of the above regarding the “above the law” nature of the City of London. I rest my case your honour!

The medieval, unaccountable Corporation of London is ripe for protest

Working beyond the authority of parliament, the Corporation of London undermines all attempts to curb the excesses of finance.

    • George Monbiot

Daniel Pudles 01112011

Illustration by Daniel Pudles

It’s the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable. But I doubt that one in 10 British people has any idea of what the Corporation of the City of London is and how it works. This could be about to change. Alongside the Church of England, the Corporation is seeking to evict the protesters camped outside St Paul’s cathedral. The protesters, in turn, have demanded that it submit to national oversight and control.

What is this thing? Ostensibly it’s the equivalent of a local council, responsible for a small area of London known as the Square Mile. But, as its website boasts, “among local authorities the City of London is unique”. You bet it is. There are 25 electoral wards in the Square Mile. In four of them, the 9,000 people who live within its boundaries are permitted to vote. In the remaining 21, the votes are controlled by corporations, mostly banks and other financial companies. The bigger the business, the bigger the vote: a company with 10 workers gets two votes, the biggest employers, 79. It’s not the workers who decide how the votes are cast, but the bosses, who “appoint” the voters. Plutocracy, pure and simple.

There are four layers of elected representatives in the Corporation: common councilmen, aldermen, sheriffs and the Lord Mayor. To qualify for any of these offices, you must be a freeman of the City of London. To become a freeman you must be approved by the aldermen. You’re most likely to qualify if you belong to one of the City livery companies: medieval guilds such as the worshipful company of costermongers, cutpurses and safecrackers. To become a sheriff, you must be elected from among the aldermen by the Livery. How do you join a livery company? Don’t even ask.

To become Lord Mayor you must first have served as an alderman and sheriff, and you “must command the support of, and have the endorsement of, the Court of Aldermen and the Livery”. You should also be stinking rich, as the Lord Mayor is expected to make a “contribution from his/her private resources towards the costs of the mayoral year.” This is, in other words, an official old boys’ network. Think of all that Tory huffing and puffing about democratic failings within the trade unions. Then think of their resounding silence about democracy within the City of London.

The current Lord Mayor, Michael Bear, came to prominence within the City as chief executive of the Spitalfields development group, which oversaw a controversial business venture in which the Corporation had a major stake, even though the project lies outside the boundaries of its authority. This illustrates another of the Corporation’s unique features. It possesses a vast pool of cash, which it can spend as it wishes, without democratic oversight. As well as expanding its enormous property portfolio, it uses this money to lobby on behalf of the banks.

The Lord Mayor’s role, the Corporation’s website tells us, is to “open doors at the highest levels” for business, in the course of which he “expounds the values of liberalisation”. Liberalisation is what bankers call deregulation: the process that caused the financial crash. The Corporation boasts that it “handle[s] issues in Parliament of specific interest to the City”, such as banking reform and financial services regulation. It also conducts “extensive partnership work with think tanks … vigorously promoting the views and needs of financial services.” But this isn’t the half of it.

As Nicholas Shaxson explains in his fascinating book Treasure Islands, the Corporation exists outside many of the laws and democratic controls which govern the rest of the United Kingdom. The City of London is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority. In one respect at least the Corporation acts as the superior body: it imposes on the House of Commons a figure called the remembrancer: an official lobbyist who sits behind the Speaker’s chair and ensures that, whatever our elected representatives might think, the City’s rights and privileges are protected. The mayor of London’s mandate stops at the boundaries of the Square Mile. There are, as if in a novel by China Miéville, two cities, one of which must unsee the other.

Several governments have tried to democratise the City of London but all, threatened by its financial might, have failed. As Clement Attlee lamented, “over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster.” The City has exploited this remarkable position to establish itself as a kind of offshore state, a secrecy jurisdiction which controls the network of tax havens housed in the UK’s crown dependencies and overseas territories. This autonomous state within our borders is in a position to launder the ill-gotten cash of oligarchs, kleptocrats, gangsters and drug barons. As the French investigating magistrate Eva Joly remarked, it “has never transmitted even the smallest piece of usable evidence to a foreign magistrate”. It deprives the United Kingdom and other nations of their rightful tax receipts.

It has also made the effective regulation of global finance almost impossible. Shaxson shows how the absence of proper regulation in London allowed American banks to evade the rules set by their own government. AIG’s wild trading might have taken place in the US, but the unit responsible was regulated in the City. Lehman Brothers couldn’t get legal approval for its off-balance sheet transactions in Wall Street, so it used a London law firm instead. No wonder priests are resigning over the plans to evict the campers. The Church of England is not just working with Mammon; it’s colluding with Babylon.

If you’ve ever dithered over the question of whether the UK needs a written constitution, dither no longer. Imagine the clauses required to preserve the status of the Corporation. “The City of London will remain outside the authority of parliament. Domestic and foreign banks will be permitted to vote as if they were human beings, and their votes will outnumber those cast by real people. Its elected officials will be chosen from people deemed acceptable by a group of medieval guilds …”.

The Corporation’s privileges could not withstand such public scrutiny. This, perhaps, is one of the reasons why a written constitution in the United Kingdom remains a distant dream. Its power also helps to explain why regulation of the banks is scarcely better than it was before the crash, why there are no effective curbs on executive pay and bonuses and why successive governments fail to act against the UK’s dependent tax havens.

But now at last we begin to see it. It happens that the Lord Mayor’s Show, in which the Corporation flaunts its ancient wealth and power, takes place on 12 November. If ever there were a pageant that cries out for peaceful protest and dissent, here it is. Expect fireworks – and not just those laid on by the Lord Mayor.

Article: corporation-london-city-medieval

Now, when you think of “an Empire” and you may think America is the Empire of today, think again. Britain “lost” it’s Empire didn’t it?

Well maybe or….. Maybe not.

I go with the latter. You see, it does NOT take an army to ensure an Empire. What size if the Commonwealth? The Commonwealth is THE largest group of human beings (and resources) in the world. What is the Federal Reserve and the Federal Government of the United States? What controls them? What if it were that the City of London and Bank of England controlled them? So many (the majority) people believe this is just a “flight of fancy”. It isn’t.

Watch this next movie (very enlightening) and consider the following Telegraph article (which I have blogged about elsewhere on this blog):

The United States becoming an “Associate Member” of the Commonwealth? Now WHY would they “need” to do that? And what about Brexit? What’s that all about?

Well, this is what it may well all be about:

From U.S. Congressional Archives 1940:

Mr. Speaker, In order that the American people may have a clearer understanding of those who over a period of years have been undermining this Re-public, in order to return it to the British Empire, I have inserted in the RECORD a number of articles to prove this point. These articles are entitled “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife.” This is part I, and in this I include a hope expressed by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in his book entitled “Triumphant Democracy.”

In this he expresses himself in this manner:

“Let men say what they will, I say that as surely as the sun in the heavens once shone upon Britain and America united, so surely is it one morning to rise, to shine upon, to greet again the reunited states—the British-American Union.”

“Now the people of this country are not going to allow anybody— any Congress, any government, any President—to break the good faith which they have pledged to the mother country. In making this statement, Mr. Choate takes the position that Great Britain or England is our mother country; the same position that was taken by Cecil Rhodes over 50 years ago and by Andrew Carnegie in 1893, when he wrote a book entitled, “Triumphant Democracy.” I want you to note particularly that this was in 1913, and that 1913 was the very year we changed our Government from a republic to a semidemocracy; the year in which we destroyed constitutional government, international security, and paved the road for us to become a colony of the British Empire. It was also the same year in which we, by adopting the Federal Reserve Act, placed our Treasury under the control and domination of the Bank of England and the international banking groups that are now financing the British-Israel movement in the United States. It was also the year preceding the World War; a war in which we became involved, as everyone knows, in 1917, but what everyone does not know is that we were committed to this war in 1910, and were to all intents and purposes in the war in 1914, when J. P. Morgan & Co. began to finance the Triple Entente. This statement is borne out by Mr. J. P. Morgan’s own testimony before the Senate committee investigating the munitions industry. Mr. Choate was, therefore, right, because nothing has stopped, not even Congress, the destruction of this Republic and its gradual incorporation into the British Empire through the efforts of the many subversive and pro-English groups, led and directed, as I have said, by the British- Israel movement.”

Please note that the following movie (and other such movies) will NEVER mention jewish control of the banks or banking system, so don’t be looking for it. But bear this in mind while watching.


I hope you notice the myriad of Spanish and non jewish sounding names in that list. This list, as I know, is not available anywhere else in blogs throughout the internet. I may be wrong.

All of the above can then lead me into tying this up to what is happening in China and Hong Kong today but that would have me simply regurgitating my blog “CAPITALIZING CHINA”.  How has the City of London then taken significant control in China?

Enter the concept of the “Legal Person” – a British legal basic jurisprudence term:

Am I a “Conspiracy theorist”? YES….. indefatigably YES! Why?

Because I’ve researched, done my homework and I have found that the entire globe is shaped by events which are entirely linked. So yes, there IS one umbrella conspiracy. Not to say there are not factions within it who play on Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “Grand Chessboard”, BUT they all use you and I as pawns in this big game.

Let the naysayers in media and elsewhere scoff as they will but they are entirely ignorant; generally, have never fully immersed themselves into research and know that to do so and then speak of it, they would lose their well paid positions.

A couple of things to ponder over:


HL Deb 21 July 1959 vol 218 cc315-56


With all deference to the most reverend Primate, that is not what the court is            338            asked to declare. The court is asked to declare that the child was born in lawful wedlock between Mrs. X and Y. Otherwise, by the laws of legitimacy as understood in this country, it could not be a legitimate child. It is that which personally I find so shocking.

The noble and learned Lord, Lord Denning, seemed to think—at least so I understood—that there was no material difference between the situation which I have just described and the situation which was dealt with by the Act of 1926, under which both the parents were unmarried at the time of the birth of the child and they merely, as it were, anticipated the ceremony. But to me at any rate, there is all the difference in the world between the two cases. In one case both were free to marry each other; in the other one or both was solemnly linked at the time in wedlock to another man or another woman. How is it possible for the court to ignore that fact? If I may say so with all deference—and this is a great impertinence—some lawyers always seem to think that by adding the adjective “legal” to the word “fiction” it makes it much more respectable, just as in politics when a Government wants to do something which is manifestly unjust to some section of the community it thinks it makes it sound better by calling it “social” justice. In both cases, the addition of the adjective is intended to produce a different and more agreeable atmosphere. But to the ordinary man, such as most of us in this House are, a fiction remains a fiction, whatever adjective is attached to it; a lie remains a lie even though it is condoned by the law.


HL Deb 21 June 1948 vol 156 cc992-1083
LORD ALTRINCHAM moved to leave out subsection (1) and to insert:        Every person who under this Act is a British subject of the United Kingdom and                993        Colonies or who under any enactment for the time being in force in any country mentioned in subsection (3) of this section is a British subject or citizen of that country shall thereby have the status of a British subject.        The noble Lord said: Since this is a complicated and very far-reaching Bill, it may be desirable that I should begin by explaining the purpose and effect of my Amendment…………

Apart from that, however, it is obviously a term that is quite applicable for the purposes for which it has been used by Canada and may be used by other Dominions. Canada, Australia and New Zealand are, after all, single geographical entities under one system of government, under which every member of the community has equal rights and responsibilities. But citizenship in that sense is obviously entirely inapplicable to a vast range of territories such as we have to deal with in the Colonial Empire and to an immense variety of peoples who        996        range in their standard of civilisation and of civic responsibility from the head-hunters of Borneo to noble Lords opposite. There is a very wide range within this single term of “citizenship,” and obviously there are great differences in that range in the sense of civic rights and civic responsibilities. There are also immense varieties of Governments and of rights and responsibilities, varying from universal adult franchise, as we have it here, to no franchise at all. All those variations would be brought together under the term “citizenship.” In fact, to cover the Colonial Empire the term “citizenship” must be wrenched from its proper significance. It can be defended, if it is to be defended—and this is what we dislike and wish to avoid—only as a convenient legal fiction. We dislike the fiction and we see no good reason for it. For that reason alone—the history and the proper meaning of the term—we would like to see it altered in the Bill so far as the United Kingdom and Colonies are concerned.

§        In the second place, we believe that the use of this term for the United Kingdom and Colonies may have very undesirable political repercussions. Although this Parliament is, of course, still supreme throughout the Colonial Empire, nevertheless, as everybody who has lived and lives in the Colonial Empire knows, there is in the Colonial Empire a universal dislike of Whitehall government. There is a universal desire to feel that they are not dominated by a distant Legislature and administration but that, in fact, they are able more or less to conduct their own affairs without remote control. That has always been the history of the Dominions since the days when an early settler in New Zealand said that he would rather be governed by Nero on the spot than by a committee of archangels in Downing Street. That feeling is just as strong in the Colonial Empire. We have been trying to recognise that in every respect. In various ways we have been preparing and even carrying out systems of decentralisation and of regional organisation which will give more authority to those who are responsible on the spot. While, of course, there are in the Colonial Empire at the present time old Colonies with ancient Legislatures—and do not let us forget that—to whom this term will appear curiously inappropriate, the Colonies are all moving the same way.                997        Therefore, while this term “citizenship” when used in the Dominions will have an increasing significance as the Dominions grew in stature and in power, in the United Kingdom and Colonies it would have a steadily decreasing and ultimately shing significance.

§        There is no such difficulty if we remain faithful to the old term of “British subject.” That term has covered every variety of subject under every variety of Government. In is appropriate to them all, and they are proud of it. We would much prefer that no suggestion were made in this. Bill or in any other way that we are seeking to tie the Colonial Empire more closely to this country, to make it more dependent upon this country or in any way to interfere with the individual development of Colonies or groups of Colonies.

§        In the third place, there is another objection which is also deeply felt upon these Benches, and that is that the establishment of the term “citizenship” in many Colonies would be a fertile ground for political agitators. Our effort now, certainly in the African Colonies and elsewhere, is to try to give priority and emphasis to economic development and to avoid the danger that that development may be outstripped and impeded by premature political agitation. The noble Lord, Lord Milverton, called attention to that danger in a remarkable speech not many weeks ago. “Citizenship,” after all, ought to mean, and in its proper sense does mean, equal rights and responsibilities. Do noble Lords opposite really suppose that, if that term is used in regard to the Colonial Empire, it will not be exploited against us by every malcontent, by every political agitator? It is a poor answer to say that after all the term is merely a legal fiction. That would be the truth but, as I say, it would be a poor answer. I am afraid that it would furnish the Soviets, in their propaganda against the Empire, with another text for their constant theme of the “crude and callous insincerity of British Imperialism.”


“It is a poor answer to say that after all the term is merely a legal fiction. That would be the truth but, as I say, it would be a poor answer. I am afraid that it would furnish the Soviets, in their propaganda against the Empire, with another text for their constant theme of the “crude and callous insincerity of British Imperialism.”


68 Responses

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  1. I try to be truthful said, on February 26, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    How interesting, I didn’t know any of this.

    • earthlinggb said, on February 26, 2011 at 5:57 pm

      It surprises me you weren’t aware of this “Truthful”. But it’s good to know that something new is being brought to the table. 🙂

      • mother nature said, on March 29, 2012 at 2:02 pm

        I do not care for religion, this is the human beings cover, for power. One man may use wealth another will use education and others use both.
        History however factual maybe is like religion. But you can never re-write the book on natural history. We are just poor visitors on this host of a planet and everyone is a slave (pawn) to somebody or something!
        Now you may disagree and think what has this got to do with all the above who have contributed!
        A human on this planet from day one has seeked for CONTROL!! And that is where the point of what the Human Race is about – CONTROL and it comes in all shapes and forms and it has grown with learning from the history books.
        But there is one Power us mere humans can not control and that is of Nature, when the god over all of us THE SUN sais ‘that’s it game over’ and Mother Nature sets out her ways of power & control, nothing can stop it!
        So humans can keep on moaning about power, wealth, religion – WE ARE BETTER THEN YOU attitude. LIFE that you have been handed go live it!! How you please as long as it is a moral one and not a bad one. As all this summising of what is and how you have computed the info, change will never happen because mother nature won’t end this Planet A HUMAN will – why to have CONTROL !!

        And before you say, ohhh but the rich and powerful will have a way of surviving – REALLY, you would want to live that life!
        I’d rather be the cockroach!!
        Because JEALOUSY/ENVY is un humane next to CONTROL, we should be superior to the animal kingdom but maybe we are not!!

        I do what I have to do to live and survive and nothing more in a moral humane way! When my time is up, its up!

        Imagine if the world was like ‘divergent’ !

        Peace be with you :). That something said by all

  2. Frank said, on August 13, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    The US is controlled by them also. Does anyone know why Rothchild wanted a jewish state in Palestine?

  3. Sen10L said, on August 13, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Excellent expose of the throne of Satan.

  4. Mike said, on August 13, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    All western governments are just corporations, owned by the jews and the city of London. That is why everyone seems to be disolusioned with their “political party”, because ALL are on the same side, working for the city of London. Voting is useless, all you are doing is voting for a CEO, and they choose who will be put up for election.
    Democracy is a scam, and is used as a stepping stone to march towards communism. They load the country with debt, and make sure EVERYONE is reliant on the “government” for some form of handouts and survival. Then they start to squeeze and tighten the belt and throw terror into the mix to increase control even more.

    Take the London riots. They waited 3 days to really do anything, making sure the people were screaming “DO SOMETHING”!… they will, they will take away more freedoms.

    • Dube said, on August 14, 2011 at 5:17 am

      “Communism?” Define the term, please, Mike.

      • Sid_Urtse said, on August 14, 2011 at 9:07 pm

        Dube, read KARL MARX son of a jewish RABBI. Communism is Jewish through and through and financed by them. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!

  5. YHWH - Planet Saturn, G-d of the jews said, on August 13, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    “We are the intruders. We are disturbers. We are subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom of not merely the latest Great War but of nearly all your wars, not only of the Russian but of nearly every other major revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion and frustration into your personal and public life. We are still doing it. No one can tell how long we shall go on doing it.” – Marcus Eli Ravage, the authorized Jewish biographer for the Rothschild dynasty wrote this in an article in The Century Magazine, January 1928, volume 115, no. 3 pp 346-350

  6. a m malik said, on August 14, 2011 at 6:57 am

    The hate tide has been successfully turned against the Muslims- who have long since past voiced their concerns of the actions of the Zions – and who actually control the rest of the jews. The killing of the two Pakistani brothers recently, during the London riots, is a clear attempt to turn the tide.
    It is time that the west takes a coignizance of the factuals for the reason that their is a great allignment of western thoughts with Islam – “west” of Queen Victoria’s time. The media – in particular in the US, have precipitated the belief system of the west and have made them accept the present so called freedom of various shades in the society. Same sex marriages, relations between two consenting adults is no crime in the eyes of the law, interest based society forbidden as much in Christianity as in Islam and ofcourse in the Torah as well leading to a usuary made society etc: what they have infused in the minds is that the God’s laws are not better than the man made one’s.
    This article is an added useful info. May God be with you in good deeds. Yes I am from Pakistan

  7. Gavin said, on August 14, 2011 at 8:32 am

    Not only are all Govt.’s corporations so are you. At least you have a corporation so the govt. can contract with you. Your corporation is your all capitals name. Capitus Domitio Maximus. The maximum diminishment of….? through the use of capitals. It’s the diminishment of status. When you REGISter anything with any Govt. agency you transfer ownership to the REGIS which means the Crown. That includes your birth which your parents REGIStered with the Govt. who in turn created the all capitals corp. that looks like your name.

    Just a taste I could go on for hors but it’s all out there..the truth mean. Good Luck.

    • earthlinggb said, on August 21, 2011 at 11:56 am

      Check out Trust Law Gavin. That “Corporation” (Legal Fiction) they created (as you did or your parents originally did) without you knowing means that you are the sole beneficiary and executor of that estate. It is YOU who can then appoint an adminstrator of it. As the administrator you have full control of what is there for your benefit (even though you may not perceive it that way and most don’t). This puts the public servants (judiciary, lawyers, government) in the position of Trustees. YOU are in control.

  8. Moshe said, on August 14, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    Hard to believe I know, but the real “Lord Mayor of London” is a Jew called Michael Bear.

    People wanting to learn more should spend some time at this site, and read some of the free books and speeches that go back centuries, we can’t say that many didn’t try to warn us.

  9. Sid_Urtse said, on August 14, 2011 at 9:03 pm


  10. AquaTarkus said, on August 15, 2011 at 3:12 am

    To the Zionist Ashkenazim who may visit or post here or to the Goyim that may be not aware of the facts read this:

    1. Your Khazar conversion to Judaism in 740 C.E. did not changed your DNA. You are still that: Khazarian Ashkenazis. Go here:
    2. Semitism is a semantic concept only. Languages and just that. No blood, ethnic stuff or genetics. Refers to the groups of Afro-Asiatic tongues. Go here:
    3. You prefer to go by an ethnic misnomer stolen in 1775. Stupid Richard B. Sheridan and that vulgar stupid boring comedy he wrote “The Rivals”. Stick to it: Your name is ASHKENAZI. Go here to verify:
    4. The people you have impersonated for all these past 11 centuries are completely extinct. By the way they were called Judeans and were taken care by courtesy of Emperor Hadrian and his five generals from 132 to 135 C.E. As a a matter of fact all the territories incorporated to the Roman Empire according to Latin texts Judaism and the Judeans were the most primitive. Even General Pompeii, who first showed up there in 63 B.C.E. knew it right away. If you intended to pass yourselves as something that you are not, it would have been better to impersonate the Turkish or the Mongols. Two groups you served during the Khazarian time.
    5. In keeping with the Roman Empire topic. As a matter of fact Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism. It was the Empire themselves that invented Jesus around 182-184 C.E. Yes no typos here. You are reading me correctly. Search Joseph Atwill’s book “The Roman Origin of Jesus”. Go here also:
    It is time people to be fully enlightened.
    6. Back to the Ashkenazis. Another big mistake you made during the Khazar period: The Judeans communicated in Aramaic. It was the language they brought back from Babylon. Hebrew was only used in the Judaic rituals and texts. This has been completely evidenced. You started speaking Hebrew right away in 740. But of course since the Christians and Islamics said a big NO to you. What you did. Convert to the other one available at the time. Allow me to remind you again, freak impostors that religions and genetics don’t mix. Certainly you never knew about the ones, who’s identities were stolen from you. As a matter of fact nobody did. How can someone have knowledge of a fully exterminated group of people 605 years before. Thank you Emperor Hadrian and thank you General Sextus Julius Severus. Check here:
    There you have it. Who knows if we have a new Hadrian and the same thing that happened back in 135 happens again. Eliminating garbage is more than welcomed. Nothing will be lost and a lot will be gained. The hunting has already begun. Be certain of that. Before I go visit also here:
    The Holy Grail of total absolute cleansing. Take care all. Yes Zionism and Ashkenazim are the same word.

    • earthlinggb said, on August 15, 2011 at 10:12 am

      Aqua, some interesting points and links which I’ll have to follow up on but I’m concerned about your last few sentences re eliminating, hunting and cleansing. It would appear to me us humans have done quite enough of that over far too long (and still continue to). I appreciate much of it has been due to zionist ideology but it need not require and should not require the same tactics. There is something evil at the core of zionism which does not make every person who ignorantly believes the given ideology of it being some sort of “safe haven” for jews. Those who believe that have been led to believe it by this evil core in my view. To me there is no such thing as an “evil culture” or race in its entirety. This is still an elitist ideology to such an extent that those same zionists or askenazi would (and have) sacrificed their own to achieve their goals. I wholeheartedly believe it can be eradicated as an ideology with education coupled with the rule of law. REAL law. Anything else is just another form of crusade and bloodshed built upon fear. We don’t need that any longer. If people choose that route then nothing changes.

      • AquaTarkus said, on August 15, 2011 at 11:59 pm

        Yes, I understand these are strong words.The thing is I’ve been doing research on these people for the last 18 years and counting. This is part of the research I’ve carried out. When the Khazar Kingdom vanished around the start of the 11th century, they were basically left alone. The Mongols and Turkish people that I mentioned before wanted nothing more with them. The next move was to migrate to eastern Europe. Look for Arthur Koestler’s book “The Thirteenth Tribe”. Interestingly enough Prof. Koestler was himself of Ashkenazim origin. His book was never contested. Later he and his wife appeared dead as if it was a suicide. We know what really happened there. It wasn’t the first time an Ashkenazi takes care of a fellow one. They have been doing that for almost ten centuries. Back to the research. The Khazars for a good part of two centuries settled around the areas of what is today Czechoslovakia, Poland and Germany. Besides Hebrew they also developed a dialect known as Yiddish, which is a fusion of German dialects. In that dialect they named Germany Ashkenaz, thus becoming the Ashkenazim. Certainly the people around them saw their dubious unnatural manners and behaviors. There is ample evidence of all the places they have been expelled throughout the centuries. Honestly, if you are a well behaved people there is no such need for that sort of measure. Now to the facts concerning these people, if they actually can be call that. Since all those expulsions they sort of started a trend of clan closeness. That meant not mixing with other ethnic groups around them. What you get then. It’s called inbreeding. That causes serious genetic problems of all kinds. I point you know to the ones that live in that stolen place in the land of Canaan. Over 80% according to statistics are from the Ukraine. Unfortunately the USA Zionist owned media doesn’t show really what is happening there, when it comes the Bulldozers and the destruction of the Arab Palestinian homes, that are the true owners of the place. South American TV news programs show those bulldozing stunts of these psychopaths, but you won’t see them on CNN, FOX, ABC or CBS. What are we gonna do with the Ashkenazim at this juncture, it would be mere speculation on my behalf. If the destruction of Zionism means we also destroy its inventors. I’m sorry. I’m all for it. Actually about the subvertednation webmaster, compared to him, I’m just a kindergarten boy. Check the General Patton feature on his website. Sure you will understand that unfortunately when the time comes, we cannot take prisoners. Actually earthlinggb I tell you, after two full decades of serious genuine research, I know them better than they know themselves.

        • earthlinggb said, on August 16, 2011 at 12:22 am

          Yes I’m aware of Koestler, his book and his demise and also the rest of what you say and I can’t fault it. I just feel that while there is a definite issue with this “group” of people – as has been proven by the constant expulsions throughout the centuries which is just fact and which was the question which led to the blog – I can’t help but believe it is not the entirety of jews (Ashkenazi or not) who are to blame. Just as the American/British rabid imperialism of today is not the fault or wishes of the American and British people. The governments are controlled by zionist forces – that is simply a fact and readily shown by Cameron and Biden etc etc freely admitting they are zionists – and, again, we come full circle to these elitist zionist/jewish/Rothschild moneyed elite who have nothing in common with a common jew as our “elite” have absolutely nothing in common with us. Cameron: Loot a shop and you go to jailm loot the nation and you get a bonus. Don’t blame the bankers!” His attitude says it all. But then he does state “My values are jewish values” and Lloyd Blankfein states “We do god’s work”. Now one simply has to ask “Which god would that be?” for, as we know, Jesus was not their messiah and, if he wasn’t, then as the so called son of god they must have a different god. Purely logical and unassailable!

  11. Micho said, on August 15, 2011 at 2:11 pm

    Mary was Scottish and French ancestry and she was murdered year before the establishment bank of jew satan England. William of orange was merchant jew swine thug from Holland. The jew satanic blood infected the whole so call european royal families whores.

    • earthlinggb said, on August 15, 2011 at 11:29 pm

      Appreciate the input Micho while, again I’ll say, I don’t consider this to be an everyday man in the street religious jew type of thing. This is all constructed and manipulated by financial elites and they have usurped the jewish religion to cloak themselves while being kabbalah loving, satanists along with others of other faiths and nationalities/races. They are playing a chess game at a lofty level and the everyday jew as well as christian or any other faith/culture/race is of no consequence nor interest to them. Granted, if you happen to be jewish and they feel they can use you while taking care of you “as one of them” many will be happy to capitalise on this but we even see this not only with jews but also with the politicians who proclaim to be zionist yet who are christian. Cameron, Biden, Hague, Osborne, Mandelson, Blair and the vast majority of those in the senate and congress of the USA and many within Parliament and the Lords in the UK. It is just pure unadulterated corruption and the biggest, most sickening, old boys network which exists. Even our royalty are part of it.

      • nobodyimportant said, on August 16, 2011 at 11:55 pm

        I think it’s well-known the example of Sabbati Tzvi was followed, from among his following of over a million jews. This is perhaps where one sees the biggest break with ‘the everyday man in the street … jew type of thing’. Groups of conservative hard-religious jews are definitely in league with the sabbateans, and so are other groups, as this is where, for instance, the hard-core religious get the backing – the fiat currency, the credit for their operations, their settlements and the Lubavitcher houses all around the planet.

        And, the rothschild line is the present-day direct descendant of sabbati tzvi. Go look it up. Very strong facial resemblance, besides the behavioural characteristics.

        I strongly believe also, the sabbatean line has been ‘allowing’ people who claim it’s all jews, and those who allude to jews being a race, and the behaviour to be a racial characteristic, out on a very long leash, as this serves the sabbateans’ over-all plan to frighten the greater groups of not-well-grounded jews, even so-called secular jews, to fall behind the barricades with the sabbateans, as needed. The greater ‘jewish community’ are tools, just like the so-called ‘gay community’.

        I believe, with evidence, the biggest and greatest message we can target to specific people we know, and the blog-readers, is the one above.

  12. Mike said, on August 15, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    This is rubbish. The City is NOT a separate sovereign State. Des Griffin misunderstood earlier writers like Knuth who wrote “Empire of the City” (1946). David Icke is a repeater as he calls them, at least on this.

    Please do some real research and give us cites for these assertions about the City, the Vatican etc. Till then I’ll just assume it’s more rumor mill mongering to detract from the efforts of people who are striving to get the real money scam fixed.

    • earthlinggb said, on August 15, 2011 at 11:20 pm

      Mike I suggest you refrain from just boisterously proclaiming “rubbish” until you do, indeed, do more research yourself. You will then find it is anything BUT rubbish!
      The City of London has been granted various special privileges since the Norman Conquest such as the right to run its own affairs

      partly due to the power of its financial capital. These are also mentioned by the Statute of William and Mary in 1690. (I think you really want to read this stuff Mike before screaming “rubbish”).

      Today, voting rights for the City of London’s municipal authority are granted to its 32,000 business in addition to residents which now number less than 9000. This unique patronage system ensures that business interests usually take priority. Despite this, multiple attempts to reform the City have been thwarted, and maintaining these privileges is the role of an unelected official lobbyist in Parliament called the Remembrancer.

      I think you may well wish to read this article too Mike because I never have heard the New Statesman EVER being suggested as some rubbish “Conspiracy theory” rag!

      The power and influence of the City over government policy has enraged democratically elected leaders down the ages. For example the former British Prime Minister Clement Attlee wrote “Over and over again we have seen that there is in this country another power than that which has its seat at Westminster. The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests, is able to assert itself against the Government of the country. Those who control money can pursue a policy at home and abroad contrary to that which has been decided by the people.” (Clement Attlee The Labour Party in Perspective, p179)

      More recently, following the financial crises of the late 2000s, the City came in for criticism due to an apparent lack of control and regulation. It is also claimed that many of the recent financial catastrophes which were partly caused by a lack of such controls, can be traced to companies who work in the City, or London based offices. ( Nicholas Shaxson – Treasure Islands – Tax havens and the men who stole the world – P.249 Chapter 12 Griffin The City of London Corporation)

      English secretive trust laws and strong libel laws are two factors that make the City an attractive offshore haven for the assets of foreign business. Eva Joly states “The City of London that state within a state’ has never transmitted even the smallest piece of usable evidence to a foreign magistrate. (“

      This provides a lucrative environment for money laundering and assets to be sheltered from tax, free from examination by law enforcement agencies by maintaining plausible deniability. Rich private clients also benefit through the domicile rules. (Nicholas Shaxson – Treasure Islands – Tax havens and the men who stole the world – p250 & p276 Chapter 12 Griffin The City of London Corporation)

      Although the City of London’s headline tax rate is the same as the rest of the UK, by influencing and using the legal system and laws of disclosure it has the means to allow clients to avoid or reputedly evade tax.

      Although there is no agreed definition of a tax haven, many authors have accused the City of London of being one.

      The Tax Justice Network, goes further and accuses the City of London as being “the biggest tax haven in the world” as well as ‘a state within a state’,

      Ian Doyle and Jem Bendell, summarise these claims with the following statement: the City “is the most powerful lobby in Britain and possibly the world, and as a result . . . exerts enormous political influence to resist regulation and extract tax exemption. It has fostered criminality by ensuring that the City ranks amongst the least accountable of financial centres on the face of the Earth”.

      It should be noted that many criticisms of the ‘City of London’ also apply to the UK financial services industry. However, these activities still tend to be centered on London and the City of London in particular.

      There are so many more aspects to this and proofs of the City of London being sovereign just as the Vatican is and Waqshington D.C is but here are just another couple of things to consider:

      The City is a police area and has its own territorial police force, the City of London Police, which is a separate organisation to the Metropolitan Police Service which covers the remainder of Greater London. The City Police have three police stations, located at Snow Hill, Wood Street and Bishopsgate, and has 813 police officers, 85 Special Constables and 48 PCSOs. Covering just the City of London, it is the smallest territorial police force in England and Wales, both in terms of geographic area and the number of police officers.

      Where the majority of British police forces have silver-coloured badges, those of the City Police are black and gold featuring the City crest. The force also have a unique red and white chequered cap bands and red and white striped duty arm bands on the sleeve of the tunics of constables and sergeants (red and white being the colours of the City of London), which in most other British police forces are black and white. City police sergeants and constables wear crested helmets whilst on foot patrol. These helmets do not feature the Brunswick Star, which is used on most other police helmets in England and Wales.

      The City of London has a unique political status, a legacy of its uninterrupted integrity as a corporate city since the Anglo-Saxon period and its singular relationship with the Crown. Historically its system of government was not unusual, but it was not reformed by the Municipal Reform Act 1835 and little changed by later reforms.

      It is administered by the City of London Corporation, headed by the Lord Mayor of London (not the same as the more recently created position of Mayor of London), which is responsible for a number of functions and owns a number of locations beyond the City’s boundaries. Unlike other modern-day English local authorities, the Corporation has two council bodies: the now largely ceremonial Court of Aldermen and the Court of Common Council. The Court of Aldermen represents the wards, with each ward (irrespective of their size) returning one Alderman. The Chief Executive of the administrative side of the Corporation holds the ancient office of Town Clerk of London.

      and lastly,

      To this day the oath sworn by freemen of the City of London contains an oath of obedience to the Lord Mayor of the City of London. NO other oaths are sworn such as this for ANY other city,district, county in the UK. The ONLY other oaths sworn are to Her Majesty the Queen.

      Then, when it comes to Washington D.C. I suggest you may wish to research and study, for one thing, the Constitution of Delaware.

      As I’m sure you will appreciate, there’s a hell of a lot of evidence from serious sources here to assure you this is not “rumor mill mongering” while the money scam is perfectly simple in of itself. The problem lies in who holds the power to corrupt the entire issue and issuance of money. I resent being told I’m not doing “real research” and that I’m “detracting” from other efforts. I have no other reason to be doing this other than to get to the truth of the matter! And I approached all of this some time ago not even aware of the “Conspiracy gurus” who are around for I encountered some issue personally which compelled me to study it.

      • Mike said, on August 30, 2011 at 5:59 pm

        Impressively extensive cut ‘n’ pasting (pity about the stupid hubristic introductory remarks) but it does not disprove my point, which being, the City is not a sovereign in law. Period.

        You will find more on the likes of The International Tin Council having been recognised as an international body with independent competence than you will ever find likewise on “The City” being a sovereign state. Because it ain’t.

        I am aware of the fiscal / geopolitical economic factors. But they don’t make it a legal sovereign. Legal make-believe will just serve as distraction at best and disinformation at worst.

        • earthlinggb said, on August 30, 2011 at 7:53 pm

          Ah I see? You’re one of those who if one simply states something in their own words you ask for some form of evidence based upon “citing” references. When one then takes the time to put together a heap of references while cutting and pasting sections of those and others to try and present you with as full an answer as possible, you then attack them for “citing” references! Can’t win huh? But I sense from your tone and attitude you like to have a little stab at attacking on a personal level too? Well been there done that Mike and I’m afraid it’s water off a duck’s back mate. Now, if you don’t grasp the fundamental essence of what sovereignty is (and many don’t – even Scots think they’re going to have sovereignty if they win a referendum to pull away from Westminster) then I can’t help you. Re a “legal sovereign”. Tell me? Is Iraq or Afghanistan legally sovereign? 🙂 You have a simple view regarding what sovereignty is Mike. You’re welcome to it though. You keep doing the real research and if you dislike mine so much you know what to do. No issue! 😉

  13. Конрад Вильгельм said, on August 16, 2011 at 8:18 am

    Congratulations Earthlinggb! It’s a very interesting blogg

  14. Conrado Schwab (@aji80_2000) said, on August 16, 2011 at 8:57 am

    The present Major of the City of London is Michael Bear and this is what Wikipedia says about him:

    Michael Bear was born in Nairobi, in Kenya, and grew up in Cyprus. Later he went to school at Clifton College in Bristol, before studying at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, and Cranfield University in the UK.
    [edit] Family

    Married to Barbara Sandler, he has a son named Marc Bear who studies Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham. He also has a daughter, Amy.
    [edit] Honours

    Bear was honoured with opening the trading session at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange in July 2011.[1]

  15. iko said, on August 16, 2011 at 11:01 am


  16. iko said, on August 16, 2011 at 11:03 am

    history lesson

  17. iko said, on August 16, 2011 at 12:12 pm

    As an African who grew up in Africa i saw what kind of wickedness Curropt heartless African goverments did to thier own people, mothers with infants reduced to life under a bridge, while goverment officials buy multimillion private planes and houses in Europe/USA.

    I Moved to Europe to study and work as Engineer, and very new to me was this idea of some Europeans who really do believe they a superior in intellect and genetic makeup than everybody else of darker skin colour. Made for lots of intresing occasions in my univerisyt and working life, cant forget the english guy nearly in tears the day UK gave Hong Kong back to china, suppose nobody told him about the opium wars, where chinese were forced to become drug addict nation.

    Its then easy to turn racist, until that special time in your life when God opens your eyes to see through and beyond the matrix to realise that even though there is an extreme amount of evil in the world no doubt, the solution for each person is that person himself. The good in the world is to be aspired to and a pleasure when witnessed, but the evil has its value too, its where the rubber of the soul meets the road, its the real job.

    How do you rationalise, police arresting shop lifters in the street, while those spending tax money to bomb innocent civilians all over the world get police to gaurd thier luxirious palaces. You can either get very angry about it, or see it as the intellectual spiritual challenge that it is, to rationalise such injustice as a test of your ability to understand the good that God made the earth for.

    The strong stay smiling through evil times, while the weak get angry. Dont assume this to mean i am among the strong, but i have seen some of them, they do all they do all day in a way to elevate thier minds higher away from the spiritual gravity thats constantly pulling down. Cause, For them, they are sure all is well that ends well. And they pray for the likes of George Bush and Tony Blair for God to forgive them, cause they know man will pray for his own enemy if he sees the wrath of AllMighty God befall him, cause its wrath to every sense like no other can impose except he who created it.

    So, let them continue to attempt to destroy the world, they are doing Gods work, in helping those want to rise to the spiritual challenge, Pray God we dont get weak and become angry about it. The Cosmos and all the good we can imagine is the prize in this contest.

    There are angels of all races and colour of skin disguised as everyday people, patrolling the streets of all nations as we speak, the evil doers are fully contained, thats not our problem. Ours is to elevate the mind to good places 24/7 by all good means possible lest our mind should fall to this fake reality the evil one have created for those who dont want to fly.

    The oppresion of the evil sect over the human race will not stop before God’s time for it to stop, and even if it happens to be a revolution, it will not be the right revolution unless those who do it, do it to improve thier good, not as a revenge, else they end up with another evil regime for generations.

    Jews are not the problem, certain times of the day i dont even trust myself, unless am careful and focus on the mission. Dont get stuck in this reality they have created, through hard work you can make your own all the way from SKy to stars and beyond with no limit as long as you mean well. You could become so strong that on a good day youll even say a prayer for all those you hold responsible for destroying the world. That only possible when you become so elevated you looking down at the situation from like the top of a very high mountain, where the big picture becomes clear to you, as bill clinton said, its all in the mind stupid, So help us God.

    • earthlinggb said, on August 16, 2011 at 12:51 pm

      Sane words Iko. There is no anger in this even though I may be angry with what we, as a whole, are allowing our world to become. I simply read and research and have an inquiring mind and wherever this issue leads, I write about it. Meanwhile, your words, while decent and good, have a certain sense of “let it continue and do not ‘fight’ it for it is in the hands of god”. I am not religious so I do not see or recognise this god. I logically deduce there has been a creator of some kind (since everything we experience in life and which surrounds us has been created in one form or another – even the proverbial “singularity” of the big bang must have been created IF that is how it all came into existence) but I do not subscribe to the idea that the creator looks down upon a single speck of dirt in the universe and concern himself with it. Also interetsing you use the term they are “doing god’s work”. Precisely what Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs) suggested.

      • iko said, on August 16, 2011 at 3:23 pm

        AquaTarkus had me a bit concerned with his conclusion to externinate jews, his knowledge of history far surpases mine i have to say, quite educating.

        I am just suggesting we dont get too worked up about those whom we are sure, are on a mission to destroy the world., obviously they are mad.

        Getting too drawn in by thier actions will distract us from the real goal of personal improvement in life.

        I am not suggesting we dont resist thier evil interventions in our personal lifes, i am suggesting the resistance needs to start from deep in the mind where thier intervention begins.

        They are not the enemy, they are lower spiritual life forms that exist to give us a challenge in life, so they are doing God’s work. The engine of a car only generates motion cause the combustion inside it hurts. Seems we need that drive as well, primitive of us maybe.

        I never belived in a creator, but always been fair to people as much as my strength allowed, and i give my conscience adequate attention, but within limits of the postive. It took miracles before my eyes and the depth of my being to realise there has always been a God watching me. So you see for me it was quite easy to believe, i saw and felt evidence of the kind Hollywood fiction could not imagine in a million years.

        There is no well meaning person that does not believe in God and his good mission subconsciously, they just dont know it yet. If you believe in fairness and justice, then that is enough, the rest will find you later, and it will show you love that shines as bright as the stars above.

        If it comes to fight, we will fight with everything including the power of air, earth, water, thunder and lighting, but we do not set the time for the fight, when the time comes every being will know it in thier heart, every human being and all the creatures of the wild that prefer good over evil will stand at attention for the call to HolyWar, that day, even the trees will rise up and walk, and the mountains will wakeup, brush off thier dust and join the fight.

        But why look forward to a revolution when we all know there is no honour amongst theives, usually the evil doers end up turning on themselves with all the weapons they have been perfecting for the last 2011 years. That will be an anti climax for those looking forward to a revoltion.

        We dont know the future, but we know right from wrong, maybe we should focus on that, we are not alone at all.

        • earthlinggb said, on August 16, 2011 at 4:09 pm

          Indeed. No honour among thieves. Very true. However, while there never has been Iko, they have still managed to bring the world to this point and they continue to get away with it because even those “good” people (and I’m thinking here about specific police, judiciary etc) will do, simply, their jobs without consideration of what it is, in fact, they are doing and why. And I say this, now, with personal ongoing experience of it. They simply wish to get their job done and receive their salary at the end of the month. So while these thieves have no honour among them, they have been working this step by step for decades if not centuries and they keep progressing. They may hit issues along the way which slow them BUT they have kept, and will keep, progressing simply because of the majority of people’s ignorance and apathy. THAT is their strength. Even all the blogs in the world are of no use when there are 6.5billion people in this world and 6 billion of them couldn’t care to read and learn. Nice words though Iko. You’re obviously and intelligent and educated guy. Appreciate the positivity and the input.

  18. amerikagulag said, on August 18, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    Thank you for publishing this article. Now if we can just dispel the myth called ‘the bible’, we may be able to save humanity from annihilation.

    FACT: There was no Exodus – it didn’t happen – Lie
    FACT: There was no ‘parting the Red Sea’ – it didn’t happen – Lie
    FACT: There was no ‘wandering in the desert’ – it didn’t happen – Lie
    Conclusion: There was no promised land – there are no chosen people.

    FACT: If the germans had written the bible the Germans would be the chosen people. See how it works?

  19. Anonymous said, on August 30, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    […] rooted in the jewish psyche and is in accordance with the majority of them, Natalie Rothschild and her relatives included. . __________________ Zundel's wife on Veterans Today, a rich resource […]

  20. Mike said, on September 22, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    I know it’s boring, but to revert to topic i.e. the original article just for a moment…

    The City is NOT a sovereign State in law. I went to the library and looked up the relevant parts of the current edition of Halsbury’s Laws of England to which Knuth referred in his book (or rather, to the earlier edition(s) current in the 1940s). This is the legal position. If you don’t agree with it why don’t you check it out yourself or if you are a Brit. Cit. (or know one who can on your behalf) ask if the City is a foreign sovereign State “by application for information to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, whose reply is conclusive” – see below.

    As stated previously I am not necessarily arguing against the geopolitical / economic / financial /monetary complexion, I am just not buying the lie / distortion / BS that the City of London is a sovereign State in law, with all the attendant rights, privileges, obligations and immunities. If you disagree, cite the sources that show me to be wrong.

    Halsbury’s Laws of England 4th edition

    vol. 18(2) Foreign Relations Law

    Para. 622 on the recognition of States.

    “…Although in a doubtful case an English court will require proof that what is claimed to be a state is in fact such (4), the court will take judicial cognisance not only of the status, but also of the territorial boundaries of a foreign state (5). The modern practice is to resolve doubts by application for information to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, whose reply is conclusive (6).

    vol.29(2) London Government

    Para 40: “…The citizens and freemen of the City of London are a body politic and corporate by the name of the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London… the corporation has no charter of incorporation, being a corporation by prescription…. See note 4 to para. 40 on services. … it is a local authority for the purposes of various other public general Acts….”

    Para.62 … It has been held that a London borough council cannot rely on its charter of incorporation as giving it the capacity of a natural person to enter into contracts but is confined to the powers conferred upon it by statute. (7)”.
    “…London borough councils (2) and the Common Council of the City of London (3) are local authorities for the purposes of provisions relating to the supply of goods and services [etc])”

    vol.8(2) Constitutional Law and Human Rights
    para. 376: “The Crown may not suspend laws or the execution of laws without the consent of Parliament (1); nor may it dispense with laws, or the execution of laws (2)…”

    England / GB / the UK does have a constitution, even a written one, it is contained in various statutes like Magna Carta (arts 1, 9, 29 and 37 still not repealed at the last count I did), Bill of Rights, Act of Settlement 1700, Statute of Westminster, and so on, also case law, it is not just represented by custom, prerogative etc.

    Knuth’s book referred to these provisions of Halsbury’s Laws if I have found them all, these references no longer work because the volume coverage and paragraph references have changed in the last 65+ years, however if you just read the parts of his book where the references appear you will see that a lot of what he says no longer applies anyway because of constitutional changes e.g. Eire ceasing to be a Dominion and becoming the Republic of Ireland; other countries gaining independence / their own legislatures (so Knuth’s central point in effect no longer applies, viz. about the Crown having plenary power to govern enormous populations abroad where a colony has no local legislature). Knuth’s book mentions these provisions:

    Vol.23 page 367, para. 641-650;
    Vol.6 page 388, para.582; page 423, para 651;
    Vol.21, page 618, note k.

    Also: there is a boundary review for parliamentary elections.
    “To replace the Holloway ward, we propose to include the City of London
    and two Camden wards (Holborn and Covent Garden, and King’s Cross). Although
    the City of London has had a longstanding constituency link with wards from the City
    of Westminster, we noted that there are also close communication links between the
    City of London and the south of the Borough of Islington. We decided that the
    constituency should be renamed The City of London and Islington South.”

    How exactly do you think that squares with the City being an independent sovereign state?

    and pdf link there.

    This fertile mulch has been spread far and wide helped immeasurably by repeaters (to use his own phrase) like David Icke who is sometimes very gullible. Another example: Bill Cooper, who always brayed about checking out the sources and not trusting anyone, was repeating the “independent sovereign state” meme in “Hour of the Time” episode of 18 May 1998 #1380 (‘book report’ on Lawrence Gardner’s “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”) (1996) (which was itself NWO propaganda trying to sell the proles the idea that a new king of the world / world leader /ante[i]-Christ would have the moral authority of a lineage stretching back to the (archaeologically unproven) House of David).

    Recommendation: stop repeating the unresearched disinformation of the deluded, and start exercising some self-determination by use of your independent critical faculties. Putting down others just because you don’t like their views isn’t going to help persuade.

    I *know* the economic and geopolitical effects of the “City”, but pursuing spurious garbage about its *legal* status acts only as disinformation and distraction from the main issue of monetary control. Knuth’s book gets it in one on p.61 when her refers to Vol. 13 Encyclopaedia Americana: “… the Crown, as chief partner in the Jewish money lending business… to secure its share of the gains…” It is not known for sure, but following the so-called nationalisation of the Bank of England in 1946 by the Labour Government (paid for with money borrowed from the US and charged to the UK taxpayer) only the legal ownership changed, the economic effect remained as before. All that happened was that the shares in the BOE were transferred to the UK Govt. Treasury and debentures/debt stock were issued in exchange to the former shareholders. These it is thought split the spoils of the money-out-of-nothing scam between the “international bankers” and the Crown (meaning quite possibly the Crown in its personal estate i.e. the Queen, who has been described as a direct descendant of the House of David (ha-ha, hilarious false invocation of the god-line, as rich as Cameron being called a direct descendant of Moses (no historic or archeological evidence for his existence)) i.e. she is (partly, at least) a Guelph or Venetian Jew in origin).

    “Passport to Pimlico!”

    If you’re interested in theories of who is doing what behind the scenes a.k.a. Hidden Government, then check out torrent distributions of rare/suppressed/marginalised books etc at sites such as If you didn’t know already, you will need a torrent client like Azareus, uTorrent or another of your choice. To seed (return the favour for other downloaders) you may have to fiddle with your firewall so there is a free incoming port for connection. Much easier than it sounds. Plenty of sites host FAQs, e.g.

  21. mike said, on September 26, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Click to access empire.pdf

    The City is NOT a sovereign State in law. I went to the library and looked up the relevant parts of the current edition of Halsbury’s Laws of England to which Knuth referred in his book (or rather, to the earlier edition(s) current in the 1940s). This is the legal position. If you don’t agree with it why don’t you check it out yourself or if you are a Brit. Cit. (or know one who can on your behalf) ask if the City is a foreign sovereign State “by application for information to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, whose reply is conclusive” – see below.

    As stated previously I am not necessarily arguing against the geopolitical / economic / financial /monetary complexion, I am just not buying the lie / distortion / BS that the City of London is a sovereign State in law, with all the attendant rights, privileges, obligations and immunities. If you disagree, cite the sources that show me to be wrong.

    Halsbury’s Laws of England 4th edition

    vol. 18(2) Foreign Relations Law

    Para. 622 on the recognition of States.

    “…Although in a doubtful case an English court will require proof that what is claimed to be a state is in fact such (4), the court will take judicial cognisance not only of the status, but also of the territorial boundaries of a foreign state (5). The modern practice is to resolve doubts by application for information to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, whose reply is conclusive (6).

    vol.29(2) London Government

    Para 40: “…The citizens and freemen of the City of London are a body politic and corporate by the name of the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London… the corporation has no charter of incorporation, being a corporation by prescription…. See note 4 to para. 40 on services. … it is a local authority for the purposes of various other public general Acts….”

    Para.62 … It has been held that a London borough council cannot rely on its charter of incorporation as giving it the capacity of a natural person to enter into contracts but is confined to the powers conferred upon it by statute. (7)”.
    “…London borough councils (2) and the Common Council of the City of London (3) are local authorities for the purposes of provisions relating to the supply of goods and services [etc])

    vol.8(2) Constitutional Law and Human Rights
    para. 376: “The Crown may not suspend laws or the execution of laws without the consent of Parliament (1); nor may it dispense with laws, or the execution of laws (2)…”

    England / GB / the UK does have a constitution, even a written one, it is contained in various statutes like Magna Carta (arts 1, 9, 29 ad 37 still not repealed at the last count I did), Bill of Rights, Act of Settlement 1700 and so on, also case law, it is not just represented by custom, prerogative etc.

    Knuth’s book referred to these provisions of Halsbury’s Laws if I have found them all, these references no longer work because the volume coverage and paragraph references have changed in the last 65+ years, however if you just read the parts of his book where the references appear you will see that a lot of what he says no longer applies anyway because of constitutional changes e.g. Eire ceasing to be a Dominion and becoming the Republic of Ireland; other countries gaining independence / their own legislatures (so Knuth’s central point in effect no longer applies, viz. about the Crown having plenary power to govern enormous populations abroad where a colony has no local legislature). Knuth’s book mentions these provisions:

    Vol.23 page 367, para. 641-650;
    Vol.6 page 388, para.582; page 423, para 651;
    Vol.21, page 618, note k.

    Also: there is a boundary review for parliamentary elections.
    “To replace the Holloway ward, we propose to include the City of London
    and two Camden wards (Holborn and Covent Garden, and King’s Cross). Although
    the City of London has had a longstanding constituency link with wards from the City
    of Westminster, we noted that there are also close communication links between the City of London and the south of the Borough of Islington. We decided that the constituency should be renamed The City of London and Islington South.”

    How exactly do you think that squares with the City being an independent sovereign state?

    and pdf link there.

    This fertile mulch has been spread far and wide helped immeasurably by repeaters (to use his own phrase) like David Icke who is sometimes very gullible. Another example: Bill Cooper, who always brayed about checking out the sources and not trusting anyone, was repeating the “independent sovereign state” meme in “Hour of the Time” episode of 18 May 1998 #1380 (‘book report’ on Lawrence Gardner’s “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”) (1996) (which was itself NWO propaganda trying to sell the proles the idea that a new king of the world / world leader /ante[i]-Christ would have the moral authority of a lineage stretching back to the (archaeologically unproven) House of David).

    Recommendation: stop repeating the unresearched disinformation of the deluded, and start exercising some self-determination by use of your independent critical faculties. Putting down others just because you don’t like their views isn’t going to help persuade.

    I *know* the economic and geopolitical effects of the “City”, but pursuing spurious garbage about its *legal* status acts only as disinformation and distraction from the main issue of monetary control. Knuth’s book gets it in one on p.61 when her refers to Vol. 13 Encyclopaedia Americana: “… the Crown, as chief partner in the Jewish money lending business… to secure its share of the gains…” It is not known for sure, but following the so-called nationalisation of the Bank of England in 1946 by the Labour Government (paid for with money borrowed from the US and charged to the UK taxpayer) only the legal ownership changed, the economic effect remained as before. All that happened was that the shares in the BOE were transferred to the UK Govt. Treasury and debentures/debt stock were issued in exchange to the former shareholders. These it is thought split the spoils on the money-out-of-nothing scam between the “international bankers” and the Crown (meaning quite possible the Crown in its personal estate i.e. the Queen, who has been described as a direct descendant of the House of David (ha-ha, hilarious false invocation of the god-line, as rich as Cameron being called a direct descendant of Moses (no historic or archeological evidence for his existence) i.e. she is a Guelph)).

    “Passport to Pimlico!”

    If you’re interested in theories of who is doing what behind the scenes a.k.a. Hidden Government, then check out torrent distributions of rare/suppressed/marginalised books etc at sites such as If you didn’t know already, you will need a torrent client like uTorrent or another of your choice. To seed (return the favour for other downloaders) you may have to fiddle with your firewall so there is a free incoming port. Much easier than it sounds. Plenty of sites host FAQs, e.g.

    • earthlinggb said, on September 28, 2011 at 1:46 am

      Mike. I never said it was – in LAW – but you still don’t quite get it do you? Is the UK a sovereign nation? You’d say yes, I’d tell you NO! It’s that simple. Who gives a DAMN about the “law” of it? The people in control don’t. Sorry mate, I can’t help you to see something you just refuse to see.

    • earthlinggb said, on October 7, 2011 at 11:01 am

      Have you ever read parliamentary minutes relating to the freemasons? You’re probably going to ask what has that got to do with the City of London being sovereign or not. Well the point is, if you do read up on the parliamentary (and other) communications with the freemasons, you will clearly see that, while the freemasons – those within the sect – are clearly expected to abide by british law just as is the case for everyone else, they are entirely “sovereign” inasmuch as, what they do as a group, is completely hidden from view and they stand in front of parliamentary committees and simply give them the “bird” when asked questions they simply do not wish to answer. They simply refuse. Now, that is an example of a group displaying a form of sovereignty YET they exist within the UK. However, they do not have anywhere near the sovereignty of the City of London. Sovereignty is NOT anything to do with being recognised in law/legal or not. Sovereignty is having the power to basically say “fuck you!”. THAT is the sovereignty the City of London has and while all the wealth resides there with specific people, it is the City of London which calls the shots and dictates to government. End of.

  22. jennifer Chen said, on October 16, 2011 at 4:26 am

    Rothschild wanted a jewish state in Palestine as an insult to God, it is the Holy land. Jesus was not a jew and the Catholic church has proof of this fact in the Vatican. Jesus was an Arab, that is why they could not get a room at the inn and he was born in a manger.

  23. rehmat1 said, on October 25, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    And currently the whole kitty-kabut is controlled by the ‘British Friends of Israel’ – which has not spared Press TV or the born-Jew Dean of the Royal Air Force College, Dr. Joel Hayward for questioning British war on Libya.

  24. CommuterRant said, on October 31, 2011 at 11:02 am

    A great article and one that exposes the futility of pre-occupying ourselves with the “politics” of government and general policy-making.

    I have linked to this from my daily rant, much appreciated

    • earthlinggb said, on October 31, 2011 at 1:53 pm

      Glad you got something out of it Commuter. There’s plenty more where that came from if you browse the blogs. Try searching under “Santander”.

  25. Astraea Shaw said, on November 5, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    Anyone who wants to know what is happening to the World – OUR World – must read “The Controversy of Zion.” Douglas Reed – free on line. You will understand it all very clearly if you do.

  26. Dazzle Rebel said, on November 28, 2011 at 10:47 pm

    I stumbled no this article while ‘googling’ for place names in the financial district of London because I’m in the middle of writing some lyrics about fat cats and the like. An hour and a bit later I’ve read the whole article and the comments and realise that even though I’ve had a general feeling that there’s a small bunch of non-political business folk that control the whole financial world, I have in fact no idea of how much actually goes on behind those castle like buildings.

    In fact I’ve now got a headache because my brain is fried. I never was good at taking in lots of information but I’m glad I did. While I would be a fool just to agree with you on the basis that “you obviously know more about the subject than me”, I feel that you have put across a very good argument. Being a layman in this field I think I have taken enough to form my own opinion on the subject which, in a nutshell, is the same as the opinion I had when I started; the financial world and thus the world economy is run by a small and secretive elite.

    We are sheep and cattle, I’ve always known that. But I’m also a rebel who likes to (to use a cliche) “stick it to the man” and my small way of doing that is through music and blogs (though you do a damned better job of the later). Thank you, I came here wanting to know a few street names and have left bamboozled yet inspired.

    As for the arguments on the comments, I have nothing to add.

    • earthlinggb said, on November 28, 2011 at 10:55 pm

      Appreciate it Dazzle while I never demand anyone to agree with all I say, I just expect people to use logic and look into it all themselves. As for the music – that bad is it? LOL I try my best! Would like to hear some of your stuff though if you post it on youtube or whatever. You can add me as friend on my youtube channel Earthlinggb perhaps and then I can hear some of your stuff? Be kind with the comments on mine though. It’s just a fun hobby for me. 🙂

      • Dazzle Rebel said, on November 28, 2011 at 11:33 pm

        I didn’t mean it was crap! – I meant your blog and posts are much more detailed and better sourced than mine. I stick to the basics – my opinion the way I see it, from the best I can make of it. Would love to have the time and patience to actually study the facts and figures but I am lacking in both departments.

        • earthlinggb said, on November 29, 2011 at 1:54 am

          🙂 Just being flippant. Re having the time and patience to study it all – Being faced with a huge amount of corruption first hand and being compelled to study to try and cope with helps to focus the mind I can assure you. Had what I had to cope with not happened to me I can honestly say I would not have been compelled to look into any of this and would still have been a “Sheeple”. That’s partially the issue with people being able to accept all of this: They haven’t been touched by it but personally. Yes they have felt the issue in their wallet but they still see it as just some sort of “recession” and the wars etc are necessary because of what they are told on their mid evening news. I was “lucky” in that some heavy shit came my way to wake me up. After that, I wanted to destroy these bastards to be quite frank and still do.

  27. Eon Cole said, on December 25, 2011 at 6:08 pm

    Right on… shine that light on…. if it looks like shit… smells like shit… then it is shit…. this is the real shit … keep it up…

  28. frans dove said, on March 16, 2012 at 1:18 am

    I have just read you’r piece as regards “Jewish banishment “, i am wondering if a video of this information minus the blood libel (the usury is enough) and cartoon stuff would’nt go a miss on you tube . I think Rothschild needs to be hung out to dry , there’s already some on their about him (lol i always talk of them in the singular like a 200 year old vampire) but this would put the cherry on the cake .

  29. Miau said, on May 9, 2012 at 1:05 pm

    A mi tos los ingleses me comeis la polla y me chupais el ojete, hijos de puta, si os comen el coño los judios os jodeis, maricones.

  30. […] infiltrado en Irán para colocar pruebas nucleares en territorio persa que justifiquen su ataque. En este link que os ofrezco (en inglés) se describe la historia conspirativa que propició que la city londinense tenga una […]

  31. M-A-I-O-I-A said, on May 10, 2012 at 5:57 am

    AFTER AFTER 33 GRADE , ONLY THERE ARE JEWS._____ The FRANCO´S BROTHER (in spanis) was EX-MASON. He was writting the libro “LA BURLA del GRADO 33”. This is the exact motive, of GENERAL FRANCISCO FRANCO, always says “THERE IS one JEWS CONSPIRATION”

  32. Ibar said, on May 11, 2012 at 5:41 pm

    Very interesting article.

    P.S.: No merece mucho la pena contestar a comentarios así, pero una cosa es el gobierno – que además, como pone aquí, obedecía a la City, o es que no has leído el artículo? – y otra el pueblo inglés. Insultando no se va a ninguna parte; que como español, eres mejor que éllos? Demuéstralo, demuéstralo con educación primero, dando ejemplo, y a ser posible, en inglés. OK?

  33. Sue Freewoman said, on May 18, 2012 at 10:19 pm

    That is the most obnoxious, ill-informed piece of anti Semitic bullshit I’ve ever seen.

    • earthlinggb said, on May 19, 2012 at 1:12 pm

      I’m all for “balance” in the comments section. If you have issues with the piece then please be more specific. If your contribution is simply an unsupported statement then I’m afraid, although you may not recognise it as redundant, many will. Please by all means point to the content which you can identify as bullshit and support your assertion. If you can, I am more than happy to withdraw anything. Thanks for the input however. Good to see people who don’t necessarily agree are reading nevertheless. 🙂

      • sue freewoman said, on October 18, 2013 at 8:33 pm

        Specifically, let’s start with the ‘Jewish Vatican’. The Vatican is Roman Catholic, & no friend to Jews. But don’t let facts get in your way.

        • earthlinggb said, on October 18, 2013 at 9:12 pm

          Well when you can understand the use of grammar and quotation marks and what I was actually saying it may help. But don’t let english get in your way.

  34. agencja detektywistyczna said, on May 16, 2013 at 6:26 am

    The majority of fighters train four to six days a week, although not everyone holds this
    luxury. Excellent already be training at least twice per week.

  35. Chaz said, on December 12, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    What is never mentioned is that the Jews who moved throughout the world, murdered and tortured the children and babies of the gentiles in these bizarre and ritualistic sacrifices worldwide! That was the main reason they were banned 119 times across the world.

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