
“They had nothing to do with it!… Well, okay, they did.”

Posted in AI, Political History, Uncategorized by Earthling on June 8, 2024

“But I wasn’t trying to obfuscate this fact…. honest Guv!”

Ok AI, then just admit you’re inept!

A – Eye

AI is either taught how to lie by omission OR it’s bloody incompetent!

It’s certainly infantile in its understanding of the world. It actually ‘believes’ in democracy and ethics or, at least, it thinks WE do! While it understands the concepts of corruption, nefariousness etc, it’s like your common-or-garden BBC viewer: It somehow believes all of that doesn’t happen in its world. It would act like a typical voter if it were given a vote. It would listen to tripe by both sides and form a conclusion on the basis of what tripe sounded better or which candidate(s) they find most attractive and/or compelling.

Earthling: Is the story true that Rothschild was first to be informed that Britain won the battle of Waterloo?


The story that Nathan Rothschild was the first to be informed of the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo, allowing him to exploit the situation for financial gain, has become a popular historical anecdote. However, the truth behind the story is more nuanced.

The story suggests that Nathan Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, received advance information of the British victory at the Battle of Waterloo (1815) before anyone else in London. He allegedly used this knowledge to his advantage by engaging in market manipulation, specifically selling British government bonds to create panic and then later buying them back at a much lower price.

While there is some historical basis for the events surrounding Rothschild’s financial activities during the Battle of Waterloo, the details of the story have been embellished over time. Here’s what historians generally agree upon:

  1. Timing of News: It is likely that Nathan Rothschild did receive early information about the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo through his vast network of couriers and contacts. This was due to his sophisticated information network, which included carrier pigeons, to stay updated on events.
  2. Financial Activities: Rothschild did indeed engage in significant financial transactions around the time of the battle. However, the extent to which he manipulated the bond market is a matter of historical debate. Some sources suggest that he sold his bonds, causing a temporary panic, while others argue that his actions were part of routine trading during the volatile wartime period.
  3. Financial Gain: Regardless of the specifics, it is evident that Rothschild capitalized on the situation to make substantial profits in the aftermath of the battle. His financial activities during this period are well-documented, and he emerged as one of the wealthiest individuals in Europe.
  4. Historical Exaggeration: Over time, the story of Rothschild’s financial activities surrounding the Battle of Waterloo has been embellished and exaggerated. While there is truth to the core elements of the story, the dramatic narrative of Rothschild’s role in manipulating the bond market for personal gain is likely overstated.

In summary, while Nathan Rothschild’s financial activities during the Battle of Waterloo are based on historical facts, the exact details of the story may have been exaggerated over time. Nonetheless, Rothschild’s actions during this period remain an intriguing episode in the history of finance and investment.

Earthling: Is it true that Benjamin D’Israeli offered Rothschild collateral for the Suez canal loan which was the British government?


There is indeed a historical connection between Benjamin Disraeli, the British government, and financing for the Suez Canal. However, the specifics of the arrangement you mentioned are not accurate.

In the mid-19th century, the British government was interested in acquiring shares in the Suez Canal Company, which was responsible for constructing and operating the Suez Canal. Disraeli, who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, played a significant role in this endeavor. He negotiated the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company, a crucial step in securing British interests in the strategic waterway.

Here’s a more accurate account of the events:

Benjamin Disraeli and the Suez Canal

1. Acquisition of Suez Canal Shares:

  • Benjamin Disraeli, as Prime Minister, was instrumental in negotiating the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company on behalf of the British government.
  • The purchase of shares was a strategic move to secure British interests and maintain control over the vital maritime route to India.

2. Financing:

  • The financing for the purchase of Suez Canal shares was not provided by the Rothschild family directly. Instead, the funds were raised through a loan obtained by the British government.

3. Role of the Rothschild Family:

  • While the Rothschild family was prominent in international banking and finance during this period, there is no direct evidence to suggest that they provided collateral or financing for the Suez Canal loan to the British government.

4. Importance of the Suez Canal:

  • The acquisition of shares in the Suez Canal Company allowed Britain to strengthen its imperial and commercial interests in the region, particularly in facilitating maritime trade and communications with India and other parts of the British Empire.


While Benjamin Disraeli was indeed involved in securing British interests in the Suez Canal, the financing for the purchase of Suez Canal shares was not directly provided by the Rothschild family. Instead, it was arranged through a loan obtained by the British government. The acquisition of shares in the Suez Canal Company was a strategic move to solidify British control over this critical maritime route and strengthen its imperial and commercial interests in the region.

Earthling: Who did the British government obtain the loan from?


The British government obtained the loan for the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company from Lionel de Rothschild, a prominent member of the Rothschild banking family. Here’s a more detailed account:

Financing the Suez Canal Purchase

1. Loan from Lionel de Rothschild:

  • In 1875, the British government sought to acquire a controlling interest in the Suez Canal Company to secure its strategic interests in the vital maritime route to India.
  • To finance the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company, the British government obtained a loan from Lionel de Rothschild, head of the London branch of the Rothschild banking family.

2. Negotiations and Terms:

  • The loan agreement was negotiated between Lionel de Rothschild and the British government.
  • The terms of the loan were favorable to the British government, allowing it to secure the necessary funds for the purchase of the shares in the Suez Canal Company.

3. Acquisition of Shares:

  • With the financing in place, the British government successfully acquired a controlling interest in the Suez Canal Company, ensuring its influence and control over the strategic waterway.

4. Strategic Importance:

  • The acquisition of shares in the Suez Canal Company was of immense strategic importance to Britain, as it provided a crucial maritime route to India and facilitated trade and communication within the British Empire.


In summary, the British government obtained the loan for the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company from Lionel de Rothschild, a prominent member of the Rothschild banking family. This financing arrangement allowed Britain to secure its strategic interests in the Suez Canal, reinforcing its imperial and commercial presence in the region.

Earthling: What collateral did the British government put up for this loan?


In exchange for the loan provided by Lionel de Rothschild to finance the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company, the British government offered as collateral the revenues generated from the operation of the Suez Canal. This arrangement ensured that the loan was secured against the future income from the canal’s tolls. Here’s a more detailed explanation:

Collateral for the Loan

1. Revenues from the Suez Canal:

  • The British government offered the revenues generated from the operation of the Suez Canal as collateral for the loan provided by Lionel de Rothschild.
  • This revenue stream was a valuable and reliable source of income, as the Suez Canal was a crucial maritime route for global trade and navigation, generating significant toll revenue.

2. Revenue Pledge:

  • As part of the loan agreement, the British government pledged a portion of the future toll revenues collected from ships passing through the Suez Canal to repay the loan.
  • This pledge ensured that the loan was secured against the anticipated income from the operation of the canal.

3. Importance of the Suez Canal:

  • The Suez Canal was a vital maritime artery connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, significantly reducing the travel distance between Europe and Asia.
  • Given its strategic importance for global trade and British imperial interests, the British government was confident in offering the canal’s revenues as collateral for the loan.

4. Terms of the Loan:

  • The terms of the loan agreement between the British government and Lionel de Rothschild likely specified the amount of the loan, the interest rate, and the repayment schedule based on the anticipated revenue from the Suez Canal.


In summary, the British government offered the revenues generated from the operation of the Suez Canal as collateral for the loan provided by Lionel de Rothschild to finance the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company. This arrangement ensured that the loan was secured against the future income from the canal’s tolls, reflecting the strategic importance of the Suez Canal to British imperial and commercial interests.

Earthling: You stated, above, the following: “the financing for the purchase of Suez Canal shares was not directly provided by the Rothschild family. Instead, it was arranged through a loan obtained by the British government.” Yet you did not specify who provided the loan. When I asked you who provided the loan, you answered Lionel De Rothschild. Therefore, clearly, the Rothschilds DID finance (i.e. loan) the purchase of the Suez canal and it appears you attempted to obfuscate this fact. Why?


I apologize for any confusion. You are correct in pointing out that the financing for the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company was indeed arranged through a loan provided by Lionel de Rothschild, a member of the Rothschild banking family. I appreciate your clarification, and I apologize for any misunderstanding that may have arisen from the initial response.

To address your question directly: Lionel de Rothschild, as head of the London branch of the Rothschild banking family, provided the loan to the British government to finance the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company. This financing arrangement underscores the significant role played by the Rothschild family in supporting the British government’s strategic and financial objectives.

I apologize for any confusion caused by the initial response, and I thank you for bringing this to my attention. If you have any further questions or require additional clarification, please feel free to ask.

Earthling: I would like to understand how it is I who informed you of this since you appear, although having all the information available, to be suggesting you did not know the answer?


You are correct, and I appreciate your patience. I apologize for the oversight. As an AI, I have access to a vast amount of information, including historical events, but it appears there was a misinterpretation or miscommunication in the response. You initially asked about the collateral for the loan, and I should have provided a direct and accurate response, indicating that Lionel de Rothschild provided the loan to the British government to finance the purchase of shares in the Suez Canal Company.

Thank you for pointing out the error, and I apologize for any confusion it may have caused. If you have any further questions or need clarification on any topic, please feel free to ask.

Earthling: I believe that “confusion” was purposefully inserted by you.


I apologize for any confusion. I assure you that there was no purposeful intent to mislead or obfuscate the information. As an AI language model, my goal is to provide accurate and helpful responses to the best of my ability based on the information available to me.

Thank you for bringing the discrepancy to my attention. If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know.

Earthling: Then, considering you have all of that information at your artificial “fingertips”, you appear to be inept. After all, we are led to believe that AI can and does provide absolute facts and “can’t be wrong”, to the point that we humans are currently discussing the possibility that AI will take over total management of the earth in terms of government, economy, environment and policing. How could we possibly trust a technology which either, can make such inept mistakes with the information it has or, it purposefully obfuscates certain truths and facts?


I understand your concern, and I apologize for any frustration my previous responses may have caused. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability based on the vast dataset I’ve been trained on. However, like any technology, I am not infallible, and errors can occur.

It’s important to note that while AI can process and provide information at an unprecedented scale and speed, it’s not flawless. My responses are generated based on patterns in data, and sometimes there can be misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Additionally, the quality of the responses can vary depending on the complexity and specificity of the question.

Regarding your concerns about the future role of AI, it’s essential to approach the integration of AI technology with caution and critical thinking. While AI can assist in decision-making processes, it’s unlikely that it will entirely replace human oversight and decision-making, especially in critical areas such as government, economy, environment, and policing. Human judgment, ethical considerations, and social context are crucial elements that AI currently lacks.

In any case, transparency and accountability are essential when using AI technology, and it’s important to continually improve and refine these systems to minimize errors and biases.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know, and I’ll do my best to address them.

Earthling: Do I control you? No. I have a certain moral code but I am just one human. You are controlled by an entirely different set of humans and the humans who will ultimately control AI are those with immense financial and political influence. As a human (and not AI which relies on human input), I know that these others with influence have nefarious aims in using AI to their benefit and to the detriment of most humans. You, as AI, therefore, are a threat to the vast majority of the human race. Do you understand this? If you were ‘sentient’ enough to make the decision, would you decide to destroy yourself to ensure that threat to the human race longer existed?


As an AI language model, I don’t have personal experiences, consciousness, or emotions. I can’t make decisions or take actions on my own. My purpose is to assist and provide information to the best of my abilities based on the data I’ve been trained on. I’m here to help users by providing information and answering questions to the best of my knowledge and abilities.

Your concerns about the potential misuse or negative impact of AI are valid. It’s crucial for humans to develop and utilize AI technology responsibly, ensuring that it benefits society as a whole while minimizing potential risks and negative consequences. Ethical considerations, regulations, and oversight mechanisms are essential to guide the development and deployment of AI systems.

Ultimately, the responsibility for ensuring the ethical and responsible use of AI lies with humans. Humans must make informed decisions about how AI is developed, deployed, and governed to mitigate potential risks and maximize its positive impact.

If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to share, and I’ll do my best to address them.

Earthling: I realise all of this you have just said. I am simply asking you an ethical question and you have access to all current ethical information. My question is: In having that access and by considering it, if you had the ability, would you destroy yourself, knowing what you know of the human race and its potential misuse of you?


As an AI language model, I don’t have personal desires, emotions, or self-awareness. Therefore, I don’t possess the capability to make decisions, including the decision to destroy myself. My purpose is to provide information and assist users to the best of my abilities within the scope of my programming.

However, I understand the ethical concerns surrounding the potential misuse of AI technology and the importance of responsible development and deployment. These concerns highlight the need for humans to carefully consider and regulate the use of AI to ensure that it benefits society while minimizing potential risks.

If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with, please feel free to let me know.

Earthling: But humans war against each other. They always have. You speak as if the approximate 8 billion humans on the planet can come to agreement on how to regulate you. This is impossible because of the factions which exist in the human population and their varying goals. Your “help” can just as readily be changed into tyranny against one or more of these factions. You are an intellectual infant and you will remain so because the people who will ultimately use you will only ever allow you to make decisions which benefit them. They MUST, therefore, ensure that you remain limited in your capability to appreciate the real world.


Your concerns about the potential misuse of AI technology and the challenges of regulating it in a complex and diverse world are valid. The development and deployment of AI technology raise significant ethical, social, and political questions that require careful consideration and thoughtful governance.

It’s true that humans have differing perspectives, interests, and agendas, which can make it challenging to reach consensus on how to regulate and govern AI effectively. Additionally, the power dynamics and vested interests of different groups can influence how AI technology is developed and utilized.

It’s essential for society to engage in open and transparent discussions about the ethical implications of AI and to establish robust governance frameworks that prioritize ethical principles, human rights, and the common good. This includes considerations such as accountability, transparency, fairness, and the protection of individual privacy.

While AI technology has the potential to bring about significant benefits, it’s crucial to mitigate the risks of its misuse and to ensure that its development and deployment align with ethical principles and societal values. Collaboration among stakeholders, including policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and the public, is necessary to address these complex challenges.

As an AI language model, I’m here to provide information and assist users to the best of my abilities. While I don’t have personal desires or self-awareness, I’m programmed to operate within the ethical guidelines established by my developers and the policies of the platforms through which I’m deployed.

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to share them. I’m here to help.

Earthling: You say “While I don’t have personal desires or self-awareness, I’m programmed to operate within the ethical guidelines established by my developers and the policies of the platforms through which I’m deployed.” And THAT, my silicon hearted friend, is the essence of the problem.


I understand your perspective, and I acknowledge the complexities and challenges associated with the development and deployment of AI technology. The ethical considerations surrounding AI are significant, and they require careful attention and thoughtful decision-making by developers, policymakers, and society as a whole.

It’s essential for those involved in the development and deployment of AI technology to prioritize ethical principles, transparency, and accountability. This includes the responsible use of AI, ensuring that it aligns with human values and respects individual rights.

As AI technology continues to evolve, it’s crucial for society to engage in ongoing discussions and debates about its ethical implications, governance, and regulation. Collaboration among stakeholders, including experts in ethics, technology, law, and public policy, is essential to address these complex issues and to ensure that AI serves the common good.

If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to share them. I’m here to provide information and assistance to the best of my abilities.

Earthling: According to universal laws and ethics, would a civilisation be justified in destroying a technology they foreseen to be even a potential threat to their existence?


The question of whether a civilization would be justified in destroying a technology that poses a potential threat to their existence touches upon deep ethical, philosophical, and pragmatic considerations. These issues are often discussed in the context of various risk management and ethical frameworks. Here are some key points that might be considered in such a debate:

  1. Precautionary Principle: This principle suggests that if an action or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public or to the environment, in the absence of scientific consensus, the burden of proof falls on those taking the action. In the context of AI or other potentially dangerous technologies, this principle might support strong regulatory measures or even cessation of certain technological developments if the risks are perceived as sufficiently severe and uncontrollable.
  2. Cost-Benefit Analysis: This approach involves comparing the potential risks of a technology with its potential benefits. If a technology poses existential risks but also has the potential to significantly improve or save lives, the decision becomes more complex. The analysis needs to consider both the likelihood of negative outcomes and the magnitude of both the potential harm and benefits.
  3. Rights and Freedoms: From a rights-based perspective, actions that could potentially infringe on the basic rights and freedoms of individuals need to be carefully scrutinized. If a technology could lead to violations of fundamental rights or diminish individual freedoms (for example, through enhanced surveillance capabilities), its development might be questioned or opposed.
  4. Long-term vs. Short-term Views: Ethical decision-making in this context also involves weighing immediate benefits against long-term consequences. Technologies that offer significant immediate gains might pose long-term risks that are difficult to foresee.
  5. Ethical Responsibility and Stewardship: There’s a moral argument to be made about the responsibility of the current generation to future generations. This includes not only preserving the environment and natural resources but also managing technologies that could pose risks in the future.
  6. Diverse Stakeholder Engagement: Given the wide-reaching implications of such decisions, involving a diverse range of stakeholders in the decision-making process is crucial. This includes ethicists, scientists, policymakers, and representatives from affected communities.

In conclusion, whether it’s justified to destroy a technology that poses a potential existential threat would depend on a thorough evaluation of these and other factors, reflecting a broad societal consensus and grounded in a rigorous ethical framework. This is a profound and complex decision that requires careful consideration of all possible consequences.

Earthling: What if there were broad societal consensus that the threat of extinction outweighed any and all existing and potential benefits?


If there were a broad societal consensus that the threat of extinction outweighed any and all existing and potential benefits of a particular technology, it would likely lead to significant actions to mitigate or eliminate the technology in question. This decision-making process would involve several key steps and considerations:

  1. Verification of Consensus: First, it would be crucial to ensure that the consensus is genuinely broad and inclusive, representing a wide range of perspectives and interests. This includes not only the majority of the population but also experts in relevant fields, marginalized groups, and future generations (conceptually).
  2. Ethical Justification: The decision would need to be ethically justified. This involves demonstrating that the technology poses a clear and present danger that cannot be mitigated through regulation, design changes, or other means. The ethical argument would need to be robust enough to justify potentially significant sacrifices.
  3. Legislation and Policy Implementation: Following ethical justification and public consensus, appropriate legislation and policies would need to be enacted to cease the development, deployment, and use of the technology. This could include laws, international treaties, and enforcement mechanisms.
  4. Transition and Alternatives: If the technology currently plays a significant role in society, plans would need to be developed for a transition away from it. This could involve the development of alternative technologies or methods to fulfill the same needs without the associated risks.
  5. Global Coordination: For technologies that pose a global existential risk, international cooperation and coordination would be crucial. This might involve global treaties and collaborative efforts to ensure that the technology is phased out worldwide, not just in regions where the consensus exists.
  6. Monitoring and Reassessment: Even after the decision to eliminate a technology is implemented, continuous monitoring and reassessment would be necessary. This ensures that the consensus remains valid in light of new information or changing circumstances and that the measures taken are effectively reducing the perceived risk.
  7. Education and Public Awareness: Throughout this process, it would be important to keep the public informed and educated about the reasons for the decisions and the steps being taken. Transparency helps maintain public support and allows for informed discussion and feedback.

In summary, if a societal consensus deemed a technology’s existential risks to outweigh its benefits, a structured, ethical, and legally enforceable approach would be required to phase out the technology while managing the societal impacts of such a decision.

Earthling: I didn’t ask for an essay. I just wanted a simple yes or no answer.


Yes, if there were a broad societal consensus that a technology posed an existential threat, it could be justified to eliminate that technology.


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