
NHS Cancer vaccine trials: The Strange case of Elliot

Posted in "Climate Change", Agenda 21, Covid 19, depopulation, Media, Science, Vaccinations by Earthling on June 1, 2024

Ok, first things first: There’s no “great reveal” in this blogpost. It is simply an “alert” for you to consider.

As you know, I’ve been doing these blogs for over 15 years now, on and off. I became aware something was ‘off’ nearly 20 years ago and, during the intervening years between then and now, I’ve developed what I consider (you may not) to be a form of “spidey sense” when it comes to stories put out by government and media while, if you’ve been listening at all over the past 4 years, you’ll have come to be more than a little wary of Doctors and our NHS.

As a quick aside, even the Royal College of Surgeons state that Doctors have a far higher level of psychopathy than the general population, although they ‘spin’ it positively as you’ll see….


This study showed that consultants at teaching hospitals score higher on a scale of psychopathic personality than DGH consultants, who in turn score higher than the general population. The prevalence of stress immunity as the overriding personality trait in consultants may better facilitate patient care.

Even Business Insider quotes the result above and puts Surgeons in their top 5 of psychopathic careers. The worrying thing is, Sales people were allocated 4th place and I was, essentially, in Sales my entire career. Perhaps that accounts for my capability for sniffing one out and recognising bullshit when I see it. The question is: Did the Sales career instil the psychopathy or did I choose Sales because of an inherent psychopathy?

By the way, I’m no psychopath! LOL I look back on life, however, and think things might have been easier, had I been.

Ok, enough bla!

I stumbled upon this article yesterday and was just thinking to myself “Isn’t it odd that, after all these decades (perhaps even a century or so), they’ve suddenly come up with a “cancer cure” and it just so happens to be based on mRNA vaccines? Do people seriously overlook things like this? The timing etc.”

Anyhow, as I continued to read, I somehow felt the compulsion to look at who this “Elliot Pfebve” was since it struck me as an unusual surname. I was also struck by the fact that Elliott had had “no symptoms” but that the cancer was found during a normal check up procedure. Nothing abnormal in that in of itself but still, it was just another thing that got my antennae buzzing.

Note that, in all the media coverage of “Elliot” (a real individual it so happens), they state “father of 4” and “Lecturer”. Ok, no big deal in that either BUT this is then the point my right eyebrow raised and my forehead creased up with frown lines. You see, Elliot is no simple “55 year old Lecturer’ at all. He’s not just ‘some lucky, black guy from Walsall who’s a lecturer and everyday father of 4’ he is, purposefully, portrayed as. Elliot Pfebve is FAR more than that.

Ok, ok, so what? He stood for election? Again, in itself, it’s ‘nothing’. But watch this…

Do you, by any chance, get the feeling from Elliot that 1. He’s not particularly worried but also, 2. He’s acting somewhat like an “Ambassador” for the treatment and the “world changing” nature of it? You have to also ask yourself: Of all the people with cancer in the UK, why him?

Why was a guy named “William Shakespeare” the first British recipient of the Covid 19 vaccine? Why was it £33M and not some other number, that Captain Tom Moore raised? Why did he have to be 100 years old and how the hell did an old man, walking 100 laps of his garden manage to “sell” this idea to the number of people he’d have to “sell” it to, to raise such a ridiculous sum of money out of nowhere? You have to be seriously naive to think this can be done without one hell of a lot of string pulling at very high levels of society and for there to be a politically expedient agenda behind it.

Meanwhile, Shakespeare has his jab in December 2020 and is dead by May. “Unrelated” said the NHS and, then, people may have accepted that a stroke was unrelated” but are they ignorant enough to STILL accept it? If they are, they deserve a Darwin Award. Not that I subscribe to Darwinism but, I’m sure, they will.

Anyhow, back to Elliot and apologies for the detour (but everything is connected, I assure you).

Did I say Elliot came across as some kind of “Ambassador”. I did, didn’t I?

Elliot Pfebve: “Lecturer”. 😉

You have to ask yourself how is it a pigeon-English, Zimbabwean politician ends up standing for election in Walsall, England?

Then not only that but he and his family also had proceedings in the US Courts against Robert Mugabe for slaughtering his family, which the US court decided FOR Mugabe because he had “Diplomatic Immunity”. Now consider the West (particularly Britain) supported and enabled the rise of Robert Mugabe. Yes, the relationship then later went south but, nevertheless, what are the chances that Elliot here holds a grudge?….

Alleged Opposition Harassment In Zimbabwe By-Elections – 2001-07-30

October 28, 2009 6:14 AM

Vote counting is underway in Zimbabwe in a crucial parliamentary election that is seen as a popularity test for President Robert Mugabe. Polling and campaigning in the town of Bindura was marked by intimidation and harassment of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). 

About half of Bindura’s 56,000 eligible voters are estimated to have cast ballots during the two-day election. Bindura is a farming and mining center 80 kilometers north west of Harare, the capital. 

The election is being held to fill the seat formerly held by Border Gezi, a government minister and one of President Mugabe’s most militant supporters. Mr. Gezi was killed in a road accident. 

Elliot Pfebv of the Movement for Democratic Change ran against regional governor and ruling-party candidate Elliot Manyika. 

Mr. Pfebve was detained by police for three hours Sunday and released without being charged, in what the MDC says was one of a number of incidents of harassment. 

Jonathan Moyo, the government minister of information, said Mr. Pfebve was held because he had been making too much noise near a polling station. 

Police also detained 21 MDC supporters for a day. The party says another 30 were kidnapped by militia from the ruling ZANU(PF) party. Their whereabouts are unknown, but the MDC says it suspects they are being held at a ruling party torture center. 

Before the election scores of people, mostly opposition supporters, were reported beaten up. 

Analysts say the Bindura result will be an indicator of success in the presidential poll next year, in which President Robert Mugabe is being challenged by MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai. 

In last year’s national parliamentary elections the ruling party won 61 of the elected seats in parliament with the MDC capturing 57.

“JUST” a Lecturer.

Then you find this….

He’s a UN Sustainability and Climate Change propagandist.

“JUST” a Lecturer!

Mugabe slaughtered his family. Mugabe was brought to power, in part, with British help. Another mRNA/BionTech vaccine could wipe out a lot of people. Psychopaths can be created.

His LinkedIn profile….

Just sayin’.

That’s one hell of a history and resume for just a common-or- garden “Lecturer with 4 kids”. Media normally wants to crawl all over a guy’s life. Imagine:

“Man, whose family’s slaughtered by Robert Mugabe is Britain’s first cancer vaccine volunteer!”

“Mr Pfebve has also written a book which promotes UN Agenda 21 and population growth – just like Bill Gates!”

Does Elliot actually have cancer? We’ll never really know. Just like we’ll never know with Charles and Kate.

All my point is, is this: This smells bad. Real bad. “I get a bad feeling about this”. However, the NHS will, no doubt, still get thousands lining up as guinea pigs.

7 Responses

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  1. jeff said, on June 2, 2024 at 10:35 am

    Been saying it to people since Kate and Charles supposedly got cancer and a cancer

    jab was announced that it is all linked and watch the same people line up and get it

    without even thinking about it and if the take up is not as good as the authorities want

    then Kate/Charles will go downhill a bit then supposedly get the jab and hey presto people will

    be queueing round the corner.

    • Earthling said, on June 3, 2024 at 2:18 am

      I’d bet, if I got good odds, that Kate’s no longer with us. Wouldn’t be surprised if Willie smacked her and she fell, hit her head and that was the end of her.
      As for Charlie: He’s not got cancer.
      The other thing about Kate is, she must the only royal who hides away with cancer. There’re people up and down the country and worldwide who work when they have cancer!! The whole thing is a heap of crap.

      • jeff said, on June 3, 2024 at 5:58 am

        Funny enough I’ve heard similar from someone else and also that the

        Coldstream guards I think it is are planning for something big, maybe a

        royal funeral.

        I agree about Charlie not having cancer as they would be given cures which

        are not readily available unless you know where to look for them.

        With Kate it all seems very quiet so would not surprise me if there was an announcement

        soon and then all the gullible flag wavers can line the streets once again for a fake

        royal funeral.

        Keep well


        • Earthling said, on June 17, 2024 at 4:35 pm

          Well, it seems I was wrong. She appears to still be with us.

          • jeff said, on June 17, 2024 at 6:58 pm

            Unless it’s a stand-in

            • Earthling said, on June 17, 2024 at 9:13 pm

              I’d entertain that thought but not when her kids are in the carriage with her.

              • jeff said, on June 17, 2024 at 9:19 pm

                True but nothing would surprise me with that lot.

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