
National Archives kept secret: British Zionist War Cabinet 1917

Posted in Political History, The Corrupt SOB's by Earthling on July 28, 2016

[Edit 1 Nov 2023:

You know what’s hilarious? You bring up the fact that the Israeli state was born out of terrorism in 1948 and the supporters of the regime will say “oh that’s ancient history for goodness sakes!” yet, in the same breath, they’ll say “Palestine is the rightful home of the jews because we were there 2000 years ago!”.
When the jewish Irgun and Stern Gang blew up the King David hotel in 1946 and killed 91 people, they were branded terrorists by the British Government AND YET we left them, within 2 years (due to more and more terrorism) to get on with it and create their “Israel” while throwing out the Palestinians.
We didn’t support the Palestinians against the terrorism which the jews wrought against them in their own homeland. Why?
Here’s why….]


I think it’s pretty clear that I despise my government, the Judges who protect it, the Monarchy and the Armed Forces/Police who do their will in abject ignorance. I also some are not ignorant but, as one cop said to me recently: “It’s every man/woman for themselves. We all have families to feed and nothing’s gonna change”. So he/she knows it’s screwed up and that he/she is a part of it and simply does as he/she is told, BUT “Selfishness rules in society so we take care of ourselves”.

And you know what? He/She is right. What a pity huh?

So, when it comes to Arms and Defence companies etc, the people who work there are doing so because it’s a job even though they know (or don’t think or care about it) it kills tens of thousands or even millions of innocents. Not that long ago, I blamed them. I don’t any longer because I agree, it really is every man for themselves this life. Not what i would prefer but it’s how it is.

Does that stop me trying to bring facts and truth to your attention? No. I just did. What I just said above is the truth and a fact. Sure, sure there will be many of you out there saying “We’re not all like that” but you know what? You are!

So here we have Palestine attempting to sue the British government based on the agreement with Jews (NOT only zionists but JEWS!) re the Balfour Declaration. The treaty demanded by the Rothschild bitches!

Palestine to sue Britain BBC

Palestine to sue Britain 2

And can you blame them? I can’t. We’re a despicable, cuckolded bunch of monarchical subjects ruled over by a Zionist Occupied Government and we think we’re a “free nation” while we plod along in our empty fucking lives trying to scrape a living while our successive governments suck on the tit of the jewish diaspora of the west who actually hate our guts but smile sweetly at us (they’re so fucking good at that!) and most of us are outraged by anyone who steps out of line and shines the light on these bunch of leeches and we call those who do, “Anti semite”. It’s been drilled into us for our entire lives to believe the little hook nosed cretins can do no wrong, have been persecuted by every nation on the planet (I wonder why? – That was rhetorical if you didn’t suss it) and are “God’s chosen” ( a belief they projected onto Hitler and the NSDAP – Nazis to most of you – to demonise them. The irony!).

Well, if you tend to research a bit, you pick up on a lot (and some of you pick up on crap and believe it by the way) but when you dig further and further, you “stumble” upon more and more, deeper and deeper and facts that make your hair stand on end or your jaw drop.

I’ve had this for years but, only now for some reason, thought it pertinent to blog it. That is these pages out of the British National Archives. They make sickening reading.


B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8

B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19

B20 B21


But those infinitesimally small percentage of the human race are a tight little tribe and they owe so much of their wealth, position and power in all areas to just a few families who find the Old Testament or Torah a very VERY useful tool. One of those families you know well of course. They have their name emblazoned across the most central and well known street (they call it a Boulevard of course) in Tel Aviv and here it is in 1913 and today (notice the nice chequered paving):

Rothschild Boulevard 2843266734_66943526c3_b stock-photo-tel-aviv-isr-apr-rothschild-boulevard-street-sign-in-tel-aviv-israel-it-s-one-of-the-285217451 rotchild1w


They STOLE the land and they used terrorism to do so and Rothschild walks free today while people like Menachem Begin (a bloody terrorist) became Prime Minister. A terrorist that blew up the British Government HQ and killed British men and women as well as Arabs to achieve his goal. Today? Britain actually celebrates the founding of Israel. Founded upon British service men and women’s blood. And you expect me to “cry for our boys and girls in uniform” while they go abroad to STILL fight Jewish wars? You’re joking right?

I’d sooner join what you consider as the Nazi Party!


So yes Palestine, sue the shit out of the British Government because, before they clandestinely decided Palestine was going to be flooded with Russian and Eastern European Jews so they may create a “National home for the jews” (read: Israel), you lived and worked that land peacefully over generations. My government gave your land to these alien cretins for their own purposes (probably paid handsomely and why the British government and Monarchy support Israel to this day) and without any discussion/negotiation with those of you who already lived there. But that’s nothing new. Our government have cause the misplacing of peoples from their homes for centuries. Ask the American Indian or ask those Chagossians who they threw off their lands at gunpoint to provide for a Naval and Air base on Diego Garcia for the Americans.



As an aside and regarding the Chagossians returning to The Changos Islands, it is laughable. You see:

“Under the terms of the 1966 lease the US have an option to extend the lease for 20 years in December 2016.” and it is highly likely that the Americans will extend the lease. The problem is for them (and the Chagossians) is that the maximum elevation above mean low water of Diego Garcia, for example, is just 30 feet.

Our governments kind of ignore stuff like that (and don’t like you thinking about it) when it comes to this subject of the ever so scary “Climate Change”. Ever wondered why? 😉

“Yes, sure you can go back to your Islands. Sorry about chucking you off, we thought you looked scary……… Oops! Sorry again! We forgot to tell you about sea levels rising due to global warming….. ummm I mean climate change….. ummm….. oh nevermind. Is it deep? Can you hear us?….. Well admiral, we got rid of them again. This time by “natural causes””.


Chagos islanders

Now, to add further to the above: My blogpost from March 24th 2011….


TO ALL THOSE MPs NOT MEMBERS OF THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL I SAY: “What? Are you stupid? Don’t you think of your career?”

The young rabbi, Yaakov Yisrael Dahan was murdered on July 1, 1924. He was a man who devoted all his energies and the best years of his life to saving the remnant of loyal Jews, and to promote peace with the veteran Arab residents of the Holy Land. Through his knowledge of politics and diplomacy, Dahan contributed much to crystallizing an independent position for Orthodox Jewry unaffiliated with the Zionist leadership.

At a time when the first followers of the Zionist movement began streaming into the Holy Land in large numbers, defiling the holiness of the land, and by virtue of their idiotic ideas began to work to expel the Arabs who had been living there for centuries in order to establish a Zionist state.

The Zionists first approached the British authorities by pretending to present themselves as the representatives of the Jewish nation, who desired to establish a “national home” without any regard whatsoever of the fact that the vast majority of the Jewish People opposed Zionism in those days. However, through their various contacts, the Zionists managed to bring about the Balfour Declaration (known among our rabbis of the time as the Baal Peor Declaration – a pun referring to the idolatry mentioned in the Bible), based on the “right” of the Jews to establish a state in Palestine, and ultimately the state itself to our great misfortune.

Read more about the murder of Dr. DeHaan in online book, “A Martyr’s Message” by Emil Marmorstein

Good relations existed between the Jewish and Arab communities, and the leadership of the Orthodox Jewish community conducted themselves according to the principles of Judaism, never provoking their non-Jewish neighbors. The Arabs were very friendly and neighborly, and a spirit of mutual respect was typical.

When the winds of Zionism began to blow through Palestine, the Arabs began to change their attitude because of the fact that they heard that the “Jews” wanted to grab the Land from them and expel them. Of course, they did not distinguish between the Zionist troublemakers and the members of the loyal authentic Jewish community that advocated tolerance and peace. There were outbreaks of violence here and there, until bloodshed began and many people died.

However, instead of learning from this experience that brought suffering upon the Jewish People in the Holy Land, and ceasing their dangerous lawless behavior, the Zionists used these events as “additional proof” for the need for a state and an army to protect the Jews from violence. Jewish blood was of no importance to the Zionists in comparison to their “lofty” nationalist goals.

It was clear to the leaders of the Orthodox community that there was an immediate need for an organization to confront the Zionist organization, and demand that the British desist from endorsing the idea of a Zionist state, and resolve Arab-Jewish tensions peacefully.

A great and unexpected opportunity presented itself in the form of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Dahan, who had embraced Judaism from a life of secularism, and had made his way to the Orthodox community of Jerusalem during those difficult days. He sensed the truth, and from then on never ceased to march with the great rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, who wisely advised Dahan.

Dahan established extensive contacts with many governmental authorities in Europe, including the English, and proceeded to carry out his work immediately. In no time at all he transformed the loyal Jewish community from a tiny one without any international recognition to a community standing up against the Zionist heretics. He and other members of the community represented the Orthodox Jews under the name of “Eida Haredis” (G-d-Fearing Community), and represented the position of the loyal Jewish community.

It goes without saying that the Eida Haredis was accepted warmly among non-Jews, much more so than was the case with the Zionists – both because of the fact that the Eida Haredis represented traditional, authentic Judaism against Zionism that openly rejected Judaism in its entirety, and because of the fact that the Orthodox position made more sense in order to prevent bloodshed and promote harmony in Palestine.

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld
View the video of Rabbi Sonnenfeld
meeting with Lord Winston Churchill
to see film images of Dr. DeHaan

Rabbi Dahan then organized a delegation of Orthodox leaders to meet with Arab leaders headed by King Abdullah. The Jewish delegation was headed by Rabbi Zonnenfeld, and was welcomed by the Arabs like royalty. The king even gave them expensive gifts as a sign of his affection. Of course the Zionists were gritting their teeth when they learned of this event, and saw the possibility that all of their projects may end up collapsing in front of their very eyes. The Zionists began their attacks against the loyal Jewish community in general, and against Rabbi Dahan in particular. They slandered him with increasing brutality until they went so far as to call for his murder.

In those days the G-d-fearing Jews were persecuted greatly by the Zionists, and whenever they ran into Dahan in the street they would insult him. However, Dahan never ceased his holy work on behalf of our rabbis. When the Zionists realized that their persecution of Dahan had no effect, they decided to kill him.

In a plan approved by the leading Haganah Zionists a number of young Zionists encountered Rabbi Dahan as he left the Shaarei Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. The Zionist Avraham Tahomi, may his name be obliterated, shot Dahan three times in the chest, and shortly thereafter Dahan expired, returning his soul to heaven. This murder was carried out with the approval of the Zionist leadership.

On that fateful day of July 1, 1924, when the Zionists committed their crime, for which we suffer to this very day and still do not see the end in sight, they shot him in his pure heart. But they did not only shoot him and kill him, but they shot and killed the entire People, thereby preventing any plan that did not comply with their wicked intentions.

Nevertheless, some seventy-eight years after that horrible day, there is still a community of Jews following in the authentic path, and refusing to bow to the Zionist idol. It is in large measure due to the selfless holy efforts of Yaakov Dahan, a martyr of his people who paved the way with self-sacrifice that there are still Jews who refuse to succumb to the Zionist regime of heretics despite the fact that the Zionists overpower the authentic Jews with their laws and power. It is in the merit of Yaakov Dahan that there are still Jews today throughout the world who stand and announce unflinchingly their unswerving loyalty to the countries in which they live, and that there are still Jews in this world who declare to the nations of world that the Zionists and their state have no link with Judaism or the Jewish People.

His murder proved to every loyal Jew that the Zionists appearing on the scene were no friends of the Jewish People, but were murderers who hated Judaism, something that was the beginning of the opportunity of recognizing the enemy. On the most recent anniversary of Dahan’s murder we remembered the good work of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Dahan on behalf of authentic Judaism in his war against Zionism and its wicked plans. Let us learn from his work to strengthen our resolve and dedication in refusing to bow to the Zionist idol, and to pray for divine providence to redeem the world.

British Parliamentary record on news of the murder.

When it came to ISRAEL (and still to this day, when it comes to ISRAEL), the British government feel they should never intervene. Everywhere else is fine. But if Israel wishes to be brutal, that’s just hunky dory. It’s none of our business. Funny that isn’t it? I can only surmise it must be because ISRAEL is a “democracy” and in democracies, brutality is fine. Well, it doesn’t really happen in democracies after all does it? It’s always just “an unfortunate error” like the Police knocking down an innocent bystander who dies hours later or “Oops! We shot him in the head SEVEN times but we really thought he had a bomb”.

Isn’t that right, UK government? You read the above and know it’s true because it actually happened!

PLEDGES to the Head Zionist Lord Rothschild – the family which owns and controls ISRAEL:

A Commons exchange in 1982 which offers a little insight:

Another little exchange within Parliament decades earlier:

Now, I may say THIS is a cracker: A solid parliamentary statement referring to the Zionist organisation’s affiliations with the Nazis:

Reference to the IRGUN Jewish Extremists while Palestine was still governed by the British:

The desperation of the British Government not to equate Zionist organisations with terrorism. They can’t be called “Jews” and they can’t be called “Zionists” so we’ll call them “abnormal sort of zionist kind of terrorist groups”:

No no no, WE don’t supply money to zionist terrorist groups! We just supply money through “charities” to zionist organisations. We can’t be thought of as having supplied arms to the Irgun who ended up blasting our people and other jews and arabs to kingdom come in the King David hotel and a host of other incidents now can we?

So question: WHERE did these groups get their arms from and the money to equip themselves? Was our government of Palestine so impotent at the time? LOL

12th August 1947 British Parliament:

Even in the British Parliament, the same “card” is used if anyone has the audacity to criticise Israel. The “Anti Semite” card gets played every time (while Lord Rothschild keeps a check on who’s who):

7 Responses

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  1. David Levy said, on March 24, 2011 at 1:34 pm(Edit)Earthling, A very well put together story. However I must say that that is what it remains. A storyAll Zionism is is the expression of will of the Jewish nation to have control over their own matters and to live as a nation in the land where they have had a continual and uninterrupted presence for over 4000 yearsThere is nothing evil in thatThe majority of Jews where forcibly deported by the Romans and scattered to the far corners of the roman empire and The Arabs invaded Judea in 633ad and started a process of colonisation. You seem to forget thatConsider a similar modern example
    How do you think the Tibetans feel about the forcible evictions that have taken place in Tibet over the last 60 years by the Chinese?
    Is Chinese colonisation of Tibet morally right?
    Do those Tibetans that are forced to live in exile ever feel that are no longer Tibetan?
    Do those Tibetans that are forced to live in exile no longer have a claim on Tibet?No they will always be Tibetan and the Chinese will always be invaders.The same applies with the Jews. The Arabs are the invaders
    – The instruction by Mohammed to his generals to invade Judea is recorded by Islamic scholars
    – The actual invasion of Judea is recorded in great detail
    – The laws that reduced Jews and Christians to second class citizens is recorded by Islamic scholars in great detailYou’ve gone to great lengths in a number of posts to demonise Zionism and connect it with the basest and most despicable parts of human natureIt’s just pure racism- nothing else.You also ignore the modern day apartheid that is so common and extensive in the Islamic world where non-Muslims have almost no rights- other than what Sharia allows- which is very littleWhy do you – and the entire so called liberal movement- ignore the plight of some 250 million Christians, Hindus & Buddhists that are under the very real apartheid style rule of sharia law- the original apartheid system?Reply
    •  earthlinggb said, on March 24, 2011 at 4:42 pm (Edit)A “presence”. Yes, as they did immediately prior to the State of Israel. They had a presence then too or do you ignore that Mr Levy as an out and out zionist?
      Why then, is it “racism” for British Christians (our Constitution being based on the Christian religion) and “evil”?
      Hypocrisy Mr Levy. Pure and simple. I tend to lean toward there being total integration of people but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to work too well. Yet here we are, with you zionists using the “anti semite” and “racist” card continuously without fail, if one says “Look at Israel”. By wanting a jewish only state, it is inherently, at its core, racist.
      You people consistently hark back thousands of years to justify yourselves while, the point is, the human race is an evolving experiment. You seem to be unable to evolve and move forward. Always and forever using the same old tried and trusted formula: “Thousands of years” and “The holocaust”.
      It has lost its flavour a LONG time ago. The rest of the world moved on (yes even the Islamic world to a great extent) but it is you who keeps it alive. NOT for jews but for political aspirations, as was always the zionist cause.
      You’re right “It’s just pure racism – nothing else” One country on the face of the earth reserved for a single “tribe”. Yep, have to agree with you. THAT is racism! 🙂
      As for your “invasion” issues, I’m sure the Tibetans ARE pissed as they should be. Just as the Palestinians should be regarding 1948. But you will go back centuries again when I have just said: That is an unfortunate part of the human race’s evolution and we cannot change history but, in a zionist’s head, they will always wish to.
      And last thing, once more: The vast majority of settlers in Israel were European jews (originating in Khazaria) so, once more, your “claim” to it having been “your” land is entirely and utterly false. Of that you are well aware. You HAVE no link to the jews of 4000 years ago. None whatsoever.
      Now, 3 strikes and you’re out. Use the “racist” or “anti semite” tag on me once more and you’re history. Which would, in reference to zionism, be the best place for it.Reply
  2. David Levy said, on March 24, 2011 at 1:38 pm(Edit)has there ever been a state that wasn’t born out of violence?Reply
    • earthlinggb said, on March 24, 2011 at 4:25 pm(Edit)That is your “justification” now is it? While the British GAVE a PORTION of the Palestine territory to the ZIONISTS (not the jews), the Zionist blow the hell out of the British soon afterward (including jews and Arabs). While, at the time, the vast majority of jews (who were, in fact opposed to zionism) opposed the idea of Israel.Reply
      •  earthlinggb said, on March 24, 2011 at 4:45 pm (Edit)Oh and one final thing: Everything to you people is just a “story” no matter what facts and evidence is provided. The facts are evaded while you make bold statements that everything is JUST a “story” even if the facts are there but don’t match up with YOUR promulgated version of events. Try contradicting facts with specific evidences. Difficult when they’re facts isn’t it?Reply
  3. David Levy said, on March 25, 2011 at 7:04 am(Edit)LOL, three strikes and I’m out?A few weeks ago I posted a question about who the real fascists where. I compared Jihad watch – which is continually accused of being a racist fascist site to Israeli which is supposed to be a liberal siteJihad watch allows all view to be expressed and hundreds of Muslims, Islamic scholar’s and “liberals” post their views there arguing their points without censoring and harassment.On the other hand Israeli will not allow even the most mild disagreement with any of their stories to be posted- I’ve been trying for 2 years to get once critical comment posted without any successSo where are the real fascists found?Anyway that was just something for you to consider. I don’t care if you post my comments- I will still send them to youBack to the subject at handThe largest organisation of states in the world after the UN is the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) an Association of 56 Islamic states promoting Muslim solidarity in economic, social, and political affairs.That’s how all those countries describe themselves – Islamic states. Each and every one of Israel’s neighbours is a member of the OIC and thus a self-described Islamic State“By wanting a jewish only state, it is inherently, at its core, racist.”Why don’t I hear the same condemnation from you concerning Israel’s neighbours? The very definition of racism is to have different standards for different races and that is exactly what you are doing with Israel. You apply one standard to the Jews and yet apply another standard to her neighbours.Yes in Israel there are problems and there is racism in Israeli society. Is it worse than the racism found in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc???Far from it. In those countries the racism is legislated and Non-Muslims have fewer rights than Muslims, as per sharia law. Which, by the way, is how the Jews have been forced to live for 1400 years under Islamic rule- as second class citizens. If you want to talk about apartheid Sharia is a great place to start.Israel on the other hand has a constitution that guarantees the same rights for all races and religions inside Israel. Are those laws always perfectly implemented? NO- I will be the first to say so.However whatever Israel has to do to become a “perfect” example of a humanitarian state is miniscule compared to what any of the surrounding Islamic states have to do just to get to where Israel is today on protecting minority rights. Would you like to debate that further?What I’m confused about is why “liberals” love to tear into Israel and yet ignore the human rights abuses going on around Israel.A perfect comparison is the a recent event in Egypt of which I doubt you know anything or if you do know something you’ve chosen to ignore itTwo weeks ago Egyptian military, backed by a rioting mob of 15000 Muslims opens fire on a peaceful Coptic Christian protest killing 13(so far) and seriously injuring over 150.How does the world media react- it tries to turn the situation around and down plays the whole event and specifically the Muslim aggression against Christians as the product of “reciprocal strife” and not as part of a longer more sustained government endorse persecution of non-Muslims and that the military not only opened fire on unarmed civilians but unarmed civilians that had called for the military’s help as they were already under fire from a Muslim mobyou can already hear that the news agencies are dying to sweep this under the rug as it just doesn’t fit into what they want to report on in the Muslim world and they certainly don’t want to upset the MuslimsAre the UN Human Rights Council and EU going to order investigations?LOL – that would be the dayCompare that to the Gaza Convoy. Israel peacefully boards a convey to search in case of an illegal weapons transfer. All the ship boarding’s go ahead peacefully except for one ship which is staffed by IHH activists- an extremist organisations that trains with Islamic Jihad- who attack the Israeli soldiers. 9 Turkish IHH terrorists are killedThe world goes into a bloodthirsty frenzy over Israel – the UN and EU orders investigations and the fracas continues for months and even stupid books ( midnight over the Mari or some rubbish) are written about this made for media eventI remember your posts during that period- full of righteous indignation condemning Israel, Jews and anyone who dared defend Israel’s actionsWhere were your same condemnations when Arab’s killed Christians or do their lives not matter as much in your “integrated” world Mr Earthling?Reply
    •  earthlinggb said, on March 26, 2011 at 2:23 am (Edit)Point 1: LOL, three strikes and I’m out?REPLY: Yes.Point 2: A few weeks ago I posted a question about who the real fascists where. I compared Jihad watch – which is continually accused of being a racist fascist site to Israeli which is supposed to be a liberal siteJihad watch allows all view to be expressed and hundreds of Muslims, Islamic scholar’s and “liberals” post their views there arguing their points without censoring and harassment.On the other hand Israeli will not allow even the most mild disagreement with any of their stories to be posted- I’ve been trying for 2 years to get once critical comment posted without any successSo where are the real fascists found?REPLY: Of no consequence to me. I have never even seen these sites and would not know of their MO. My point is, once more – You use the “racist” or “anti semite” card once more and you’re deleted.Point 3: Anyway that was just something for you to consider. I don’t care if you post my comments- I will still send them to youREPLY: You’re welcome to with the one stipulation as above. Cross that line and it won’t matter how many you send, it will be a total waste of your time.Point 3: Back to the subject at handREPLY: Yes, let’s.Point 4: The largest organisation of states in the world after the UN is the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) an Association of 56 Islamic states promoting Muslim solidarity in economic, social, and political affairs.That’s how all those countries describe themselves – Islamic states. Each and every one of Israel’s neighbours is a member of the OIC and thus a self-described Islamic State“By wanting a jewish only state, it is inherently, at its core, racist.”Why don’t I hear the same condemnation from you concerning Israel’s neighbours? The very definition of racism is to have different standards for different races and that is exactly what you are doing with Israel. You apply one standard to the Jews and yet apply another standard to her neighbours.REPLY: Provide a single example of my having applied different standards. I believe ALL religious bigotry to be repugnant. That goes for Christian and Islamic and any other. I despise fundamentalism, for want of a better term, in any shape or form.Point 5: Yes in Israel there are problems and there is racism in Israeli society. Is it worse than the racism found in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc???REPLY: Among the ignorant, I would say there is absolutely no difference in any racism.Point 6: Far from it. In those countries the racism is legislated and Non-Muslims have fewer rights than Muslims, as per sharia law. Which, by the way, is how the Jews have been forced to live for 1400 years under Islamic rule- as second class citizens. If you want to talk about apartheid Sharia is a great place to start.REPLY: It is not only under sharia law that jews have been forced to live as second class citizens over the course of the last 1400 years. They have been treated very similarly in almost all countries they have settled in during long periods within that timescale.Point 7: Israel on the other hand has a constitution that guarantees the same rights for all races and religions inside Israel. Are those laws always perfectly implemented? NO- I will be the first to say so.However whatever Israel has to do to become a “perfect” example of a humanitarian state is miniscule compared to what any of the surrounding Islamic states have to do just to get to where Israel is today on protecting minority rights. Would you like to debate that further?REPLY: Have you been to Israel? But aside from that, my points on my blog, very rarely have much to do with the “Joe Bloggs” man in the street of any nation. There are racist everywhere – in every town, city and country in the world. The vast majority of them are ignorant and racist out of a fear. It is the manipulators of such that I am far more interested in. While it must be stated, again and again, that the ruling class in Israel (and ANY country) are the issue and, again, specifically in Israel, that ruling class is deceptive in its use of the “anti semite” card when finding itself under attack for its policies. They were never semitic people in their entire history. They were European, Ashkenazi “jews” and still are to this day. They use and abuse the “jewish” label and always have done since the zionist movement began.Point 8: What I’m confused about is why “liberals” love to tear into Israel and yet ignore the human rights abuses going on around Israel.REPLY: I wouldn’t know about “liberals”. It is a tag I don’t recognise just as I do not recognise a “conservative” or a “socialist”. All false labels because people are individuals. If you wish to box people with tags by all means do so. I got bored with that shit a LONG time ago. In fact, I have never even subscribed to it.Point 9: A perfect comparison is the a recent event in Egypt of which I doubt you know anything or if you do know something you’ve chosen to ignore itTwo weeks ago Egyptian military, backed by a rioting mob of 15000 Muslims opens fire on a peaceful Coptic Christian protest killing 13(so far) and seriously injuring over 150.How does the world media react- it tries to turn the situation around and down plays the whole event and specifically the Muslim aggression against Christians as the product of “reciprocal strife” and not as part of a longer more sustained government endorse persecution of non-Muslims and that the military not only opened fire on unarmed civilians but unarmed civilians that had called for the military’s help as they were already under fire from a Muslim mobyou can already hear that the news agencies are dying to sweep this under the rug as it just doesn’t fit into what they want to report on in the Muslim world and they certainly don’t want to upset the MuslimsAre the UN Human Rights Council and EU going to order investigations?LOL – that would be the dayREPLY: I’m one person looking into entirely different aspects of what is going on and why. My research is mainly on banking and law in the west. That is what led me to study the influence of zionism. I’m afraid to cover the entire spectrum of world issues would necessitate I buy out Reuters from Mr Rothschild. It may just be a little too expensive for me.Point 10: Compare that to the Gaza Convoy. Israel peacefully boards a convey to search in case of an illegal weapons transfer. All the ship boarding’s go ahead peacefully except for one ship which is staffed by IHH activists- an extremist organisations that trains with Islamic Jihad- who attack the Israeli soldiers. 9 Turkish IHH terrorists are killedThe world goes into a bloodthirsty frenzy over Israel – the UN and EU orders investigations and the fracas continues for months and even stupid books ( midnight over the Mari or some rubbish) are written about this made for media eventI remember your posts during that period- full of righteous indignation condemning Israel, Jews and anyone who dared defend Israel’s actionsREPLY: The IDF peacefully boards a convoy? The IDF were firing before they even landed on the ship. Did they find weapons? Not a single one. So they murdered 9 “terrorists”. “Terrorists” with not a single gun or grenade between them. If they had been terrorists at least ONE IDF soldier would have been shot dead as they slipped down the ropes. This “terrorist” bullshit is a joke. While you ignore the point about the Stern Gang using terrorism and blowing the King David to smithereens. They weren’t “terrorists”just “has there ever been a state that wasn’t born out of violence?”
      Swerve and evade every time.Point 11: Where were your same condemnations when Arab’s killed Christians or do their lives not matter as much in your “integrated” world Mr Earthling?REPLY: Accept my condemnation. I have already covered that above. Every life matters Mr Levy but I’m afraid, as I said, I can’t cover every human woe or event and have no intention of. My intentions are to expose corruptions that I have the time and energy to expose and, as I and many others have recognised, Zionism is not only a racist ideology but it impacts the entire globe across many (and most) aspects of life. It also has (and has had for centuries) a direct impact on the state of life in the UK whereas, up until a few short years ago, Islam had no impact. There is a reason it does now and it is the same source which has caused it: Zionism.

Regarding Mr Levy and his ilk: They consistently attempt the”antisemite” label – as you can readily see above – by creating a ‘strawman’ argument which goes like this:

“Death, murder, oppression and apartheid happens elsewhere too and I don’t see you mention it? Therefore, you are holding Israel and jews to a different standard than others”.

There are a few issues with that argument I hope you can recognise.

  1. He is (and they do, generally) arguing that, because death, murder and oppression happens elsewhere, Israel (and jews) should, therefore, be able and allowed to execute the same behaviours with the same level of criticism. He, and others like him, don’t seem to ever appreciate that those of us who criticise Israeli/Jewish actions, also criticise, for instance, Hamas or the Chinese treatment of the Uyghurs or any one of a number of oppressive regimes. My God! I criticise the British regime more than anyone (and the Scottish) and I am both, British and Scottish! Our western democracy regime is as full of shit as any other! However, there is an obvious predilection in the entire west, toward zionism and jewishness and there MUST be a reason for it. I just happen to have read and researched into it for some many years now. It certainly exists but the question is why it exists? The only answer I can ever come up with is the money angle for it is quite clear that, for a very tiny percentage of the human race that they are, jews certainly have the greatest wealth and control over many global institutions.
  2. Jews hold themselves to a different standard than the entire rest of the human race! This is an obvious fact! They promote themselves as “God’s Chosen” (I always wonder who their ‘God’ is?) and a “light unto the world”. Even Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs stated, during the 2007 – 2009 economic crisis (a completely planned event by the way) that he was doing “God’s Work” – An actual quote from the man! So, to be so ‘enlightened’ a ‘race’ (or religion? We never are quite sure, are we?) and be so close to God, wouldn’t you expect they would act appropriately? Wouldn’t you expect such a ‘perfect race’ (sounds a bit like ‘supreme race’ or even ‘master race’ to me – how odd! Or is it? Ever heard of ‘Projection’?) to have a higher standard than “An eye for an eye”?

But “an eye for an eye” does, in fact, fit with the teaching of the Old Testament/Torah God (or “G-d”) whereas it does not exactly cohere with the Christian god of the New Testament. Perhaps this is why, in the 1800s, when Lionel Rothschild became the very first, non Christian (Jewish) MP to be allowed to take his seat in Parliament whereas before, every MP had to swear on the NEW testament, Rothschild refused and, eventually, after much hoohah, was allowed to swear on the OLD testament.

There had to (and has to) be a reason for that, right? To me, it’s clear what that reason is.