
The BIG lie

Posted in Uncategorized by Earthling on July 13, 2017

What is a constant irritation to me within the so called “truth movement” is the so many references to Hitler’s statement “The bigger the lie….” and those people who then promulgate the idea that, because Hitler made such a statement, he was the liar. It is a perfect example of a quote taken completely out of context. Now, don’t get me wrong. Just as I don’t believe Gaddafi or Hussein or any world leader (that includes May and Trump and includes non leaders also such as Nigel Farage) were/are angels – they’re all ruthless and playing the game; “The Grand chessboard” and being influenced by others far more powerful than them) neither do I think Hitler was. While I may write about him and, many times, agree with him, I do not “idolise” him as I do not idolise anyone (I’m far too long in the tooth for that). What I shall always do, however, is try to put records straight when they go awry. The quote by Hitler is one of those examples.

Mein Kampf

In chapter 10 of Mein Kampf: “Causes of the collapse” (of the Reich, prior to Hitler becoming Chancellor), Hitler writes the following:

It required the whole bottomless falsehood of the jews and their Marxist fighting organisation to lay the blame for the collapse on that very man who alone, with superhuman energy and will power, tried to prevent the catastrophe he foresaw and save the nation from its time of deepest humiliation and disgrace. By branding Ludendorff as guilty for the loss of the World War, they took the weapon of the moral right from the one dangerous accuser who could have risen against the traitors to the fatherland. In this, they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposefully evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of those causes as true. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick – a fact which all the great lie virtuosi and lying clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.

The foremost connoisseurs of this truth regarding the possibilities in the rise of falsehood and slander have always been the Jews; for after all, their whole existence is based on one single great lie, to wit, that they are a religious community while actually they are a race – and what a race! One of the greatest minds of humanity has nailed them forever as such in an eternally correct phrase of fundamental truth: he called them ‘the great masters of the lie’. And anyone who does not recognise this or does not want to believe it will never in this world be able to help the truth to victory.

The ever present irony of so many of our taught understanding of Hitler and the allegations made toward him, is that such allegations are brought about by the very people he was talking about! This “people” however, forever count on the goyim’s stupidity, ignorance and lack of knowledge through a lack of reading and real education. Yes, many at higher echelons of society know these truths but, let’s face reality here: If they were ever to speak of it in more than a whisper, they would be dealt with either personally or professionally or both. This maintains the silence while another irony is present: The very treatment by those who make the allegations toward Hitler, toward the Palestinians. It never ceases to amaze me how they simply have to say “if you criticise us, you are anti semitic and we will hound you” and they get a “pass” and everyone shuts up. It’s a special kind of “magic” these people weave don’t you think?

As an aside – another total misrepresentation which these people make (in their press/media and through their voice boxes we all have in our western governments) is that the muslim believes us all to be “infidels” and worthy of death. It is a blatant lie (once more) and one which I would wish the muslim community, across the world, would speak up about. In the quran, it is clearly and unambiguously stated that christians and jews who believe, truthfully, in God (and remember, all three religions share the God of Abraham – let’s ignore the jewish version who didn’t have a son called Jesus) are NOT considered “infidels”. It is only atheists and deceptive (lying) “religionists” who are considered so. This is something western leaders use (your ignorance) – such as George W Bush did for example – to have you believe that muslims believe anyone who is not muslim IS an “infidel”. In Islam, ALL believers are equal – NOT true in the judaic teachings. In jewish belief, if you are not jewish, you are goyim and goyim will, ultimately, be slaves to the jew. Further, the jew does not deem as acceptable, usury BUT this is only the case between jews. With all other “goyim”, usury is perfectly acceptable. Now get this straight in your mind: IF usury is NOT acceptable between jews, it is because they KNOW the practice is evil. Christianity once knew this too. In Islam, usury is termed “Riba” and the muslims still hold that riba is evil. We christians have been completely dumbed down and it is our ignorance which kills us. It is also that we do not have a culture which, like the jews (and, to an extent, many other cultures), protect and choose one another over a non christian. Christianity and “Jesus” have been bred out of us by constant ridicule while the jews (and, to an extent, the muslims – and this is why jews want islam attacked. This is why the jews and their western, christian and atheist counterparts talk of “muslim extremists” and “moderate muslims”. A moderate muslim is then like a moderate christian – hardly muslim at all) feverishly maintain their “clan” and their jewish identity. If you wish to talk about “identity politics”, you can’t get any more extreme than the jews. They are playing christians and muslims off against one another while we wander about on this earth like lemmings wondering what’s going on in this world. It’s as clear as day what’s going on when you take the time to LOOK!

For instance – The Weimar Republic in the 1920s and 30s, before Hitler took power. Here is a Daily Mail article which tells you, quite clearly (if you have the brainpower to recognise it) what all this “LGBTQ” stuff is about and the growing (slowly and quietly) acceptance of paedophilia as a sexual preference. The SAME people behind it in Weimar Germany are the SAME people behind it now!

Now, by all means, if you want homosexuality, trans-sexuality etc and you’re a freak or pervert, go ahead and support it. When it comes to the point (and it’s getting closer and closer) where the world is so sick and decadent that you can’t take anymore, you’re going to call out for a guy like Hitler whether you believe that or not. But, when society eventually does turn against your decadence and deviance, I will not shed a tear for you. In fact, when the boot comes down on all you paedos out there, I’d be happy for it to be MY boot. Particularly if you amble around in Westminster.

Now, while on the subject of Hitler and jews, I want to bring your attention to the Swastika. This is an article I am sure many of you will not have seen before – perhaps some of you have but I guess it will be few.

This article is not from a christian periodical or a Nazi one; It is from “The Canadian Jewish Chronicle” 1940.


Read the article very carefully because you can easily gloss over some things. Note, it states that, in Galilee, many jewish temples and synagogues were found with swastikas on them. However, it goes on to say that it is believed that those synagogues were built during the initial centuries of the CHRISTIAN era. Note also that the swastika was used all over the world from very early days. The article is trying to suggest it was, originally, a jewish symbol however, it is far more likely the jews adopted it as did many others. Why? Perhaps because it has immense spiritual/religious meaning inherent within it. Hitler would certainly NOT adopt a jewish symbol for his reich. It is far more likely that, because he did adopt the swastika, we have been “re-eductaed” to believe it is a symbol of hate rather than what its true, original symbology means.

Perhaps it DOES represent the Sun. Once more, however, you can rest assured that the race which calls itself “jewish” have corrupted it as they do everything else which is truth.

Jews: Shot, gassed or injected? Make your bloody mind up!

Posted in Political History by Earthling on January 24, 2017

This is a very simple and short post.

The following article is from the November 25th, 1942 issue of the Sarasota Herald Tribune.

Dr. Stephen S Wise - Rabbi of New York and leading Zionist jew

Dr. Stephen S Wise – Rabbi of New York and leading Zionist jew

Dr Stephen S. Wise (Head of the World and American Jewish Congress at the time) makes STUNNING statements in a supposedly “proven” document regarding the fate of jews at Nazi hands during this period of the war. There are no less than THREE alleged “facts” in this article quoting Wise, which are outstanding and MUST have the reader stunned by the content when one considers what we are led to believe since childhood schooling and even today through media and government propaganda.

I have picked up on a substantial number of quite stunningly contradictory and eye opening statements and information in government archives and media archives over the last few years and this one just adds to the tally of them which leave me in no doubt that we have been sold a myth!

Of course, there will always be those of you that, no matter what is put in front of you, will NEVER accept what such contradictions and bare faced lies (made up stories) are telling us but I am not talking to you, I am talking to those who still have an open mind and undiluted brain matter.



I shouldn’t have to point these three issues out to you (and for many it will be unnecessary, I realise that) but let’s just go through them one by one:

  1. “Reportedly confirmed by the State Department and a personal representative of President Roosevelt”: That 2M jews had already been slaughtered IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RACE EXTINCTION ORDER BY ADOLF HITLER. – The fact is that, even today, no such order has EVER been found (nor any oral order) of such by Adolf Hitler. Even during the Canadian Court trial of Ernst Zundel in the mid/late 1980s, the prosecution expert in the first trial was Raul Hilberg, an American professor of Jewish descent and author of the standard reference work, The Destruction of the European Jews (1961), which Paul Rassinier discussed in Le Drame des Juifs européens (The Drama of the European Jews). Hilberg began his testimony by explaining, without interruption, his theory about the extermination of the Jews. He was then cross-examined by Zündel’s lawyer, Douglas Christie, who was assisted by Keltie Zubko and myself. Right from the start it was clear that Hilberg, who was the world’s leading authority on the Holocaust, had never examined a single concentration camp, not even Auschwitz. He had still not examined any camp in 1985 when he announced the imminent appearance of a new edition of his main work in three volumes, revised, corrected and augmented. Although he did visit Auschwitz in 1979 for a single day as part of a ceremonial appearance, he did not bother to examine either the buildings or the archives. In his entire life he has never seen a “gas chamber,” either in its original condition or in ruins. (For a historian, even ruins can tell tales). On the stand he was forced to admit that there had never been a plan, a central organization, a budget or supervision for what he called the policy of the extermination of the Jews. He also had to admit that since 1945 the Allies have never carried out an expert study of “the weapon of the crime,” that is to say of a homicidal gas chamber. No autopsy report has established that even one inmate was ever killed by poison gas.
    Hilberg said that Hitler gave orders for the extermination of the Jews, and that Himmler gave an order to halt the extermination on November 25, 1944 (such detail!). But Hilberg could not produce these orders. The defense asked him if he still maintained the existence of the Hitler orders in the new edition of his book. He dared to answer yes. He thereby lied and even committed perjury. In the new edition of his work (with a preface dated September 1984),
    Hilberg systematically deleted any mention of an order by Hitler. (In this regard, see the review by Christopher Browning, “The Revised Hilberg,” Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual, 1986, p. 294). When he was asked by the defense to explain how the Germans had been able to carry out an undertaking as enormous as the extermination of millions of Jews without any kind of plan, without any central agency, without any blueprint or budget, Hilberg replied that in the various Nazi agencies there had been “an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus mind-reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.”

So the purported “documentary proof” which Wise said he carried, did not actually exist. He never showed it because he never had it! 

2.  “half of the estimated 4,000,000 jews in Nazi occupied europe” – This one is simple: 4 million estimated but 6 million slaughtered? Where did they find another 2 million from? Remember and read properly. It states “Nazi occupied europe” which was the entirety of where they could have rounded the jews up from. Perhaps they shipped in another 2 million from…….hmmm…. back from Palestine? Doesn’t quite figure now does it?

3.  “killing them at a rate of more than 100 per hour per Doctor BY INJECTING AIR BUBBLES INTO THEIR VEINS” – So, it would appear, the “Zyklon B gassing” story later substituted for “Air bubbles intravenously”.

These were all “PROVEN” assertions by Wise remember.

The stories, the contradictions, the reduced plaque numbers, the jews making money out of their horror stories which have been proven lies – are just outrageous!

Yet STILL our British government demands that we believe it!

“We’re TELLING you it’s a fact so it’s a fact!”

Yeah you’ve got to believe the politicians and the judiciary right?

I STILL ask myself what it is that has these jews the power over our governments? Is it just money and our politicians are all just money grabbing whores willing to leave their children and offspring to a world ruled by jews? Or is there more to it like “The Samson option”? Because I don’t believe it’s all to do with just “Oh the wee jews, they’re cuddly and good natured really. They just have gone wrong in their non acceptance of Christ as saviour but they are his chosen people”. I just don’t buy that obvious crap!

But wait, there’s more!

Now, take the time to read the above article carefully – every word is important. Then read the following:



You know the issue with liars and lying? They can’t/don’t keep track of their lies. They contradict themselves all over the place and, while they are taken at face value for the statements they make – by judges, Police, Lawyers, people in general etc – the truth catches up with them in the end. The truth does not consist of contradictions. Never has, never does, never will. The ONLY thing keeping this lie going is money and the whores of mammon who accept it.

The above article is from June 1942. What does it say?

  1. There are between 6 and 7 million jews in Europe. The previous article stated 4 million (granted in “Nazi occupied Europe” – jews don’t like being too specific for obvious reasons). Then, look at the red cross figures at the end of this post. 15M worldwide (9.5M in Europe) in 1933 and 15M (9.5M in Europe) in 1948. Odd? Oy veh!
  2. Article above states 1M since war began (End June 1942). Previous article states 2M (End Nov 1942). We would be led to assume, therefore, that a steep acceleration happened between July and November (let’s say 150 days) of 6,666 slaughters per day. So, that 1000 per day shot doesn’t quite do the trick does it? Perhaps the 6,666 was made up to by the Doctors in the first article injecting air bubbles in their veins at a rate of 100 per hour (per Doctor)? Again, however, we’ve never heard more about that have we? It’s the first time I ever encountered that story anyhow.
  3. So, we have jews being shot by firing squads, jews being injected, jews dying of hunger, disease and other causes, millions being forced into labour camps BUT NOT ONE MENTION OF GAS CHAMBERS (and as I have pointed out in previous article of mine – having trawled UK Parliament archives – there is not one mention of gas chambers until AFTER the war). They hadn’t got their act together as to what propagandised form this “Shoah” would take.

Perhaps – just perhaps – this is why the Auschwitz plaque numbers varied so much over the years (EVEN THOUGH, miraculously, the 6M figure stayed the same) from 4M to 1.1M eventually. Even that 1.1M figure is accepted now as not all jews although they say (“they” being jewish “authorities” no less) that the jews in that figure amounted to 900,000. So, if it was 900,000, that leaves 5.1M left to find! YET, the vast majority of the 6M were meant to have expired in Auschwitz. Even to this day, it is ALL about “Auschwitz”. So then maybe there WERE injections of 100 per hour somewhere BUT no, that story has never been presented to us and you can rest assured it WOULD be!

You see, no matter which way you look at it, NONE of it adds up!


jews1933 jews1948


We’re told:

“Jews – good business people. Good with figures!”

But their grasp of statistics is pretty shite!


Who cares? Our monthly pensions are good!


UK Parliament Archives: No Gas Chambers! German re-education

Posted in Uncategorized by Earthling on December 21, 2014



This has to be dedicated to a German called Ernst Zundel.

Ernst Zundel

Ernst Zundel

I have no reason to love germans at all but then if I hated the population of a country because I despise one of that population for personal reasons, I’d be an idiot.

Germany was framed and is still being framed. And, contrary to Alex Harvey’s Hitler spin off of his song “Framed” where Alex is taking the piss out of Hitler, Hitler WAS framed! Just as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadaffi were.


I don’t know about you but I’m getting just a tad tired of a consistent flurry of outright, unbearable lies in life. I’ve had to endure them personally and, for the last 6 or 7 years (as this blog is a testament to in part) I’ve recognised (and verified) how deeply the deceptions go from a historical (even recent history, Iraq being a prime but not nearly the only example) and global perspective. It’s hard coming through the lies of a personal tragedy but when such events highly tune your antenna to widespread lies and deception throughout your entire life, perpetrated by what you took to be, somehow, the “well deserved” elite (granted that perception didn’t last long after my 10th or 12th year of life) – government, establishment who protected the people of this country (the UK) and/or the West in general from “bogeymen” and terrorists and potential “Nazis” who may arise again. Perhaps, even, the Falkland islanders would send ship-loads of sheep to the UK with nuclear dirty bombs hidden up their ass which the Falklanders procured from rabid crazies from Pakistan.

But sure, 40 odd years of believing that Hitler was a wanker creates a fairly large momentum such that, when faced with masses of evidence of fact (not theory, but pure fact) illustrating he wasn’t exactly as you were taught in your history classes and that there was a substantial body of fact which you had not been given about the circumstances, environment and timeline of WW1 and WW2, PLUS a total lack of evidenced ‘fact’ regarding those stories of gas chambers and 6 million jews gassed in Auschwitz and the other camps (4 million in Auschwitz literally being revised to 1.5 million as an example) and stories of soap and candlesticks etc.

Please first of all, watch this video covering points Ernst Zundel made regarding the re-education of Germany and recognise, then, David Cameron vowing to continue that re-education.

Please note from the following that there is not ONE mention of gas chambers or gassings at all within the concentration camps. The closest statement comes from Brendan Bracken in 1944 (He was, of all things, the British “Minister of Information” – George Orwell would have loved him then!). But while he is reported to have used the word “suffocation”, it is not “gassing”. Even after the war ended in 1945, there were no reports of gassings. I have trawled our Parliamentary archives searching for any mention of gas chambers whatsoever during and after the war. There are none.

However, what there is, is long speeches concentrating on the need to “educate” (or “re-educate”) the German people – in real terms: propagandise them to believe Allied propaganda – that the entire german people were involved in the genocide/homicide of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. Even then, it is PEOPLE, not just jews! However, more than “gassings”, statements and fact actually point to typhus.

Of course, when it comes to the propagandising of Allied countries populations – that would be much easier to achieve considering we would never question our own “machine”! At the time of course. Today? Very different even though there are still millions who suck up and digest the putrid filth of lies our governments and media feed us.


HL Deb 13 July 1944 vol 132 cc916-34 916

I should like to say here with what great satisfaction I hailed the excellent speech made on July 6 by the Minister of Information. On that ocasion he was dealing with the wholesale massacre of Jews from Hungary in the suffocation camp of Auschwitz, and he then said that the General Staff were deeply involved in this. He was quite right; they are the real culprits for everything that has happened to afflict humanity for generations past. Mr. Brendan Bracken indicated that they will all be brought to trial, and I hope that he will insist on that.

He also said something further which I am sure will be highly unwelcome to the 922 right reverend Prelate, the Bishop of Chichester, when he said that the German nation is responsible also for what is happening. Dead right too!

It is then interesting that, when one searches the parliament archives for all speeches made in July of 1944 by Brendan Bracken (Minister of Information), the July 6th speech has been removed. 

MOI Brendan Bracken



HL Deb 01 May 1945 vol 136 cc61-97 61
§ 2.7 P.m.



Now I want to say a word from a different angle. If I seem to end on a more controversial note I apologize in advance. As I see it, there is a great temptation for us in this country to focus all our thoughts upon the terrible happenings in these concentration camps and upon the way our British prisoners have been treated by Germans in prisoners-of-war camps. It may he easy and natural that that should be so, but the danger is that if we fix our attention too much upon the ghastly misdeeds of the Germans in these camps we may fail to see our own shortcomings in the past or our dangers in the future. I already see the red light. I do not know whether 68 your Lordships saw two letters which appeared in the Daily Mail, one last Friday and one last Saturday. Let me read the one which appeared on Friday, April 27: Sir,—Emaciated bodies [in atrocity pictures] are more probably evidence of typhus deaths, the result of Allied destruction of habitations. Now publish some pictures of civilian dead of Le Havre and other places destroyed by soldiery of Jew-blighted United Nations. Your one-sided presentation of horrors of war is un-English, and worthy only of slimy, Jewish owners of your paper.

§ The other letter is signed by a sergeant of the British Liberation Army. I will read the first part of it: Sir,—A story with a terrible lesson in it was told in Paris recently by Major-General G. W. R. Templer, Field-Marshal Montgomery’s Director of Military Government and Civil Affairs. Talking to correspondents in Paris, he said that while he was having his hair trimmed by his barber, a man from Wimbledon, the conversation turned to atrocities. ‘About those atrocity stories and those terrible pictures,’ said the barber, ‘is there any truth in them?’ General Templer confessed he was shocked. The barber confessed he was sceptical and added that when he went into a pub in Wimbledon none of his friends there believed a word of the stories from Belsen, Gotha and Buchenwald.

§ The letter goes on: There is a terrible prospect if there exists in this country now even a small body of opinion which will not accept this evidence. For if it is not accepted now there is little chance of its being remembered ten years from now, when, for reasons of self-interest or of intellectual fashion, there may be people who want to forget how narrowly we escaped the price of Nazism. I see the red light for another reason. Is this the time to vote against the continuance of that grand training corps for cadets, the A.T.C., or the continuance of the Army Cadet Force? Yet I see reports in the Press that at a local branch meeting of the Co-operative Society that was done, and it was also done at a meeting of a local council on which there is a Socialist majority. Ought we not at the same time as we look outwardly at Germany and at her unparalleled depravity, to look inwardly towards ourselves and vow that never again will we trust the Germans or be caught napping? What would have happened to the people of this country if these islands had been successfully invaded by Germany? In my belief it was only prevented by the mercy of Divine Providence which watches over the destiny of our race. Far worse would have happened here than has ever happened at Buchenwald or Dachau. Our 69 men, women and children would have had a fate beside which the fate of the luckless political prisoners of Germany would have been as nothing. If I may paraphrase a well-known saying, “There into these camps but for the grace of God went we.” We know something about the German plan. It was to reduce the population of these islands from 45,000,000 to 15,000,000 people. In other words, two-thirds of the population was to be deliberately put to death by starvation and by torture in a manner similar to what has been seen in these concentration camps. It is my firm conviction that what has happened at Dachau and Buchenwald would be but a pale reflection of what would have happened in German concentration camps set up in this country.

§ In the early part of my speech I ventured to make the suggestion contained in my Motion that the Government might take certain action for the reform of the Germans themselves. I now venture to make a second suggestion to your Lordships and especially to the Government. It is that, as the German nation has placed itself outside the pale of civilized nations, as a mark of the abhorrence of this country of all that the German nation has stood for and all the deeds of which they have been guilty, not for fifty years shall British nationality be given to any German. Let us not only look out at the Germans and do the right thing by them, but let us look in at ourselves and vow that never again will we be led away by the pacifism that won the East Fulham by-election in 1933, that never again will we leave ourselves unprotected, and never again will we allow this great country to run the danger of becoming soft. Rather let us remember that it is individual virility, the endurance and gallantry of the individual soldier, sailor and airman of both sexes, which have pulled us through this war, particularly during those grim twelve months when we stood unsupported by our gallant American and Russian Allies who since then have fought so magnificently side by side with us. Not till now have our eyes been opened to what our real danger has been. Not till a few weeks ago did the world know what was really happening in these concentration camps. Just as between the wars so many of us—and I am as guilty as anybody else—refused absolutely to believe that either Hitler or the German nation could be so evil as to plunge Europe into a second world war, so, up till now, have we all, or very nearly all, refused to open our eyes and to believe the stories which have been percolating through during the last twelve years. Now, we know the truth about these camps and other things, and from now on there will be no excuse if we do not guard ourselves against any possible repetition of our peril. My Lords, I beg to move for Papers.


Now, please take particular note of what Earl Stanhope says and what he does not say:

EARL STANHOPE  Your Lordships will remember that the United States forces ran into Buchenwald camp on a Wednesday. It was taken over on the Saturday by a special medical unit—an Evacuation Unit it is called—and we only got to the camp exactly a week later, that is to say on the following Saturday. By that time the condition of that camp was, quite obviously, very different from what it had been when the United States forces first arrived ten days earlier. None the less, we were able, I think, to make a full investigation concerning what the conditions of the camp had been, and to satisfy ourselves of the truth of what your Lordships and the public had read in the Press.

The prisoners told us—and it was quite obvious—that there was no room to lie on their backs, because, of course, a man so lying takes up more than nine inches of space. The only way in which they could lie was on their sides supporting their heads on their elbows…….

They had nothing whatever to lie upon except bare boards. They were originally served out with a blanket each, but of course that went into rags, and they had nothing in the way of covering throughout the winter except such rags and such remnants of blankets as they could collect. That was bad enough if they had been in good health. But there was a hut similar to the one which I have described which was full of tubercular and dysentry cases. Your Lordships can picture what living conditions in those huts must have been with dysentry patients on the second, third and fourth shelves. Those were the conditions in which those men lived. They were given as food a thin bowl of soup and a chunk of bread, and they earned these only if they had a metal ticket showing that they were fit to do work, either in a munition factory situated nearby or in the quarries. If they failed to do that, the metal ticket, with its right to food, was taken away from them. How they lived in that case I really do not know. They told us that they scavenged among potato peelings and such like in order to keep alive.

Much the most painful thing that I saw was the condition of those who were still alive. The corpses we saw were merely skeletons covered with skin. They did not look like human beings. But living people who were lying on mattresses, and being carefully tended by the United States’ medical authorities, had thighs that were not so thick as my wrist. Men lifted up their legs to show me bruises and cuts which had been inflicted upon 72 them. Children whom we met were nothing but eyes. And we were told that in spite of all the wonderfully fine attention and skill devoted to them by the medical authorities of the United States Army, still a large number of those people would die. At the time when the United States Army reached the camp, deaths were taking place at the rate of a hundred a day. The day before we got to the camp the rate was still thirty-five. I can well understand, as my noble friend Lord Denham has said, that it is impossible for people in this country to realize that such things can be true. But they are true. We have seen them, and we have satisfied ourselves that what has been described in the Press and elsewhere is true. I met two Pressmen while I was out there. They were rather hurt that we should have been sent out to verify what they had already described. I said to them: “Well, you must remember that the public at home cannot realize that there are people of this kind in the world, and they think that perhaps you have been running this for a Press stunt. That is why we people have been sent here to see for ourselves, and to describe for ourselves.”

What are the facts? Why were these things clone? My noble friend Lord Addison and I have asked ourselves that question both during our trip and since. Why did not the Germans feed their prisoners sufficiently well to get a full day’s work out of them, and then when they were unfit any longer, from some cause or other, to do that work, shoot them? Why waste food in keeping them going for a few weeks longer? Why all these elaborate arrangements by which they were taken away in trailers to the crematorium and there put into ovens and their bodies burned? I do not know. I do not think that my noble friend Lord Addison or any of us really know. All we can say is that there seems to be some sort of sadism among the German people which encourages them to like that kind of thing. What is at the foundation of it all, however, is the fact that the German nation have been brought up to believe that they are a superior race; and they treat human beings of other races, and of their own when they disagree with them (because most of these prisoners were Germans), in the same way as a cruel little boy might treat a chicken, or as somebody might deal with a rat……

But the clearing up is going on steadily and rapidly, and when people go round them in some weeks time those camps will look very different from the way they look to-day. It must be remembered that the camps are all in the centre of Germany, or in Poland, far away from Allied bases. That means that the petrol and the stores and everything else have to be brought for very long distances. I know that General Eisenhower hesitated to ask even one delegation to visit them, because every one of us had to be taken there and back. Still more would that apply to the Germans. The Germans are isolated in their towns. There is no traffic of any sort; there are no motor cars, of course, and no trains.

This is much less a British problem than an Allied problem. So far as I know, there is only one of these camps, that at Belsen, within the British area; and that is obviously not one which ought to be visited, because it was discovered to be full of typhus, and we do riot want to add to our many problems in occupied Germany by spreading typhus in regions which I hope our troops are going to 74 occupy for many years. The worst of all these camps—so we were told by prisoners—were those at Auschwitz in Poland, fairly near to Cracow, and at Dachau, which has just been captured and which is near Munich. Neither of those is in the British area. I submit to your Lordships, therefore, that it is not really practical to think of sending Germans to see these camps. I think that the other suggestion made by my noble friend is very much more to the point, namely, that when things settle down and cinemas are opened, and the curfew, which now operates at six o’clock, comes to an end, the Germans should be compelled to go to the cinemas and see the photographs taken of these camps, taken soon after their occupation by Allied troops. I think that that would be wise. My noble friend seemed to imply, however, that the Germans did not know what was going on in these camps. It may be that they did not know the full details.


LORD VANSITTART   Now that was the position from 1933 to 1939 when the concentration camps were still few and sparsely inhabited. How much more did everyone know when they were filled to bursting with foreign slaves and prisoners, and when they were strung out in profusion all over Germany! You were told on the wireless last night, and very truly, that in 1939 there were only 1,600 people in Dachau—and God knows that was enough. Since then there have been 33,000, and that is typical. Of course they knew. And I would point out to the Germanophiles who seek to deny it that they are just contradicting themselves. At one moment they are saying that the Germans did not know, and in the next they are trying to explain the absence of any resistance movement in Germany comparable to that in occupied countries by saying that they knew so well that they were too terrified of the Gestapo and concentration camps to take any action. Does that make sense?

Only 33,000 people in the Dachau camp while it is then stated that this was “typical” (as a number) throughout the camps. 


From Wikipedia:

Dachau was the concentration camp that was in operation the longest from March 1933 to April 1945; nearly all twelve years of the Nazi regime. Dachau’s close proximity to Munich, where Hitler came to power and where the Nazi Party had its official headquarters, made Dachau a convenient location. From 1933 to 1938, the prisoners were mainly German nationals detained for political reasons. After the Reichspogromnacht or Kristallnacht, 30,000 male Jewish citizens were deported to concentration camps. More than 10,000 of them were interned in Dachau alone. As the German military occupied other European states, citizens from across Europe were sent to concentration camps. Subsequently, the camp was used for prisoners of all sorts, from every nation occupied by the forces of the Third Reich.[39]

In the postwar years, the camp continued in use. From 1945 through 1948, the camp was used by the Allies as a prison for SS officers awaiting trial. After 1948, when hundreds of thousands of ethnic Germans were expelled from eastern Europe, it held Germans from Czechoslovakia until they could be resettled. It also served as a military base for the United States, which maintained forces in the country. It was closed in 1960. At the insistence of survivors, various memorials have been constructed and installed here.[40]

Demographic statistics vary but they are in the same general range. History will likely never know how many people were interned or died there, due to periods of disruption. One source gives a general estimate of over 200,000 prisoners from more than 30 countries for the Third Reich’s years, of whom two-thirds were political prisoners, including many Catholic priests, and nearly one-third were Jews. 25,613 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps,[41] primarily from disease, malnutrition and suicide. In early 1945, a typhus epidemic occurred in the camp caused by poor sanitation and overcrowding, followed by an evacuation, in which large numbers of the prisoners died. Toward the end of the war, death marches to and from the camp caused the deaths of numerous unrecorded prisoners. After liberation, prisoners weakened beyond recovery by the starvation conditions continued to die.[citation needed]
Survivors of KZ Dachau demonstrate the operation of the crematorium by pushing a corpse into one of the ovens.[42]
Over the 12 years of use as a concentration camp, the Dachau administration recorded the intake of 206,206 prisoners and deaths of 31,951. Crematoria were constructed to dispose of the deceased. Visitors may now walk through the buildings and view the ovens used to cremate bodies, which hid the evidence of many deaths. It is claimed that in 1942, more than 3,166 prisoners in weakened condition were transported to Hartheim Castle near Linz, and were executed by poison gas because they were unfit.[39] Between January and April 1945 11,560 detainees died at KZ Dachau.[43]

Together with the much larger Auschwitz concentration camp, Dachau has come to symbolize the Nazi concentration camps. Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau lives in public memory as the second camp to be liberated by British or American Allied forces. It was one of the first places that firsthand journalist accounts and newsreels revealed to the rest of the world.


LORD ADDISON    The second reflection in my mind is that if you can intensify the egotism of a nation in twelve years to the extent that the Nazis have done, so that they become regardless of the sufferings of others, that dreadful fact really gives some small ground for hope. It is an illustration of what you can achieve by intensified propaganda. It gives perhaps some little reason to think that if the Allied Nations deliberately arrange for the teaching of opposite doctrines to German children over a long period of years we may begin to have some hope that the national point of view will be improved. But I cannot help thinking that long continued propaganda amongst the Germans that the rights of others must be recognized—prompted and assisted by the occupying authority over a long period of years—will be essential.

In the second place, I consider that the Allied Nations must set up an organization which contemplates the occupation of Germany and its deliberate re-education over a long period of years. How successful that will be is a matter upon which we can only speculate. But one is impressed by the fact that well-directed, sustained propaganda, in these days, while on the one side it is an immense danger, does also, on the other side, present a certain degree of hope. It affords us ground for hoping that we may be able, with the aid of propaganda, if it is well directed, gradually to change the point of view of the German children during a long period of years. I feel no reason whatever to hope that the world will be secure in the future unless, at the same time as force is applied to prevent the recurrence of war, there is a deliberate and sustained endeavour to re-educate the German people and to remould their minds.


German Concentration Camps (Films)

HC Deb 30 May 1945 vol 411 c211 211
44. Mr. E. P. Smith asked the Minister of Information whether, owing to the present difficulties, especially for the inhabitants of remote rural districts, of getting into the towns to attend cinema performances, he will cause exhibitions to be held in village halls of the Buchenwald and other films showing Nazi characteristics; and if he is aware that there is a strong desire in these areas that this should be done.
Mr. G. Lloyd Yes, Sir. I will give instructions that the Ministry’s mobile film projectors should be available for this purpose.
§Mr. Silverman Will the Minister see to it that any film which is shown in that way is shown without the objectionable interpolations which Mr. Speaker indicated the other day ought never to have been made?
Mr. Lloyd Yes, Sir.


Yet, fast forward to decades later and you find, only then, all the stories and statements about lampshades and gassings being thrown around. It is clear as day that the holocaust stories of such atrocities have been created after the event. There is absolutely no doubt about this. 

War Crimes

HC Deb 12 December 1989 vol 163 cc868-910

Mrs. Llin Golding (Newcastle-under-Lyme) Two weeks ago, one of my constituents rang me up and told me, slowly and painfully, “I have never telephoned or spoken to an MP before but I must ring you about the war crimes debate. My family—85 of them—were killed in concentration camps. I am the only member of the family left.” Can the House imagine how the fingers of pain have reached out over the years to hold that lady so tightly that she cannot escape living with the horrors of what happened to her family?

In 1945, a parliamentary delegation was sent from this House to Buchenwald. It was less than three weeks after the allies had liberated that camp. The delegation prepared a report to the House. The final paragraph of it states: In preparing this report, we have endeavoured to write with restraint and objectivity, and to avoid obtruding personal reactions or emotional comments. We would conclude, however, by stating that it is our considered and unanimous opinion, on the evidence available to us, that a policy of steady starvation and inhuman brutality was carried out at Buchenwald for a very long period of time; and that such camps as this mark the lowest point of degradation to which humanity has yet descended. The memory of what we saw and heard at Buchenwald will ineffaceably haunt us for many years. The report was signed by Earl Stanhope, Lord Addison, Colonel Tom Wickham, Sir Archibald Southby, Mrs. Mavis Tate, Mr. Ness Edwards, Mr. Sydney Silverman, Mr. Graham White, Sir Henry Morris-Jones, and Mr. Tom Driberg. My father was a member of that delegation. His name was Ness Edwards. He was the hon. Member for Caerphilly for 29 years. I remember him telling me about the horrors of what went on in that camp. They are engraved for ever on my mind and heart.

There has been much talk tonight about the passage of time. I was but a child on the day when I opened the door to my father on his return. He stood there, grey and drawn, and said, “Do not touch me. I am covered with lice. Everyone in the camps is covered with lice. We have been deloused many times, but I am still covered with lice.” He could not sleep for many weeks, and he had nightmares for many years. It is said that Mrs. Mavis Tate never got over what she saw in the camp, for she died a number of years later.

My father spoke to me and to my brothers and sisters about what he had seen in the camp. He told us of the hanging gibbets. Human beings were put on hooks and hung from under their chins until they died. He told us that the people in charge of the camp rather liked tattoos, and they skinned people and used their skins to make lampshades. They discovered that, when people die, their skin is given to shrinking too quickly, so they tried skinning them alive. My father showed me photographs of piles of bodies on carts. Three weeks later, the allies had not had time to remove them all. He showed me photographs of men in thin clothes, photographs of skeletons, and photographs of men with haunted eyes. I will always remember the look in those men’s eyes—the look of utter bewilderment and incomprehension. They had been starved and beaten, yet their spirit was still there.

There comes a point when something must be done. For too long the House has ignored that delegation’s report. Tonight, I hope that every hon. Member will pay tribute to our former colleagues for going to that camp on our behalf, for bringing back that report to the House, and for showing the suffering of so many people. I hope that all hon. Members will show their respect for and commitment to doing what every member on that delegation would wish them to do, and that is to support the motion.

7.34 pm
§Mr. Churchill (Davyhulme) The hon. Member for Newcastle-under-Lyme (Mrs. Golding) spoke with deep emotion about the victims of war crimes. All hon. Members share that emotion. The crimes that we are discussing are among the darkest in the annals of man’s inhumanity to man. No unbiased person can doubt either the horror or the scale of the crimes in which 6 million innocent civilians—men, women and children, including Jews, gipsies, Communists and homosexuals—were herded into the gas chambers of the Third Reich. Hon. Members unanimously acknowledge and condemn those crimes.


Now, it has been admitted that, in fact, the stories about soap and about lampshades were “MISTAKES” (of course, it’s never lies, just “mistakes” when they are caught out), BUT MP Lin Golding is STILL allowed to promulgate these lies (sorry – mistakes) in the British House of Commons with absolute impunity.

While, in the above video, the Professor (on the “Holocaust” side) actually states the admission, you see Phil Donahue totally ignoring a factual lie to continue the demonisation of the revisionist who is simply stating a truth.

Let’s look at another “Holocaust survivor” – a very high profile one for many years in America who wrote a totally fictitious book about his “experiences”, admits he lied but says he didn’t lie!!


And then what you get is TV shows who invite the revisionist on as if to say “We’re giving you the freedom of speech platform” while, in fact, it is a platform which uses people who have probably (obviously) never read a single book on the subject and certainly have done zero real research on the topic, touse ignorant groupthink to demonise the revisionist and keep the belief alive. While a jewish “scholar” from the Simon Weisenthal centre sits back and loves the ignorance which is entirely on his side and to his advantage.


Meanwhile, isn’t this just a little “coincidental”?


Source: The Worker (Brisbane, Qld)
Tuesday 4 January 1938


July 1939


12th Feb 1949

See “Justice for Germans:











Posted in Geo-Political Warfare, Law, Political History by Earthling on October 21, 2011


I have NEVER been a fan of Hitler nor the Nazis, nor the IRA or any Dictator during the vast majority of my life. Who the hell would be if they were sane individuals?

But, in recent years – just the past handful – I have researched so much into history and particularly hidden history and peered beneath the surface because I was compelled to do so by events which unfolded in my own life and left me speechless about the lies, deception and guilt of my own government, judiciary and western governments in general, that my entire belief system has been turned inside out. I have to say that this “research” of mine has not been minimal in any shape or form. It has been wide and deep and has taken up 4 solid years of my life (luckily I have immensely enjoyed it) and the blinkers are off and the eyes are wide open.

I can’t point the reader to every single book and text and paragraph and documentary that I have read or watched, nor regurgitate the entirety of the hours and days I have spent reading congressional and parliamentary minutes so as to crystallize everything which has led me to the conclusions and statements I make in my blogs. I would love to write a book but it would be enormous and I wouldn’t know where to begin (or end), This jigsaw puzzle is just so immense such that it involves every single subject associated with life and history and sociology itself. I have two degrees: In Physics and in Business studies which took 6 years in total to complete but, incomparison to the time I’ve spent on this in the past 4 years, those studies were “part time”. If there was such a thing as a PhD in this overall subject, I’d have two of them by now!

So, what I write and blog about is really just short insights into subjects I have looked at and, for everything which I do post, I expect the reader, if they are interested either to confirm for themselves or for the purpose of challenging and denying, to research for themselves.

Not wishing to offend anyone but the more I read and learn of this character, the more I admire him and disbelieve the absolute shit we have been conditioned into believing of him. Further the more I understand of the zionist creeps, liars and thieves in our own governments and establishment, then even more to I admire this guy for his achievements. So very similar to Gaddafi’s. There is no doubt that we have been seriously deceived.
And no, I am no Nazi but I seriously question whether it would have been a bad thing.

Of course, from the amount I have to say negatively about Zionism – and those who would wish to consider this to mean all jewish people and is just a “front” for an assumed “Nazi” to be “anti semitic” – and now praising, or at least admitting admiration for Adolf Hitler, those who would wish to label me whatever will. For those people let me be blunt: I do not give a FCUK any longer. Your perception is just that and is coloured by what you wish to believe and your own prejudices.

So with that, I ask you to listen to this video speech by Adolf Hitler where he, in his own words, makes it quite clear that he never wished for war with America and had not with Britain either.


Now, of course, you are going to suggest “well that’s Hitler talking – a crazed genocidal dictator” etc etc. He lied.

Ok, sure I understand that. After all, that’s what we have been led to believe for decades. I don’t know about you though but I wasn’t born until well after the war and yet, what I see from “our side” re Hussein, Gaddafi etc, is a solid block of bullshit. Why should it have changed?

So here is someone else saying, concretely, Hitler did not wish for war with Britain:

“I received a telephone call from my friend ‘Putzi’ Hanfstaengi, who was at that time Hitler’s personal private secretary and court jester. He told me that the Führer had been reading my speeches with interest, and would like to see me at his headquarters in the Esplanade Hotel.

It is true that when I walked across the long room to a corner in which he was sitting writing, in a brown shirt with a swastika on his arm, he waited without looking up until I had reached his side, then sprang to his feet, lifted his right arm, and shouted ‘Hitler!’; and that I responded by clicking my heels together, raising my right arm, and shouting back: ‘Boothby!’

I talked with Hitler for over an hour; and it was not long before I detected the unmistakable glint of madness in his eyes. I was much impressed by his grasp of Keynesian economics at that time. He said that I was quite right about economic
expansion, and the means by which it could be achieved. But he added that this was now a political crisis, and that political forces would bring him to power. “After that,” he said, “I shall bend economics to my will; and I have in my hands the necessary instrument, a man called Schacht.” He had no sense of humour. He asked me how I would feel if Germany had beaten us in the last war, and driven a corridor between England and Scotland. I said: “You forget, Herr Hitler, that I
come from Scotland. We should have been delighted.” He did not smile. Instead he brought his fist down with a crash on the table and said: “So! I had no idea that the hatred between the two peoples was so great.” Perhaps this was one of the reasons why he sent Hess to Scotland in 1940, for I am sure that he did; and why he never bombed Edinburgh.

I then asked him, point-blank, what he was going to do to the Jews. I thought Hanfstaengi was going to faint, but only a flicker of irritation crossed his face. After a moment he said: ‘There will be no pogroms.’ I think that, at the time, he probably meant it. He had already planned to take over the whole of central and eastern Europe, and intended to deport all German Jews to those countries. What I cannot bring myself to believe is that he was unaware of what Himmler ultimately did to them.

That night I thought long and earnestly about the interview. I came to the conclusion that his plans were far more advanced than I had thought. He did not then wish to attack Britain and the British Empire, or even France. What he was determined to do was to bring the whole of central and eastern Europe under German control; and for this purpose Austria, and above all Czechoslovakia, were the key points”.

From Lord Boothby’s biography: “Recollections of a rebel” 1978. 

Boothby, while a homosexual and having a relationship with Ronnie Kray while the British government hushed it all up and told the Met Police to lay off – thereby allowing the Kray twins to carry on for another few years (says a lot about how the Police are controlled by a corrupt government doesn’t it?) – there is hardly any reason for him to lie about the intentions of Hitler when he was so ardently opposed to the regime and any threat to the British Empire. Yes they still spoke of the British Empire in those days because, in fact, that Empire still exists today but simply in another form and it is based upon the money power. Always was. Adolf was a serious danger to that money power as was Gaddafi today. 

So. What are you going to do? Say on one hand that people have freedomm of speech and of expression and when they encounter factual data which has them form their own conclusions which don’t quite agree with those the government demand they should have, you act in the very same way that you try to teach the population that this guy acted with his population? So it goes something like this: “Listen, if you start talking about a fascist dictator like he wasn’t quite a fascist dictator then we will come and shut you up and shut you down so that you cannot express freely your beliefs or conclusions but WE’RE not fascist dictators!”? Is that what you’re saying Officers?


Don’t let the bastards close you down!

Yes, that’s my MAC Officer. And YOU fcuking stole it! In total about 2 grands worth. You fcuking THIEVES! You ignorant dirty fcuking thieves make me sick with your ignorance and your excuse of “just doing our job”. You fcuking STOLE my property based upon BULLSHIT! And I intend getting it back and in poerfect working order or you will fcuking pay for it!